Sterling Harwood: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – fails to check the facts about Sandy Hook or it is complicit

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media

Sterling Harwood: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – fails to check the facts about Sandy Hook or it is complicit

Mr. President, is the #1 place many turn when hearing about a conspiracy theory, such as that the Sandy Hook shooting was faked, for the very first time. has done its best to debunk every Sandy Hook conspiracy theory of which it has become aware.  Since the evidence the shooting at Sandy Hook was contrived—it was a two-day FEMA drill presented as a LIVE event— must have its facts wrong [or be a Deep State front explicitly designed to undermine “truthers.” My aim in this memorandum is to debunk own debunking.

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Mongoose: #GoogleGestapo Secret Meeting, Focus on Censorship of Conservatives Prior to 2018 Elections

07 Other Atrocities, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Media

The Russians are not hacking anything.  That is friends of John Brennan at CIA using Vault 7 protocols designed to simulate Russian hacking.  Microsoft is part of the Deep State and going along with the cover story. The whole point is to implement censorship and control procedures in  cyber-space that shut down conservative and Constitutional voices prior to November 2018.

Cyber Warfare Targets (Midterm Elections) Are Us, Not Russia…Secret Meeting Exposed

Tech Companies Are Gathering For A Secret Meeting To Prepare A 2018 Election Strategy

Continue reading “Mongoose: #GoogleGestapo Secret Meeting, Focus on Censorship of Conservatives Prior to 2018 Elections”

Sterling Harwood: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – The Final Report on Sandy Hook: A Complete and Total Forensic Failure

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media

Sterling Harwood: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – The Final Report on Sandy Hook: A Complete and Total Forensic Failure

Mr. President,

Page 1 of the ‘Report of the State’s Attorney for the District of Danbury on the Shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and 26 Yogananda Street, Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012” (linked below) includes a disclaimer that it lacks the intent to convey all the facts. But does the Report connect the dots between shooter and shots sufficiently to show – beyond a reasonable doubt – that Adam Lanza was the shooter and the only shooter? The short answer is emphatically, ‘No.’ it establishes neither means nor motive nor opportunity and thereby amounts to a complete and total forensic failure. Here are some of the reasons why.

Continue reading “Sterling Harwood: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – The Final Report on Sandy Hook: A Complete and Total Forensic Failure”

Ed Jewett: Conservatives Hunted and Killed Using NSA Social Media Software with Full Complicity of #GoogleGestapo UPDATE 2

Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, IO Deeds of War, Media


This post should be at the top of the Most Popular (30 Days) . It does appear properly as a rising Most Popular (All Time).

This post is being shadow-banned.

USPS option, new links below the fold.

Continue reading “Ed Jewett: Conservatives Hunted and Killed Using NSA Social Media Software with Full Complicity of #GoogleGestapo UPDATE 2”

Michael Thomas: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Alex Jones’ Internet Crime was Telling The Truth about Sandy Hook

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media

Michael Thomas: In Solidarity with Alex Jones: Alex Jones’ Internet Crime was Telling The Truth about Sandy Hook

Mr. President,

Alex Jones has used his very powerful and prominent Infowars platform to warn the patriots about many New World Order schemes over the years. If there’s one false flag operation the globalists are really peeved about, it’s the fake Sandy Hook mass shooting of school children (that never even happened). When Alex Jones blew the whistle on the Sandy Hook hoax, that was the beginning of his trials and tribulations.

But why?  Why was Sandy Hook such a protected sacred cow to the New World Order agenda?

Continue reading “Michael Thomas: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Alex Jones’ Internet Crime was Telling The Truth about Sandy Hook”

Tony Mead: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook becomes a Litmus Test pitting Freedom of Speech against Internet Censorship

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media

Tony Mead: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook becomes a Litmus Test pitting Freedom of Speech against Internet Censorship

Mr. President,

Everyone is quite aware that we have the right to Freedom of Speech, but seems to overlook the fact that we also have the right to Freedom of the Press. This doesn't mean that the social media giants have rights. It means that WE, THE PEOPLE, have rights to have access to and to distribute information. These rights were granted long before the internet and have always been restricted by rules of libel, threats of violence, and the disclosure of information that could be detrimental to National Security.

Continue reading “Tony Mead: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – Sandy Hook becomes a Litmus Test pitting Freedom of Speech against Internet Censorship”