Lee Camp: Featuring Richard Wolff – Everything the Big Banks Don’t Want You to Know

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 10 Transnational Crime, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Offbeat Fun
Lee Camp
Lee Camp

MOC Show featuring RICHARD WOLFF: Everything The Big Banks Don't Want You To Know My New Video


Go here to turn the video into an MP3: http://us.onlinevideoconverter.com/

Keep fighting,


Jon Rappoport: Obama Delivers State of the Onion — the Unpublished Truthful Version Leaks

Ethics, Government, Offbeat Fun, Officers Call
Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

Obama and the State of the Onion Address

Apparently, the President had ingested some kind of weird drug, because when he stepped to the podium he didn’t look at the teleprompter. He just started talking.

“…like every other recent President, when I take to this platform I’m expected to tell a certain number of lies dressed up as the truth. And believe me, folks, I had a few whoppers ready to go.

“But now I feel like doing something else. I’m not going to delve into the many scandals of my administration, because examining them and taking them apart and exposing the lies would keep us here all night and into tomorrow.

“Instead, I just want to explain my overarching agenda. It’s the same agenda every modern President has fronted for. I’m not really doing anything new. That’s a myth.

“You see, in order to become President in the first place, I had to sign on to the scheme to debase, throttle, and weaken this country. I have my methods. Every President has his own.

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Jesse Ventura: New Daily Internet Show “Off the Grid” Blasting American “Hypocrisy”

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Offbeat Fun
Jess Ventura
Jess Ventura

Jesse Ventura to Host Daily Internet Show Blasting American

Off the Grid’ on Ora TV will feature ex-wrestler and former pol opining on current events and U.S. politics

By Todd Spangler

Jesse Ventura is set to host “Off the Grid,” a daily talkshow on Internet-video site Ora TV that will feature the ex-wrestler, former Minnesota governor and libertarian rabble-rouser sounding off on a range of current events.

The show, to debut in January, will cover topics ranging from Obamacare to the NSA spying scandal — focusing, Ventura said, on the hypocrisy of America’s political leaders.

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