Review: The New American Story

3 Star, Biography & Memoirs, Corruption, Politics

BradleyBill Bradley (D) for President and Bloomberg (I) for VP?,

May 28, 2007

Bill Bradley

Edit of 5 Jul 09 to observe Bradley is theater–a fraud–as are all the others. With Obama it has become clear that the Borg consists of Wall Street (including Allen & Co) owning Congress, Treasury, Justice, and the Fed. We the People have been mugged.

Edited 25 Jun 07 to focus on possibility of Bradley-Bloomberg and comment.

This is a very solid, well-written and well-documented, and with great insights that I am all too happy to absorb in my capacity as an estranged moderate Republican. On balance I find Bill Bradley to be smarter, more nuanced, more deliberate, and not so trivially, taller and fitter than Al Gore. I am so impressed by the possibilities that I am immediately going back to my existing copy of Price of Loyalty, the story of how Dick Cheney betrayed Paul O'Neill and all the rest of us moderate Republicans, to see if there is a cross-walk that can be done. If these two worthies will agree to electoral reform and a transpartisan Cabinet, we can save the Republic in 2008.

The book begins with a marvelous review of the many false stories the extremist Republicans and their White House neo-cons have been telling about everything from tax cuts and the deficit and Medicare to Iraq, terrorism, and so on He has mastered the story-telling dynamic so recommended by Stephen Denning, the World Bank's Chief Knowledge Officer until his retirement.

In Part II of the book the author explores the break-downs in global cooperation and global responsibility, and specifically points to the growth of religion as a force we cannot ignore. See Left Hand of God. He addresses the big picture issues including the concentration of wealth and the drop in savings, increase in inequality, and failure to invest in the future (education, infrastructure).

His review names three systems–economic, social, and national defense–where we are being pushed to the breaking point. In a somewhat scattered fashion, he moves across education, the deficit, tax reform, geopolitical instability, oil, water, pensions, stock market, and health care (specifically praising Paul O'Neil and holistic reform.

In part III he identifies voter turn-out and electoral reform as the two keys to victory over money and conglomerate media spin. The book then ends with what for me was complexly new and useful insight on why the Republicans cannot fix nor manage America, and why the Democrats continue to flounder.

His eight “curses” of the Democratic Party:
1) Fear of thinking big
2) Capitulation on defense (hard vs soft power)
3) Inability to counter accusations of being wasteful spendthrifts
4) Close-minded devotion to the secular
5) Wealth-bashing
6) Special Friends in teachers, trial lawyers, and auto workers
7) Ceased to stand on principle
8) Hypnotized by charisma

There is no one now running that I consider worthy of being the first transpartisan president. Bradley, if he adopted the three standards: electoral reform as the only truly urgent issue; transpartisanship and a transpartisan cabinet announced in advance; and a commitment to show a balanced budget addressing all ten threats with all ten policies by November 2008, I'd want to be part of that restoration of the Republic.

The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O'Neill
Democracy's Edge: Choosing to Save Our Country by Bringing Democracy to Life
The Tao of Democracy: Using Co-Intelligence to Create a World That Works for All
Escaping the Matrix: How We the People can change the world
All Rise: Somebodies, Nobodies, and the Politics of Dignity (Bk Currents)
Society's Breakthrough!: Releasing Essential Wisdom and Virtue in All the People
A Crowd of One: The Future of Individual Identity
Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming
Running on Empty: How the Democratic and Republican Parties Are Bankrupting Our Future and What Americans Can Do About It
THE SMART NATION ACT: Public Intelligence in the Public Interest

Review: The Assault on Reason

3 Star, Politics

Assault on ReasonNine Years Too Late, Lacks Passion & Credibility,

May 26, 2007

Al Gore

Edit of 5 Jul 09 to observe that Mr. Gore is now worth $100M. Greg Palast not only called the fix before the election, but the one after as well. How sweet it must be to cast We the People adrift.

This book is nine years too late. It lacks passion & credibility. By way of context, and to disclose my inherent bias, I am an estranged moderate Republican who will never forgive Al Gore for 1) picking the de facto Israeli Ambassador and a closet neo-conservative as his running mate; 2) refusing to act on the advance disclosure by Greg Palast of the Bush plan to steal the election by disenfranchising 35,000 to 50,000 people of color in Florida; and 3) refusing to sign or encourage any other Senator to sign the legitimate House of Representatives demand for a repeal of the Florida results and a new election.

In that context, this book is shallow, pedantic, and largely pointless, as futile as his last sixteen years. You would be better off with the ten books I list below, or even with the reviews alone of those ten books. This is a double-spaced easily readable statement of the obvious.

