Yoda: Sustainable Development Cost Estimates

#OSE Open Source Everything, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Economics/True Cost, Ethics, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Threats, United Nations & NGOs

yoda with light saberUseful onventional wisdom.

Cost of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

$1.3 trillion a year or 11% of GDP in international dollars. This assumes conventional financing and conventional technologies and conventional processes.

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Sepp Hasslberger: Liquid Democracy Rising…

Access, Politics
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

Political decision-making by elected representatives is far removed from those who go to the election booth once every four or five years. Liquid democracy uses the internet to reduce the distance between citizens and decision makers…

Liquid Democracy: The App That Turns Everyone into a Politician

Liquid Democracy is one of the boldest contemporary innovations in democratic decision-making. The idea uses web technology that allows users to interact in new ways.

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Pope Francis: Call for Electoral Reform

Access, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Most Holy Father Francis
Most Holy Father Francis

Pope Francis Tasks World leaders On Electoral Reform

Addressing the 70th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Friday afternoon, Pope Francis has called on all world leaders to ensure electoral reform in their respective countries.

The Pope said he was worried by the insensitivity of some world leaders who fail to fulfill their electoral promises during electioneering campaigns, urging them to desist from the act and always have the interest of people at heart.

He made it known that electoral reform would go a long way to solve some of the pressing problems that the world is having today.

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Eagle: Voting Machines a Mess, $1 Billion Needed

300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

Report: Voting machines in most states so decrepit they could affect election outcomes in 2016


Older machines can also have serious security and reliability flaws that are unacceptable today. For example, Virginia recently decertified a voting system used in 24 percent of precincts after finding that an external party could access the machine’s wireless features to “record voting data or inject malicious data[.]”  Smaller problems can also shake public confidence. Several election officials mentioned “flipped votes” on touch screen machines, where a voter touches the name of one candidate, but the machine registers it as a selection for another.

Eagle: FBI Mass Murder Database — Incomplete? Truth Teller on Sandy Hook and Aurora? Or Both?

Architecture, IO Impotency
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

In FBI murder data, mass killings often go missing

When 26 teachers, students and administrators were shot to death at Sandy Hook Elementary School, it made national news for weeks. But there was one place 2012's largest mass killing was never mentioned: the FBI database that tracks all U.S. homicides.

And that isn't the only major case missing. The 12 people who were killed in an Aurora, Colo., movie watching the premier of a Batman movie aren't listed either, raising questions about the accuracy and usefulness of the federal data.

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