2001 Treverton (US) Reshaping National Intelligence in an Age of Information

Historic Contributions, Methods & Process, Strategy
RAND Bio Page
RAND Bio Page

Dr. Greg Treverton has been a mainstay “in-house” thinker from Harvard and the Council on Foreign Relations to many years at RAND and a brief stint as Vice Chairman of the National Intelligence Council (NIC), in which capacity he heard from us on the need for all analysts to be able to do citation analysis and identify and then interact with the top 100 published and unpublished experts in their respective domains.  He has published several books, one of which, Reshaping National Intelligence for an Age of Information, was part of the 2000-2002 effort by many of us to get the US Intelligence Community refocused to where it could produce intelligence (decision-support)  for the President AND everyone else about ALL topics.  Below is his presentation to OSS '01:

Gregory Treverton
Gregory Treverton

2001 Wallach Public Citizen Using Public Intelligence in the Public Interest

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Historic Contributions, Non-Governmental
Lori Wallach
Lori Wallach, Director Public Citizen

Lori M. Wallach has been director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch since 1995.

Lori Wallach applies public intelligence in the public interest, and is a true leader of the emerging Epoch B community of indigenous peoples and independent citizens who value appreciative inquiry deliberative dialog, and responsible advocacy against those elements that seek to destroy the commonwealth–Earth–for the short-term profit of a few.

The below text from special coverage of her by Foreign Policy (Spring 2000) came to us courtesy of Moises Naim and was included in the hand-outs received by those attending OSS '01.

Lori's War (Foreign Policy Spring 2000)
Lori's War (Foreign Policy Spring 2000)

Memorandum: One-Page Initial Operating Capability (IOC) for a National Open Source Program (NOSP) as Delivered to the Senate Armed Service Committee (SASC)

Budgets & Funding, Memoranda

During the August recess this got in to several SASC staff that were contemplating an OSINT initiative.  Don Gessman provided the recommended breakdown including an earmarked amount for inter-agency OSINT.  The Department of Defense and the Combatant Commands have always been the central organizing base for a national OSINT program, which would be funded by non-reimbursable defense allocation.

Below add up to $125M at Initial Operating Capability (IOC).  See the separate Memorandum on a $2B a year Full Operating Capability (FOC) centered on Defense but inclusive of Whole of Government planning, programming, budgeting, and campaigning (PPBC).

SASC One-Pager = $125M IOC
SASC One-Pager = $125M IOC