1) TV and advertising have destroyed reason
2) Passionate faith blinds and makes the loyal brain-dead
3) Generals are not allowed to tell the truth and ignored when they do
4) Concentrated wealth and concentrated power doom democracy
5) Corporate power and mass deception go hand in hand
6) Bush administration has taken secrecy and withheld information to new heights
7) Loss of civil liberaties and rise of a police state, including torture, set a new low for America
8) Education and being informed are not the same thing.
9) His top threats are the environment, water, terrorism, drugs & corruption, and pandemics. Evidently he is not familiar with the ten high-level threats identified by LtGen Scowcroft and the United Nations (poverty, environmental degradation, infectuous disease, inter-state conflict, civil war, gencoide, other atrocities, proliferation, terrorism, and transnational crime).
10) Congress failed America by becoming the hand-maiden of the President rather than the Article 1 balance of power.
11) Internet offers hope (but no recognition of the missing sense-making tools including total transparency for all budgets)

I've met Al Gore and I have dealt with his senior staff both in office and now. My bottom line is that he is a very intelligent and well-intentioned individual with a very shallow staff and absolutely no sense of how to build a transpartisan team. He may run for President in 2008, if he does, he will lose unless he discovers the following three fundamentals:

1) Transpartisan meme as represented by Reuniting America (Unity 08 is a fraud, the last gasp of the two-party spoils system, the same one that displaced the League of Women Voters from the Presidential debate process in order to exclude the more sensible Libertarian, Green, Reform and Independent candidates from the debate)
2) Electoral reform as the ONLY major issue facing America
3) Selecting and announcing a multi-party Cabinet in advance, and challenging all the others to do the same–America is too complicated to be managed by a white boy and his cronies! It's time we destroy the Republican and the Democratic Party machines, restore participatory democracy, and end the corrupt “winner take all” system in both the Legislative and Executive branches.

Al Gore continues to have potential, but on his present course he will not earn the Nobel (Paul Hawkin, Herman Daly, and Lester Brown have done more) and he will not restore democracy in America. He's too busy being a hedge fund manager and celebrity speaker with one probllem and no solutions. That's how I see it. He has not earned my vote yet, but I will change parties and vote Democratic if he first wins the Democratic primaries, then selects a Republican as a running mate, and commits to the three ideas above. It's not rocket science. It just takes passion and an appreciation for diversity and dissent, and that is one thing Al Gore has not been able to unleash.

The Tao of Democracy: Using Co-Intelligence to Create a World That Works for All
Escaping the Matrix: How We the People can change the world
Society's Breakthrough!: Releasing Essential Wisdom and Virtue in All the People
All Rise: Somebodies, Nobodies, and the Politics of Dignity (Bk Currents)
Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming
Ecological Economics: Principles And Applications
Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble
Losing America: Confronting a Reckless and Arrogant Presidency
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
Breach of Trust: How Washington Turns Outsiders Into Insiders

Review: The Politics of Hope–Reviving the Dream of Democracy

3 Star, Democracy, Politics

Politics of HopeFormula Book “Good Enough” for Many,

May 14, 2007

Donna Zajonc

EDIT of 19 March 2008 to reframe appreciation. My first evalution was written from a perspective one who reads a great deal and is angry about the limitations of those with narrow perspectives. In the past year I have become much more aware of the importance of appreciating the good in context, and reinforcing it. Although I do not normally go back and re-do reviews, in this one instance I choose to do so because I now see the book as a serioius contributor to the emergence of Conscious Evolution.

This book is a fine summary based on the author's own experience of ideas that are discussed in greater detail and more diversity by Tom Atlee, James McGregor Burns, Robert Buckman, Allison Fine, Robert Fuller, William Greider, Richard Moore, Bill Moyer, Steven Pinker, James Rough, and many others.

Here are the topics covered in a very easy to read fast book:

Four Stages of Political Evolution
1) Anarchy
2) Fear & Polarization
3) Silence & Resignation
4) Politics of Hope

Seven Practices for Beocming a Concious Political Leader
1) Finding Your Spiritual Center
2) Serving with Higher Motives
3) Sharing Your Unique Gifts
4) Cultivating Your Political Habitat
5) Communicating with Integrity & Trust
6) Trusting the Mystery
7) Answering the Call

This is not a book I would recommend for those deeply engaged with all of these processes, but I can no longer dismiss it as completely as I once did.

