Mini-Me: $4 Billion for Israel, Nothing for US Jobs

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Budgets & Funding, Corruption, DoD, Government, Idiocy
Who? Mini-Me?


Congressional Committee Proposal would raise US taxpayer support for Israel’s military in 2013 to a record $4 billion.

Tim King |

(WASHINGTON DC) – As news about Israeli political parties merging dominates headlines, this one is being overlooked. The US House of Representatives Defense Appropriations Subcommittee yesterday approved almost $1 billion for Israel’s anti-missile defense programs.

The expensive systems are called Arrow 3. The American politicians propose spending this exorbitant amount in order to upgrade the current Arrow system, David’s Sling, and Iron Dome.

The names are fancy, unlike the missiles they say they are defending themselves from. The munitions fired from Gaza are al Qassam rockets and they are little more than unguided fireworks.

Israeli and American media portray the ‘rocket attacks from Gaza’ as a serious danger and they claim that the large U.S. tax payer contributions are necessary in order to ‘defend’ Israel. The Gaza rockets have in all time, killed a total of 28 Israeli citizens. Some place the number at 29.

The total appropriation is the highest ever approved for the four programs; it reflects the willingness of the United States to back yet another racist, apartheid government that uses American investments to send Israeli youth to college, and to kill Palestinians; Muslims and Christians, who have few rights under a system that Israel created, offering one set of laws and punishments to Jews, and a different set for all other human beings.

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  Equally troubling is the continued borrowing of $1 trillion a year and the continued waste of over $2 trillion a year.

Bin Laden Show 00: Taliban Offer Pre-9/11 and Post-9/11, US Rejection

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, 11 Society, Blog Wisdom, Corruption, Government, Peace Intelligence
Chuck Spinney

Interview with Mullah Omar, Arnaud de Borchgrave (June 2001)  – Very important and rare interview with Mullah Omar the head of the Taliban almost three months before 9-11 on the front page of the Washington Times (June 18).  Omar suggested Osama bin Ladin was a problem he wanted to resolve.  Bush Administration showed no interest in pursuing this lead.  The information in de Borchgrave’s 2001 report is consistent with that in an important report issued in February 2011 by theCenter on International Cooperation at New York University, which is summarized by Gareth Porter in Counterpunch here.

Chuck Spinney
The Blaster

Phi Beta Iota:  There are other reports of the Taliban approaching the US Department of State (including one approach to a CIA officer under cover).  After 9/11 the Taliban resurfaced these offers, but asking only that Bin Laden receive a public trial.  In every instance before and after 9/11 the US refused to consider the Taliban offers to turn over Bin Laden.  One can only surmise that between them the CIA and the White House were quite content with the role Bin Laden was playing in AF, and that removing him would actually interfere with US plans for which Bin Laden was, like Lee Harvey Oswald, a “patsy” in the not-so-great game.

NIGHTWATCH: France-Greece Shock Bankers Into Reality

08 Wild Cards, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence

Europe: For the record. German Chancellor Merkel and the European Council have changed in the last 48 hours from emphasizing austerity and the importance of adhering to agreements and goals to focusing on growth.

The two economic ideas are not mutually exclusive. Nevertheless, the growth has not been discussed in connection with south European sovereign debt. The rise of the socialists in France and the rejectionists in Greece seems to jolted the European bankers to consider potentially more innovative ideas about continental economic health besides “pay what you owe” policies.

The window of innovation will not last long because the debt exceeds the capacity to pay it down. The demographics of up to 50% unemployment among the most able cohorts of the work forces in Mediterranean European states defeat growth without statism. This is the threat.


See Also:

Chuck Spinney: Why Doesn’t Spain Understand that Integrity is Priceless?

Chuck Spinney: Europe in Crisis Rule by Troika Spain and Hungary Next

Chuck Spinney: Financial Coups Destroying Europe

Chuck Spinney: German Economic Imperialism Killing Europe?

