Worth a Look: Peak Soil, Food Shock, Biodynamics

01 Agriculture, 01 Poverty, 03 Environmental Degradation, 11 Society, Civil Society, Earth Intelligence, IO Deeds of Peace, Methods & Process, Worth A Look
Peak Soil

Oil is what most of us think of as a strategic resource, yet in the long run it is soil which is the more important. Even so, people’s eyes tend to glaze over when talk turns to soil conservation, maybe because it’s so much easier to see the immediate relevance of rising gas prices and climate change in these days of peak oil. So while public attitudes on climate change have shifted dramatically over the past few years, a crisis in global agriculture remains hidden: we are, and have long been, using up the supply of topsoil we rely on to grow our food.


Food Shock

New “Food Shock” Report Released by OffTheGridNews.net Reveals Disturbing U.S. Food Supply Trends


THOMSON, IL–(Marketwire – April 2, 2011) – The world's food supply is shrinking and as it does the price of food continues to climb, reaching record levels and leaving most of the global population in a state of emergency. This isn't an opinion created out of thin air; it's a strong message that has been researched and delivered by the United Nations. In an article published on Bloomberg.com on March 31, 2011 a representative from the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization surmised that world food production would have to increase by 70 percent by 2050 to meet the increasing demand from an expanding global population that is expected to eclipse the 9.1 billion mark by 2050, a dramatic rise from the 6.9 billion that make up today's world population.


Biodynamic Agriculture

Biodynamic agriculture is a method of organic farming that treats farms as unified and individual organisms,[1] emphasizing balancing the holistic development and interrelationship of the soil, plants and animals as a self-nourishing system without external inputs[2] insofar as this is possible given the loss of nutrients due to the export of food.[3] As in other forms of organic agriculture, artificial fertilizers and toxic pesticides and herbicides are strictly avoided. There are independent certification agencies for biodynamic products, most of which are members of the international biodynamics standards group Demeter International.


John Robb: Some Hot Connections

Worth A Look
John Robb

Some random items of interest:

  • Digital Black Market: The Silk Road.  Uses bitcoins (the decentralized, but not anonymous, crypto-currency that's useful for transactions — see wiki for more) and eBay style reputation rating to grease the wheels of unrestricted e-commerce.   Requires TOR (the anonymizing network) to connect to the site.  “Right now you can buy an 1/8th of pot on Silk Road for 7.63 Bitcoins.”
  • Gliffy.  The best online diagramming/wireframing tool I've found.
  • MyCube launches a beta.  Built by a friend of mine with a team in Singapore.  A facebook + microtransaction system (currently, the currency it's using internally is based on the Singaporean dollar).  It would be pretty snazzy if used inside a company (the transaction system could be used for expense reporting).  On the other hand, it's also got some useful capabilties for an alter or darknet.  If you want access, ping me via e-mail.
  • Nationbuilder.  VERY cool campaign management software.
  • al Qaeda planned to kill Lockheed Martin CEO as revenge for drone attacks.  Piercing the corporate veil (a legal term for making executives liable for the actions of their companies) is a viable global guerrilla strategy.  It has worked in previous instances.  I suspect most planners assume that senior execs travel with bodyguards in the US like they do in many countries or that their homes are walled fortresses.  They don't and they aren't.  Everyone, even the most senior exec, is easy to find and access.
  • More later.

Bugles Across America: Rightious Stuff

Worth A Look

Bugles Across America, NFP was founded in 2000 by Tom Day, when Congress passed legislation stating Veterans had a right to at least 2 uniformed military people to fold the flag and play taps on a CD player. Bugles Across America was begun to take this a step further, and in recognition of the service these Veterans provided their country, we felt that every Veteran deserved a live rendition of taps played by a live Bugler. To this end, we are actively seeking volunteers to provide this valuable service to Veterans and their families.

Bugles Across America now has over 7500 bugler volunteers located in all 50 states and growing number overseas. Since the Department of Veterans Affairs is expecting more than 1/2 million veterans to pass every year for the next 7 years, Bugles Across America is ALWAYS recruiting new volunteers

Worth a Look: IntelTrax from ArnoldIT

Worth A Look

Stephen E. Arnold and ArnoldIT have consistently been a decade or more ahead of the curve.  IntelTrax is one of his new offerings and is highly recommended.  Information about advanced intelligence systems is the focus.

Visit IntelTrax.

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