Reader Training Archive on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)
Methods & Process
There is no other person who has created a national open source intelligence capability, with recognition from the Royal War Academy for doing so; then gone on to rationalize McKinsey knowledge management in the Nordic region, then created the foremost international commercial intelligence practice in InfoSphere AB, and concluded with the creation of Silobreaker, a combination of sources and tools that takes the information industry to a new level. Mats Bjore is the ultimate Long Range Reconnaissance Philosopher-Warrior.
Below is the presentation made to OSS '06.
Mr. Ben Harrison is a master of both the military bureaucracy, and the global open source intelligence (OSINT) world. He has been a pioneer in all respects–helping the larger Department of Defense Community understand OSINT; creating innovative solutions for his own Command, the U.S. Special Operations Command; and helping teach otherss about the basics of OSINT. Within the U.S. Department of Defense, he is the tip of the spear for DoD OSINT.
USSOCOM is still the only “full spectrum” Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) shop in the US Government–others do foreign media (in a handful of languages), document exploitation, legal traveler exploitation, but only USSOCOM does full-spectrum Black, Gray, and White OSINT that connects one bullet to one target. Below is his presentation to OSS '04.
Very frew “all-source” intelligence analysts in the US secret world impress us, in part because they will never actually be “all-source” until we get a grip on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT); in part because the secret world refuses to engage with 95% of the real-world and therefore will always lack of the historical and cultural perspectives that only multinatational information-sharing and sense-making networks can provide; and in part because half of them are very young and right out of school, with rotten tools, 1950's management chains and editing practices, and “no way out.”
On this page are three briefings from an individual that is the exception to the rule. This individual represents all that a perfect analyst should be, to include a non-negotiable demand for access to all relevant information in any languaage and any medium. This analyst gives force to the adage that one analyst with a brain is worth a thousand “analyst” bodies who only know how to cut and paste what they are spoon-fed by badly managed classified collection systems with no strategic perspective.