Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo Twitter’s Fake News Problem

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Media
Stephen E. Arnold

Twitter: Designed for Interesting Messaging

Fake news is getting harder to control and social media networks makes it harder to weed out the truth from the lies. Engadget shares how, “Twitter’s Fake News Problem Is Getting Worse” and how tragedy exacerbates the problem. For example, when a crazed shooter opened fired at a high school in Parkland, Florida, social media, including Twitter, helped spread fake news. The fake news misidentified the gunman, the number of gunmen, how a comedian was one of the shooters when it was just a meme, and misidentified missing people.

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James Fetzer: Prelude to Legal Action Against #GoogleGestapo

Commerce, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Jim Fetzer

Something you might want to review on the potential for legal action on YouTube and the other social media who are wreaking havoc on the alternative media, see

They are headquartered in Silicon Valley, CA, and therefore under California law.

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Congressional Research Service: Legal Sidebar on Russian Election Trolling — Robert Steele Evaluates Charles Doyle (B- for Facts, F- for Context)

Cultural Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Impotency

CRS Legal Sidebar Prepared for Members and Committees of Congress

Russians Indicted for Online Election Trolling

Charles Doyle
Senior Specialist in American Public Law

February 21, 2018

Full Text and Strong Comment Below the Fold

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Berto Jongman: Pentagon Plans $500M for Guantanamo UPDATE 1: Deep State Use?

Corruption, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military
Berto Jongman

Trump’s Pentagon wants to spend almost $500 million on Guantánamo construction

Phi Beta Iota: Criminal insanity is alive and well under the leadership of Secretary of Defense James Mattis. The Pentagon consumes 60% of our disposable budget, is 50% waste, and cannot win wars.  Say what?

On a positive note:

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Stephen E. Arnold: CIA Seeks Universal Text Translator [Robert Steele: CIA Remains Stupid, Has Not Learned a Damn Thing Since 1986]

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude
Stephen E. Arnold

Universal Text Translation Is the Next Milestone for AI

As the globe gets smaller, individuals are in more contact with people who don’t speak their language. Or, we are reading information written in a foreign language. Programs like Google Translate are flawed at best and it is clear this is a niche waiting to be filled. With the increase of AI, it looks like that is about to happen, according to a recent GCN article, “IARPA Contracts for Universal Text Translator.”

Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: CIA Seeks Universal Text Translator [Robert Steele: CIA Remains Stupid, Has Not Learned a Damn Thing Since 1986]”