Worth a Look: Suicide Terrorist Database and Technology for Transparency

Worth A Look
Suicide Terrorism Database Online

Robert Pape, author of the rather sensationally insightful book, Dying to Win–The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism has just put his database online in beta form.  Tip of the hat to Berto Jongman for the lead.

Web Home Page

Global voices online are leveraging hand-held and other technologies to make transparent both the good and the bad at the micro level.  The public is being empowered and engaged with information and information tools.  This transparency will both nurture ethical high-impact low-footprint projects, and expose corruption and “business as usual” fraud.

Worth a Look: War-Evolution Blog (Mostly in French)

Worth A Look
Home Page

We've held off on inserting multi-lingual access to this web site, still under development, but since it and other sites can be easily translated using Google Translate among others, that has not been a priority.

This recommended website is mostly in French, and comes recommended by a past director of the French national policy planning staff, the youngest person to ever hold the position and one of the most brilliant scholar-practitioners of knowledge as an economic good (or bad) we've ever met.

Worth a Look: 9/11 Truth Movement Gains Traction

Worth A Look
Sander Hicks Home

FOLKS: I have three articles you should see. After nine years, the 9/11 Truth Movement is beginning to be taken seriously by the AntiWar movement.

I have published a primer on this issue that introduces the evidence to the curious.

And at this point, it's time to take the case to the courts. We are working on doing just that, starting with the case of Don Meserlian.  We are using a law called “Misprision of Treason.”

Read On!

1. The Boston Peace/Truth Movement Convergence

2. A new Primer on 9/11 Truth

3. Misprision of Treason: Can the Meserlian Trial Bring the 9/11 Traitors to Justice?

Phi Beta Iota:
There is absolutely no question that 9/11 was not properly investigated, and that adequate grounds exist to indict Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld for letting it happen and putting a missile into the Pentagon; and to indict Rudy Guliani and Larry Silverstein and their insurance company and security company collaborators for mudering most of those who died in NYC with controlled demolitions.  We say indictment, not verdict.  As with the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the murder of Martin Luther King, the Tonkin Gulf incident, the USS Liberty, and the USS Scorpion, the truth is certain to come out eventually, and that is a good thing–The truth at any cost reduces all other costs. See all of our 9/11 book and DVD reviews here: 9-11 Truth Books & DVDs (27).

Worth a Look: InteLingua Project

Collective Intelligence, IO Sense-Making, Worth A Look
Collectively Translating the World of Intelligence
Marcelo Henri…

Dear Colleague,
Join our community when you have time.Best regards

Look Before You Leap (Inspect Home Page)

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About InteLingua Project – Intelligence and Language

An International Collaboration Initiative aimed to translate open source Intelligence literature.

InteLingua Project - Intelligence and Language Blogs

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Intelligence and Language, click here

Worth a Look: Citizen Intelligence on Homeland Security Waste

Collective Intelligence, Methods & Process, Worth A Look

Starting in the fall of 2008, the Center for Investigative Reporting and The Center for Public Integrity fielded a team of reporters to examine how effectively governments at all levels had managed money and programs dedicated to homeland security.  The result was a series of stories — and an interactive map — that have been combined into a single collaborative website

A Troubled History …   Is Congress Failing on Homeland Security Oversight? …    Homeland Security’s Billion-Dollar Bet on Better Communications …   Interoperability: A Priority for Homeland Security? …   Homeland Security Marked by Waste, Lack of Oversight …   Assessing RNC Police Tactics, Part I …   Assessing RNC Police Tactics, Part II …   Fighting Crime with Computers in Minnesota …   A Legacy of Spying …   Are Things Any Different in Denver? …   Homeland Security Pays Dividends for Alaska

Phi Beta Iota: What we really admire is the team's organization: Editoral Team, Reporting Team, Fact Checking, Data Analysis, Web/Multimedia, Web Design, Media, and Funding.

Worth a Look: Talking Plants–Sensor to Shooter

Earth Intelligence, Worth A Look
Toward a Whole Earth Grid

“Homegrown Terra-rists” Ignite Video

The Ignite Show just posted episode 2, Kati’s Botanicalls Ignite NYC talk from back in September 2008 during Web 2.0 Expo. You may want to skip past the intro…and start at 1:33.

The Botanicalls system and applications use networked open source hardware and software to allow plants to communicate with people on people’s terms – using the telephone, text messages or twitter.

Soil Sensor to Shooter SMS

See also:

Plants Text Message Farmers When Thirsty

ScienceDaily (May 5, 2008) — Beginning this crop season, farmers will be able to receive text messages on their cell phones from their plants saying whether they are thirsty or not.

Thirsty Plants Text For Help: Interactive Telecommunications Researchers Develop A Device For Plants To Send Text Messages

To communicate, probes in the soil emit electric waves. A voltage level based on the moisture content is sent through two wires to a circuit board that compares the optimum moisture level with the current one. A local network receives this data and allows the plant to send a message through the device.

Phi Beta Iota: We continue to believe that the US Government should integrate the totality of the federal budget under three Vice Presidents for, respectively, Commonwealth; Education, Intelligence & Research; and National Security.  Changes to the Earth that used to take 10,000 years now take three, and the politicization of science and education, like the politicization of intelligence, has made us deaf, dumb, and blind to what really matters for the survival of humanity–the state of the Earth and the state of humanity on Earth.