Jean Lievens: What if…public libraries could anchor a platform cooperative?

Access, Autonomous Internet, Education, Governance, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Science, Transparency
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

What if…public libraries could anchor a platform cooperative?

Supporting the disrupted going forward….

We recently published our submission to the Libraries Taskforce consultation about its draft strategy – Libraries Deliver: An Ambition for Public Libraries in England 2016-21. Today, we want to say a bit more about our having called upon the Taskforce to explore the opportunities for public libraries that could flow from the growth of the ‘sharing economy’ and, in particular, moves to establish Platform Cooperatives.

Robert Steele: An Open Letter to All European Ministers on Peace Through Open Everything

#OSE Open Source Everything, Data, Design, Economics/True Cost, Governance, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Science, Software, Sources (Info/Intel), Transparency
Robert David Steele
Robert David Steele

An Open Letter to All European Ministers

Esteemed Ministers,

On 27 May the Competitiveness Council in Brussels announced a European decision to achieve Open Access to all scientific research data by 2020. This decision, and the implementing European framework programme for research and innovation Horizon 2020, will be recognized by future generations as the first serious step toward the creation of a prosperous world at peace. With this one decision Europe is turning away from centuries of war and waste; away from scientific reductionism, away from corporate ownership of public knowledge, away from legal barriers to innovation, and away from government neglect of the public interest.

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Stephen E. Arnold: Goring the Oxen — Palantir, Facebook, Google — and Noticing Steele’s Idea for Open Source Micro-Payments in Blockchain

Architecture, Cloud, Design, Governance, Innovation, Software
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

From My Palantir Archive: Security

With Socom embracing Palantir for maybe three years, my question is, “Does Palantir have safeguards in place which will make a third Buzzfeed type article a low probability or 0.000001 event? Yikes, two articles based on what may be leaked internal information. What happens if sensitive military information goes walkabout? An Alternative to Facebook

The Reinterpretation of Google History

and on a more positive note, we are honored to have this idea noticed and further promulgated:

Open Source Software Needs a Micro-Payment Program

Worth a Look: Regenerative Cities in China

Design, Economics/True Cost, Governance, Innovation, Resilience

Free Download [PDF 48 Pages]
Free Download [PDF 48 Pages]
A new type of urbanization is needed. One that reflects a different type of development, also known as the New Normal which is currently gaining widespread support throughout China. The New Normal understands the substantial changes affecting China (namely a decline in the availability of inexpensive land and cheap labour, slower economic growth and, above all, increasingly exacerbating environmental distresses) and responds by promoting a new kind of people-centred development that favours slower economic growth, people well-being, innovation, domestic market development and that is particularly devoted to environmental protection and sustainability.

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Daniel Araya: The Promise of Bitcoin (and Blockchain) – An Interview with Andreas M. Antonopoulos

Data, Design, Governance, Innovation, Money
Daniel Araya
Daniel Araya

The Promise of Bitcoin: An Interview With Andreas M. Antonopoulos

My recent interview with Andreas M. Antonopoulos, information security expert and tech-entrepreneur, and the author of “Mastering Bitcoin”. 


2. Bitcoin is simultaneously a currency, a financial asset, and a technology protocol. Underlying bitcoin is the blockchain, a distributed public ledger. For people who are not intimately familiar with either bitcoin or blockchain, could you briefly explain what these technologies consist of?

The blockchain is a distributed database. The magic of bitcoin comes from sharing control over that distributed database through a consensus mechanism called “Proof of Work”. This ensures that no one is in control of bitcoin and that it operates based on predictable rules.


Yoda: Indigenous Rights Victories in 2015

Culture, Governance, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience

yoda with light saberBats last, nature does.

Fifteen Indigenous Rights Victories In 2015

Good news. Sometimes, it comes in the form of a cancelled hydro dam that spares 20,000 people from the burden of displacement. Other times, it takes the shape of a simple court admission that Indigenous Peoples do actually make the best conservationists.

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Sabine Balve: World Leaders Forum Dubai

Education, Governance, Innovation, Knowledge, Politics, Resilience, SmartPlanet, Sources (Info/Intel)
Sabine Balve
Sabine Balve

World Leaders Forum Dubai, Global Think and Do Tank, A Coalition of the Connected Ones…

World Leaders Forum Dubai is more then just a forum and global campaign, it is a call to greater citizenship, an international THINK and DO TANK, we have more then 100.000 follower and around 5.000 scientists and top experts in all global topic questions. Addressing Global Citizen to empower especially global's youth and women to create as CHANGE-MAKERS a more sustainable future for all – with a NEW GREEN Economic model: HUMAN to HUMAN (H2H) to promote a World in Peace!  WLFDubai regroups Teams, Partners and Sponsors worldwide, JOIN, you all matter to us! – some of our plans:

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