Lee Camp: NASA Says We’re Fucked — Are We?

Earth Intelligence, Offbeat Fun
Lee Camp from Scotland
Lee Camp from Scotland

Published on Aug 3, 2013

NASA has put out a video showing the increase in global warming if the CO2 in the atmosphere continues to increase at its current rate. And let's just say you won't be needing that jacket in the year 2100. If you feel this issue is important, pass this video on. It doesn't matter if you piss off a friend. They need to know the truth.
1) The NASA video – http://huff.to/1chTFHT
2) Pentagon bracing for public dissent over climate change – http://gu.com/p/3ghcy/tw
3) Climate change linked to increased violence – http://huff.to/14JyENk
4) Carbon in atmosphere reaches 400 ppm for first time in a million years – http://gu.com/p/3fzzb/tw
5) Song – “If We Should Stop This War” by Lorne Clark. Go here for more – http://www.songaweek.com/clarke.asp


Robert Young Pelton: Suing Eric Prince — and Publishing “His” Ghost-Written Book Online Free If He Does Not Pay His Ghost-Writer(s)

07 Other Atrocities, Commerce, Corruption, Offbeat Fun, Officers Call
Robert Young Pelton
Robert Young Pelton

“I will be suing Erik and the publisher and putting the entire pre-CIA vetted book online.”

Blackwater Book Flap

Former Navy SEAL Eric Prince faces ghost writer's lawsuit

Jeff Stein

AND Magazine, 11 July 2013

The author of The World's Most Dangerous Places is threatening to take Eric Prince, founder of the notorious Blackwater private security firm, to court.

Continue reading “Robert Young Pelton: Suing Eric Prince — and Publishing “His” Ghost-Written Book Online Free If He Does Not Pay His Ghost-Writer(s)”

Marcus Aurelius: 213 Things US Army Does NOT Allow

Cultural Intelligence, Military, Offbeat Fun, Officers Call
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

Circulating among SOF retired.

The 213 Things Skippy is Not Allowed to Do in the U.S. Army

At the bottom of the page is a little info about “Skippy”, the originator of the list. The ones listed after “Mike’s addenda” were added by an author, and a friend of mine, named Michael Z. Williamson.  Extracted from that context at the end of this post:

I assure you, every thing on this list is something that I personally was instructed not to do, or I witnessed another soldier receive instructions about. Not to say that everything actually happened, just that it was discussed.

Continue reading “Marcus Aurelius: 213 Things US Army Does NOT Allow”

Anthony Judge: Circumventing Invasive Internet Surveillance with Carrier Pigeons

Advanced Cyber/IO, Offbeat Fun
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

Circumventing Invasive Internet Surveillance with Carrier Pigeons

Rewilding the endangered world wide web of avian migration pathways

Recognized competence of carrier pigeons
Demonstrated non-military messaging capacity of carrier pigeons
Demonstrated non-messaging capacity of carrier pigeons
Demonstrated military capacity of carrier pigeons
Assessment of viability of data transfer by carrier pigeons
Personal and social implications of use of carrier pigeons
Implications for intelligence agencies and security
Engagement of birds in advanced communication technologies of the future
Greening the world wide web using migratory birds
Carrier pigeons for security and peace vs. Drones for insecurity and war?