1994 Collier (UK) Future of the Information Industry and a New Information Paradigm

Commercial Intelligence, Historic Contributions
Harry Collier
Harry Collier

Harry Cllier created the Association for Global Strategic Information (AGSI) and has been the primary publisher for both Ben Gilad (arguably the top commercial intelligence advisor in the world) and Stephen E. Arnold (arguably the top information technology patent and capabiltiies analyst in the English-speaking world).

He has long been a “hub” for the information industry, and remains one of the most honorable and erudite individuals representing the craft of public intelligence.

Below is his presentaiton to OSS '94.

Future of Information
Future of Information

1994 Engelbart (US) Toward High-Performance Organizations: A Strataegic Role for Groupware

Collective Intelligence, Historic Contributions, Technologies
Doug Engelbart
Doug Engelbart

Doug Engelbart invented the mouse, hypertext, and other foundational elements for what we have today in the way of cyberspace communications.  He received $10,000 from the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) for his mouse patent.  They sold it to Logitech for $80,000, and of course today there are billions of the little suckers generating perpetual revenue.   He remains devoted to achieving the Holy Grail: enabling the human species to fulfil its role as Earth sense-maker and cosmic force.  Below is the presentation he made to OSS '94.

Strategic Groupware
Strategic Groupware

1994 Fuchs (SE) The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Approach to Handling Information in Humanitarian Operations within Armed Conflicts

Historic Contributions, Non-Governmental
ICRC Geneva
ICRC Geneva

Peter Fuchs, then the Secreary General, was very gracious in coming to speak to the third annual international conference.  His most memorable remark was along the following lines: “The media has an attention span of one war at a time.  The Red Cross this year is active within 34 armed conflicts.” Most people, especially those from organizations devoted to stealing secrets about seven hard targets (denied areas) while ignoring the challenge of global coverage, had no idea.  Below are his prepared remarks as delivered.

ICRC Information Handling within Armed Conflicts
ICRC Information Handling within Armed Conflicts

1994 Sounding the Alarm on Cyber-Security

Correspondence, Memoranda
Steele to USG
Steele to USG

This is the cover letter to the US Government official most responsible for thinking about the National Information Infrastructure (NII) and the security of that infrastructure.  Three “top guns,” one of the the foremost authority in the public arena, another the foremost expert on these matters advising the National Security Agency (NSA) all agreed on the need, in 1994, for a $1 billion a year program.

Today (Fall 2009) NSA has asked for $12 billion a year, and they are not letting on that the real reason they are building their own power plant is because the Chinese have mastered the art of riding the public electrical grid into any computer running on public electricity.  Below are the cross walk and the contributing letters from the top experts in 1004.  NSA has let us all down.

OSS1994-01-18 Cross Walk

OSS1994-01-19 Warning Letters


Both Bill Caelli and Winn Schwartau have new books coming out in 2017, the bottom line of which is that we can indeed secure cyberspace, but it requires that governments and the providers of communications and computing software and hardware have integrity — not the case today. Below is the concept Robert Garigue (RIP) and Robert Steele developed in 1997. No one has implemented this to date.

Click on Image to Enlarge

1993 (FR) Baumard on Learned Nations

Government, Historic Contributions
Philippe Beaumard
Philippe Beaumard

At the age of 27 Dr. Professor Beaumard was the youngest leader for French strategic planning in modern history.  Today he is a visiting professor at Stanford University.  Below is his historic contribution in 1993, and also, in the same year, his view on the need for economic intellience as a separate area for national inquiry and understanding.

1993 Beaumard Learned Nations (A)
Learned Nations

Economic Intelligence
Economic Intelligence