John Steiner: Iceland Defies Banks, Recovering Rapidly

Michel Bauwens: Michael Hudson on the crucial link between democracy and debt throughout history

Mini-Me: Iceland Breaks the Back of Western Banking

Mini-Me: Iceland Triumphs Over Banks, Western Governments Continue the Charade

NIGHTWATCH: Financial Crisis Now a Crisis of Fundamentals

Mini-Me: US Dollar Out, Yuan, System D, and Open Money In + Meta-RECAP

DefDog: Afghanistan security deal Obama signed has holes

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, DoD, Government, IO Impotency, Officers Call

This represents one of the dishonorable acts a politician can commit. Using other people's lives to win an election…….a clear indication of the lack of integrity of an individual who holds the highest office of the land….and the speech sounds like it was modeled after LBJ's equally incoherent speech in the closing days of Viet-Nam.  The second article is pure propaganda, witless and without merit.

Afghanistan security deal Obama signed has holes

CBS News, May 3, 2012

WASHINGTON — The 10-year security compact that President Barack Obama signed with Afghan President Hamid Karzai contains promises the United States and Afghanistan cannot guarantee they will keep, and loopholes for both nations.

The deal signed Tuesday also allows either nation to walk away on a year's notice. That could allow the next U.S. president, or the next Afghan leader, to scuttle a deal negotiated by his or her predecessor.

For Obama, the agreement represents a compromise with Karzai after messy negotiations over U.S. military detention of Afghan suspects and raids on Afghan homes that offend Afghans.

Read full article.

Obama’s Deal With Afghanistan Underscores Its Crucial Role in the War on Terror

Reference: Fukishima Update — Much Much Worse

03 Economy, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government
Click on Image to Enlarge

Fukushima Primed For Worldwide Disaster

The radioactive Fukushima Genie is out of the bottle and is primed to accomplish a worldwide disaster. If the roof of Reactor building #4 collapses, a building that is now seismically rated at zero, a pool of 1563 spent fuel rods perched 100 feet above the ground would also collapse ~ resulting in a gusher of global radiation that would put most of the world’s human and biological populations at severe risk.

by Allen L Roland

The greatest and most dangerous on going cover up in the world today is not the official 9/11 cover up (now into its 11th year); it is not the supposed assassination of Bin Laden by Navy Seals last year (an operation with no confirmed body, no video and completely staged as a re-election gimmick as we are now witnessing); but instead, it is the unspoken on going conspiracy of silence regarding the spreading worldwide nuclear radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster on March 11, 2011.

. . . . . .

Just recently, authorities in Japan confessed that the amount of cesium-137 released by Fukushima is equivalent to 168 of the nuclear bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A brief confirmation came from a recent article in the Telegraph ~ “Japan’s government estimates the amount of radioactive caesium-137 released by the Fukushima nuclear disaster so far is equal to that of 168 Hiroshima bombs.”

Read full article with photos, videos, and links.

See Also:

Berto Jongman: Japan Planning Forced Evacuation of 40 Million

DefDog: Leaving Afghanistan – As Ignorant As When We Invaded

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Government

What an IO goldmine for the Taliban……ending a war takes two just as a Tango does. By saying we are done it provides an opponent with victory. There is no other way to spin it. Now the questioning begins (as it should have. Lack of intelligence on Pashtu culture is the root cause of this war. If we had understood Pashtunwalli and the meaning of sanctuary we would have understood Omar's obligation to bin Laden. We didn't because it is not found in the classified enclaves of the intelligence
community….it is found on the many websites regarding Pashtuns and Afghanistan though.)

In Afghanistan, President Obama signals end to the war

WASHINGTON — Speaking to a war-weary nation from the epicenter of the fight against terrorism, President Obama signaled the end of what he called “a decade under the dark cloud of war.”

“This time of war began in Afghanistan, and this is where it will end,” Obama said before a backdrop of armored military vehicles and a draped U.S. flag at the Bagram air base.

