Penguin: Open Source Civics in Spain

Crowd-Sourcing, Culture, Data, Design

Medialab Prado: Applying the Open Source Ethic to Civic Innovation

An open data project is exploring new ways to use shareable databases in creative, public-spirited ways.

Now Medialab Prado is trying to go global with its civic incubation model. In September and October, it will be hosting a MOOC course (in Spanish) on “how to grow your own citizen laboratory and build networks of cooperation.” The idea is to foster very localized citizen innovation labs, even in rural areas, by helping people learn how to host prototyping workshops, use helpful digital tools, issue open calls to identify projects and collaborators, and run communication plans, mediation, documentation, evaluation, etc.

Read full article.

Penguin: Open Source Blockchain w/o Native Crypto

Design, Software

Yosemite X announces first open-source public blockchain without native cryptocurrency

Yosemite X, a blockchain technology company, today announced the release of its open-source public blockchain that operates without a native cryptocurrency, giving developers and businesses the ability to build solutions and reduce costs, without the price volatility of crypto.

This approach enables companies to reap the benefits of blockchain – greater transparency, enhanced security, increased efficiency, speed of transactions at scale – and pay for their network usage with more stable fiat currencies.

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Penguin: Is EU Killing #GoogleGestapo?

Access, Cloud, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Design, Software

Most do not understand that the EU's new regulations are not really about privacy and copyright, they are about killing #GoogleGestapo and particularly Google, Instagram, and YouTube. Any image, any video, that displays any brand leads to an “all stop” that requires checking and approval by the brand owner before publishing. This could be interpreted as the Deep State's very clever  way of shutting down the Internet social media complex.

On the bright side…

Continue reading “Penguin: Is EU Killing #GoogleGestapo?”

Penguin: Open Value

Data, Design, Economics/True Cost, Software

OPEN VALUE: Accounting for value created in open collaborative networks – the case of SENSORICA

“A value network is a business analysis perspective that describes social and technical resources within and between businesses. The nodes in a value network represent people (or roles). [1]”

Inspired by the abstract concept of the “value network”, Sensorica is a network of real people spread across the globe that currently experiment with ways of creating value together in the real world economy. Sensorica is composed of academics, engineers, farmers and computer programmers and the core products are sensors for scientific measurement and for industrial applications.

Continue reading “Penguin: Open Value”

Penguin: Open Source for Everyone?


Open Source for Everyone?

Proponents of open source architecture say it could solve the global housing crisis. The reality is a little more complicated.

Open source architecture—or a “citizen-centered design movement” that aims to democratize the power of design—has been gaining traction over the last decade, but the idea isn’t entirely new. People have been thinking about ways to take the power of design from the hands of architects and design professionals for as long as those professions have existed.

Sepp Hasslberger: 3D Printer Builds Houses from Mud

Design, Economics/True Cost, Hardware, Innovation, Manufacturing, Materials
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

Constructing houses out of mud with a 3D printer … this looks like a great advance for getting building costs down to what can be afforded locally just about anywhere!

The world’s largest Delta 3D printer creates nearly zero-cost homes out of mud

The future of affordable (and sustainable) housing may lie with 3D printing. The World’s Advanced Saving Project (WASP) has unveiled the world’s largest delta-style 3D printer, which can build full-size buildings out of mud and clay for nearly zero cost. The massive BigDelta printer stands 12 meters tall (40 feet), and it's nearly completed its first house at a cost of just 48 euros so far.  Read more, watch video, see compelling photographs.

Marcin Jakubowski: Earn 10% for Referrals on Our $75,000 Kickstarter Campaign to Build an Open Source House

Design, Innovation, Knowledge, Manufacturing

OSE MarcinROBERT STEELE: I cannot over-state the importance of the work that Dr. Marcin Jakubowski and his team are doing with Open Source Ecology and the Global Village Construction Set. They have added a plastic recycling and printing machine to the latter. Now they need your help raising the last $8,000 in a $75,000 campaign at kick-starter to build an Open-Source House Tool-Kit, all plans free online. Use the link below to become a referrer, make 10%, and help this worthy project in its final ten days of fund-raising.
