Worth a Look: Men Without Work

Worth A Look
Amazon Page

Today, nearly one in six prime working age men has no paid work at all—and nearly one in eight is out of the labor force entirely, neither working nor even looking for work. This new normal of “men without work,” argues Eberstadt, is “America’s invisible crisis.”

So who are these men? How did they get there? What are they doing with their time? And what are the implications of this exit from work for American society?

Nicholas Eberstadt lays out the issue and Jared Bernstein from the left and Henry Olsen from the right offer their responses to this national crisis.

For more information, please visit http://menwithoutwork.com.

Basil Al-Nakeeb: Two Centuries of Parasitic Economics

Worth A Look
Amazon Page

Two Centuries of Parasitic Economics is a radically original book, calling for rewriting macroeconomic theory and replacing the irrational finance,  monetary, and tax regimes with robust systems to avert financial collapse, depressions, disorder, and to improve democracy.
The introduction reviews the bailout of US banks in 2008, arguing that rescuing millions of delinquent homeowners to repay the banks was fairer and quicker in stabilizing the housing market and the economy.

Read longer description at Amazon.

Amazon Kindle: World War III Has Started — the Public Against the Deep State — Everywhere: Can Donald Trump Defeat the Deep State and Lead a Global Revolution? (Trump Revolution Book 08)

America (Founders, Current Situation), Corruption, Crime (Government), Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback, Worth A Look
Amazon Kindle Page

World War III has started and it is not going according to the official narrative that seeks to start a war between Russia and the United States of America with a side show in the Middle East, all for the sake of banking profit and public distraction.

No, World War III is a war between the public and the Deep State — it is a war that began in Czechoslovakia with Vaclav Havel and “the power of the powerless,” burped in the United Kingdom with Brexit, and is now fully emergent in the USA where Donald Trump, for all his flaws, is correctly viewed as the anti-thesis to the Deep State also known as The Establishment (Wall Street, the Two-Party Tyranny, and the Secret Intelligence Services).

The “Color Revolutions” in Eastern Europe, and the Gold War against Russia, were covert operations intended to heighten the re-emergence of the fascist regime rescued at the end of WWII by the Central Intelligence Agency under Allen Dulles, and to destroy the last semblance of the Russian Eastern Orthodox Church and Byzantine Europe — in this the Vatican and the City of London as well as Wall Street are one.

They lost. Russia survived and the Color Revolutions are seen by their publics for what they have been: the substitution of fascist criminals for communist criminals.

Continue reading “Amazon Kindle: World War III Has Started — the Public Against the Deep State — Everywhere: Can Donald Trump Defeat the Deep State and Lead a Global Revolution? (Trump Revolution Book 08)”

Worth A Look: Bombard’s Body Language

Cultural Intelligence, Worth A Look

Web Home Page . . . YouTube Home Page . . . Videos

Body Language: CPAC Bannon & Preibus

Body Language: Clapper on Wire Tapping

Body Language: Podesta Interview

ROBERT STEELE: As a clandestine case officer, I never felt we got enough training on body language including “tells” and how to gauge a person's veracity.  CIA is way too reliant on the polygraph which is too easily beaten. I am hugely impressed by the person behind this offering, and recommend her work to one and all. The videos evaluating high profile politicians are a gold mine of insights of great value to the public and to those working with the individuals being evaluated. Very current, timely, valuable.


Worth a Look: Divergent Unity

Worth A Look

Our Mission: To make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through the spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.

The Global Problem:
Divergent Cosmic Systems Level Thinking. All areas of academia, along with innovation, have failed to solve the problem. Their rabbit holes of intellectual reasoning, too far unto infinity, have lost all connections to the higher divergent epigenetic enhanced minds that exist as outliers of evolution; Mavericks, those who embrace their genetic gifts born into a biological system bound together by the great Laws Of Nature.

Learn more.

Worth a Look: Battlefield America – The War on the American People by John Whitehead

05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, Worth A Look
Amazon Page

Foreword by Ron Paul.  Police forces across the United States have been transformed into extensions of the military. Our towns and cities have become battlefields, and we the American people are now the enemy combatants to be spied on, tracked, frisked, and searched. For those who resist, the consequences can be a one-way trip to jail, or even death. Battlefield America: The War on the American People is constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead’s terrifying portrait of a nation at war with itself. In exchange for safe schools and lower crime rates, we have opened the doors to militarized police, zero tolerance policies in schools, and SWAT team raids. The insidious shift was so subtle that most of us had no idea it was happening. This follow-up to Whitehead’s award-winning A Government of Wolves, is a brutal critique of an America on the verge of destroying the very freedoms that define it. Hands up!—the police state has arrived.

Worth a Look: Parag Khanna on Technocracy & Democracy in America (Not Good Enough)

5 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Democracy, Information Society, Information Technology, Worth A Look
Amazon Page

American democracy just isn’t good enough anymore. A costly election has done more to divide American society than unite it, while trust in government–and democracy itself–is plummeting. But there are better systems out there, and America would be wise to learn from them.

In this provocative manifesto, globalization scholar Parag Khanna tours cutting-edge nations from Switzerland to Singapore to reveal the inner workings that allow them that lead the way in managing the volatility of a fast-changing world while delivering superior welfare and prosperity for their citizens.

The ideal form of government for the complex 21st century is what Khanna calls a “direct technocracy,” one led by experts but perpetually consulting the people through a combination of democracy and data.

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Parag Khanna on Technocracy & Democracy in America (Not Good Enough)”