Obama's address to the nation capped a surprise visit that coincided with the anniversary of the death of Osama bin Laden, a mission that has become an unexpected focal point in his campaign for reelection.

PHOTOS: Obama makes unannounced visit to Afghanistan

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  What DefDog forgets is that the Taliban offered to give up Bin Laden, but the Bush-Cheney regime refused that offer.  Below are a few headlines to that effect. In retrospect, we now realize that the Taliban's demand for proof was one that Cheney could not accept because Cheney knew with precision that 9/11 was a controlled false flag operation for which Bin Laden was a patsy.  Who would have thought we would one day consider the Taliban more honorable (at the time) than our own Administration?  The core point is valid: the US went into Afghanistan ignorant, and leaves Afghanistan just as ignorant.  The same was true of Viet-Nam.  The ideologues in policy dismissed the educated views of the intelligence community in both instances.  What we consider important is that between AF-IQ and Libya, this may well be the last tolerated invasion of any country by the US acting unilaterally.  Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Russia, and Venezuela — and many others, are now not only in a position to slam down on US acting up, but highly motivated to do so.  The era of US carpetbagging is coming to an end, but the USG will be the last to realize this, and will destroy is domestic economy as a final desperate action.

See Also:

Al-Jazeera: Taliban offered to give up bin Laden before 9/11

Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over

US Refusal of 2001 Taliban Offer Gave bin Laden a Free Pass

Book Reviews:

9-11 Truth Books & DVDs (38)

Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback (226)

Impeachment & Treason (123)

Gordon Duff: Nuclear Theft / Threat from Germany or Donation to Israel for Use Against Iran, Others?

08 Proliferation, 08 Wild Cards
Gordon Duff

Raw Reports, Nuclear Threat from Germany

6 Decades of Deception

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

I will keep this short as possible.  A single nuclear weapon has “gone missing” as of last week, one of four missing but this one “more missing” than the others. 

. . . . . .

Now, to put this is American English.

A nuclear weapon that wasn’t supposed to exist, a single 500 kiloton hydrogen bomb, one of four being tracked, was seen being loaded at the German port of Bemerhaven, Germany.

The groups assisting in what we were informed was a counter-terrorism surveillance operation were the American NSA, British MI 6, the Office of Naval Intelligence and the British Royal Navy.  The “device” was loaded onto a Germany built “Dolphin” submarine and left the harbour doing 7.5 knots.

The submarine disappeared while being tracked by every sophisticated device NATO seems to be able to own or borrow.

At least one of those from among the listed agencies was arrested by the local police force in Oxford, their electronic surveillance gear siezed, were confined for 12 hours despite being above arrest and detention as a senior NATO intelligence officer.

Attempts to track the sub in the busy harbour were in vain and it is unknown what the nationality of the crew were or the destination, whether the UK, the US or some place in the Middle East.

What we do know is that Germany and other NATO nations, in a highly disputed exception to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, had held 182 such weapons until all had supposedly been given back to the United States in 2005.

We now know this to be untrue.  There are several possible scenarios:

  • Germany is a nuclear power in violation of international treaties and both Germany and the US are lying
  • The German government is in violation of international treaties and is selling or transfering nuclear weapons to unknown third parties
  • Terrorists have stolen a nuclear weapon that Germany was holding illegally
  • Germany is involved in a terror plot aimed at a third party, Iran, the United Kingdom or the United States
  • The submarine in question may or may not be one Germany is giving to Israel, this one with a “special enhancement” which, as we had questioned earlier, might be used against Iran, the United Kingdom or United States.

Read more.  Includes photos and videos.

Phi Beta Iota:  We don't make this stuff up.  We do worry that the USS Liberty and 9/11 were not enough for Zionist Israel and the US neo-cons who have betrayed the public trust many times over.   At this point we speculate that the Zionist leadership is clinically insane and ready to do anything at all that perpetuates their “control” in the Middle East.   Just another day for the King of Hearts.