John Maguire: Edgar Morin WISE 2013 Special Address YouTube (18:04) 7 Complex Lessons for Education

04 Education, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence

Focus on error and illusion, need to deal with uncertainty. A great deal of error arises from reductionism.

See Also:

2013 WISE Prize Laureate: YouTube (4:34) Vicky Colbert of Colombia on The New School for the Silent Revolution

2011 Edgar Morin on YouTube (12:23): Edgar Morin: Seven Complex Lessons in Education

Review: Homeland Earth

Review: Seven Complex Lessons for the Future

Jean Lievens: WISE – Global Platform for Innovators in Education

04 Education

Jean LievensWISE: The Global Platform For Innovators In Education

Rahim Kanani

Forbes, 5 July 2013

“Many projects around the world provide solutions in local contexts.  It is our mission to showcase these achievements, and to bring committed but often isolated innovators, their ideas and creative solutions to the greater community,” explained Stavros Yiannouka, CEO of the World Innovation Summit of Education, which is an initiative of the Qatar Foundation. We talked about the evolution of the Summit, education innovation around the world, challenges to global progress, and why partnership and collaboration are critical to scaling solutions.

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Jean Lievens: Airbnb CEO on Sharing Economy – Starting with Education as a Global Traveling Experience

03 Economy, 04 Education, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence

Jean LievensAirbnb does business in 34,000 cities, has a valuation of over 10 billion dollars, and in a very short time has disrupted the world of hospitality and travel. Its co-founder and CEO Brian Chesky envisions the future city as a place where sharing is front and center — where people become micro-entrepreneurs, the local mom and pops will flourish once again, where space isn't wasted, but shared, and more of almost everything is produced, except waste. But the journey from here to there won't be all smooth sailing. What are the ups and downs of the sharing economy, as businesses like Airbnb confront critiques about regulation, economic development, and fairness? What role might businesses play in creating more shareable, more livable cities? How will the sharing economy, with its de-emphasis on ownership, be a tool for addressing urban inequality?

Jean Lievens: Interview with Ricardo Semler Pioneer of Organizations of Free People

03 Economy, 04 Education, Civil Society, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

A full interview with Ricardo Semler by the Dutch TV-show Backlight. In our episode ‘The capital power of hapiness' we made a portrait of this Brasilian business man. Here you can watch the full interview of one hour and a half. Mostly unedited, but divided in chapters.

This man is Semco's business guru, and known for his development of leadership by omission.

Offers major insights into education as well as business — structures that focus on “managing” large groups of people, especially children, are not focusing on their core mission — creating value or teaching. A society's “constraints” and blinders begin embedding at the age of two — that is the starting point for creating a Smart Nation of free spirits instead of sheep.