Marcus Aurelius: Time for US to Get Serious About Setting Everyone Else “Ablaze”? — Sun Tzu Comment

Architecture, Crowd-Sourcing, Culture, Design, Economics/True Cost, Education, Governance, Innovation, Knowledge, Manifesto Extracts, Mobile, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Security, Sources (Info/Intel), Transparency
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

Two articles follow:  one posits a seemingly global anti-US opposition, an Anti-American Network (AAN), and the other posits that political warfare is the answer to the Middle East portion of the problem.  IMHO, both are worth considering.  Further believe that, with respect to Boot & Doran's approach, (a) coverage needs expansion to cover all the opponents Hirsch posits and (b) political warfare is a necessary but not sufficient component of our response and an NCTC-centric structure is probably not the way to go.  We already have policy in place to deal with these kinds of things but it probably needs revision in light of international and domestic politics.  In my view, what we need is national leadership (read:  POTUS and Congress) with the guts and principles of Britain's WWII leader Winston Churchill supported by an Executive Branch organizational structure combining the best features of their Special Operations Executive (SOE) and Political Warfare Executive (PWE), one authorized, directed, and capable of covertly, surgically and virtually “setting our adversaries ablaze.”   Neither the currently tasked organization nor U.S Special Operations Command, or even the two together, is presently that structure.)

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Robin Good: OpenTopic for Multi-Topic Curation

Crowd-Sourcing, Data, Design, Education, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Science, Sources (Info/Intel), Transparency
Robin Good
Robin Good

OpenTopic is a news curation service which allows you to aggregate, monitor and filter any number of sources and to publish and share your selected ones to you selected outlets: from your WordPress site, to your social media channels and to your email newsletter engine. Within OpenTopic you can create one or more “Topic” dashboards. These are essentially display pages that aggregate incoming fresh content from the sources you specify. You can jump from one Topic dashboard to the next at the click of your mouse. To curate stories you simpy select the ones that are relevant to your audience and you are provided with an editing module to modify and personalize the story content. At this point you can also select on which one of your outlets (Channels) that story will be published and you can customize the story differently for each one of them. There is even an option that allows you to set-up some form of automated curation, by giving you the option to set up a set of simple rules, which when match, will trigger the publishing of a news story. OpenTopic allows you to hook up to an extended number of possible Channels, making it easy for you to post from one location to your web site, RSS feed, social media and newsletter. Last but not least, OpenTopic integrates a full analytics service, capable of reporting and showcasing the performance of your curation work across stories and distribution channels. My comment: Excellent tool for social media and community managers, as well as web marketing specialists in need to support effectively the finding of relevant news on a topic and the easy publishing to different channels from a centralized platform. Easy to use.

Request an invite here:  opentopic

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Click on Image to Enlarge

Michelle Monk: Geke.US Lays Out Government-Corporate Circles of Corruption

Access, Crowd-Sourcing, Data, Design, Economics/True Cost, Education, Geospatial, Governance, Innovation, Knowledge, Money, Politics, Transparency
Michelle Monk
Michelle Monk

Here is what they have as of today.  An extraordinary effort that should soon become automated.   You won't find these on LinkedIn!  Click for individual Venn diagram similar to the Keystone Pipeline shown below.,

Nominally Good:


The Rest:

Comcast   .   Defense Contractors   .   Disney   .   Enron   .   Fannie Mae   .   General Electric   .   Goldman Sachs   .   Green Energy   .   Keystone Pipeline   .   Media   .   Monsanto   .   Motion Picture Association of America   .   Oil Industry   .   Pharmaceuticals   .   Planned Parenthood   .   Social Networking Sites   .   Tobacco Industry   .   Walmart

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Phi Beta Iota: Now imagine this being done at every level of government from the municipality on up, across every policy domain, with whole systems analytics, true cost economics, and all trade-offs clearly visible. This is where we are going.  Humanitarian technology and Open Source Everything (OSE) are going to empower the public in a manner no government or corporation can conceive or achieve.

Mini-Me: John Pilger Interviews Julian Assange on Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Protecting Liberated Information Across All Boundaries

Crowd-Sourcing, Design, Innovation, Politics, Software, Transparency
Who?  Mini-Me?
Who? Mini-Me?


Julian Assange In Conversation With John Pilger

An extended interview with Julian Assange recorded during filming of John Pilger’s latest film The War You Don’t See.

The attacks on WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, are a response to an information revolution that threatens old power orders, in politics and journalism.

The incitement to murder trumpeted by public figures in the United States, together with attempts by the Obama administration to corrupt the law and send Assange to a hell hole prison for the rest of his life, are the reactions of a rapacious system exposed as never before.

The US Justice Department has established a secret grand jury just across the river from Washington in the eastern district of the state of Virginia. The object is to indict Julian Assange under a discredited espionage act used to arrest peace activists during the first world war, or one of the war on terror conspiracy statutes that have degraded American justice.

Judicial experts describe the jury as a deliberate set up, pointing out that this corner of Virginia is home to the employees and families of the Pentagon, CIA, Department of Homeland Security and other pillars of American power.

Phi Beta Iota:  From a professional intelligence point of view, the two take-aways are 01) that insider sources for WikiLeaks are proliferating, and 02) such sources are virtually guaranteed total anonymnity for their one-time or limited “donations.”  US military now serving or having recently served in Afghanistan and Iraq appear to be the predominant source group.

Jean Lievens: Video (1:39:09) Science Beyond Reductionism – “Model Free Methods” as a Holistic Shift

Crowd-Sourcing, Culture, Design, Economics/True Cost, Education, Governance, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Transparency
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Monica Anderson is CEO of Syntience Inc. and originator of a theory for learning called “Artificial Intuition” that may allow us to create computer based systems that can understand the meaning of language in the form of text. Here she discusses the ongoing paradigm shift – the “Holistic Shift” – which started in the life sciences and is spreading to the remaining disciplines. Model Free Methods (also known as Holistic Methods) are an increasingly common approach used on “the remaining hard problems”, including problems in the domain of “AI” – Problems that require intelligence. She illustrates this using a Model Free approach to the NetFlix Challenge. Her website provides some background information.

Page for starting video

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Click on Image to Enlarge