The Tao of Democracy: Using Co-Intelligence to Create a World That Works for All
Transforming Leadership
Building a Knowledge-Driven Organization
Momentum: Igniting Social Change in the Connected Age
All Rise: Somebodies, Nobodies, and the Politics of Dignity (Bk Currents)
Who Will Tell The People? : The Betrayal Of American Democracy
Doing Democracy
Escaping the Matrix: How We the People can change the world
The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature
Society's Breakthrough!: Releasing Essential Wisdom and Virtue in All the People

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Review DVD: The Good Shepherd (Widescreen Edition)

3 Star, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Reviews (DVD Only)

DVD Good ShepardFormer Spy Rates This Kludge Production,

April 13, 2007

Alec Baldwin

Top names cannot overcome this kludge of a movie, which loses one star for kludge and one star for not remotely honoring what the original OSS and the CIA clandestine service really do. In fact, as a former spy who spent three touirs overseas including one chasing terrorists, this movie, while artsy and compelling in its mash-up of 50 years of mis-adventure, is very disappointing. They would have been better off sticking to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which I enjoyed very much as a parody.

Until the 1980's, the chief characteristics of the Directorate of Operations of which I was a part, were alcoholism, adultery, divorce, and suicide. I count 18 suicides in my professional career, beginning with the instructor at the Farm that blew his brains out with a shot-gun, and more recently the Staff Director of the House Permanent Select Committee of Intelligence, and a much admired SES (flag) officer who tried to drum the “Langley Strangler” out of the agency. Now that's a movie I would be glad to help make. Today we simply have too many puppies and dilitantes.

There is one good aspect: the whole concept of not trusting anyone. There is another good aspect: enemy opposites can be friends. Indeed, I have found over the years that I like and trust my KGB and GRU counterparts more than I trust the drones in our own FBI (Agents IC Smith and Crowley excepted).

A sideline highlight was the depiction of the Yale fraternity Skull and Bones, to which both George Bush Junior and John Kerry belong. The overtones of homosexuality, men mud-wrestling naked, men in drag, is consistent with the public information undertones about some of its members.

The bad aspect is that this movie tries to represent 50 years of history including all the apects of James Angleton, Kim Philby, and so on, but it is a fantasy, a poor parody. You would be much better off reading my lists of intelligence and counterintelligence books. Recruiting people to be traitors, stealing diplomatic pouches, installing audio devices, managing covert action operations are all more interesting.

The entire theme of trying to interpret a video to identify the fan, the sounds, the voices, etc is over-hyped garbage, even with the revelation that the witness knows the video is of himself not so long ago. CIA throws money in the air, and whoever reaches for it is recruited as an agent. Let me be very specific: CIA is a global laughingstock, and does nothing for the Nation that is worth its cost. It consists of too many young white males, and no amount of diversity hiring is going to change the basic fact that working out of official installations, and unilaterally (or worse, relying on foreign liaison headquarters for second-hand lies) is going to turn CIA into a mature clandestine and analytic service.

The coldness of the business, and the distance between father and son, between husband and wife, is dated. That is how it was up to the 1970's. After that, wives were a part of the team and not only fully briefed, but used operationally on occasikon. Children generally are briefed when they reach their low teens.

Bottom line: this is a melange that melanges a bit too much. Great stars, interesting script, for a real look at the old CIA, see Allen Dulles, “The Craft of Intelligence”, and Miles Copeland, “Without Cloak or Dagger”. For the lies and politicization, see George Allen, “None So Blind” or Hiam's “Who the Hell are we Fighting.” For CIA at the top of its game, see “JAWBREAKER” and “First In.”

This is one instance where books are much better than any DVD. See my lists for many other recommendations, and also my list of “Serious DVDs.” This is not a serious DVD, not even close.

The Craft of Intelligence: America's Legendary Spy Master on the Fundamentals of Intelligence Gathering for a Free World
Without Cloak or Dagger
Wilderness of Mirrors: Intrigue, Deception, and the Secrets that Destroyed Two of the Cold War's Most Important Agents
None So Blind: A Personal Account of the Intelligence Failure in Vietnam
Who the Hell Are We Fighting?: The Story of Sam Adams and the Vietnam Intelligence Wars
Jawbreaker: The Attack on Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda: A Personal Account by the CIA's Key Field Commander
First In: An Insider's Account of How the CIA Spearheaded the War on Terror in Afghanistan
On Intelligence: Spies and Secrecy in an Open World
The New Craft of Intelligence: Personal, Public, & Political–Citizen's Action Handbook for Fighting Terrorism, Genocide, Disease, Toxic Bombs, & Corruption

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Review: Promises to Keep–The United States Since World War II

3 Star, Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback

Prromises to KeepOver-Priced, Publisher Needs Spanking,

April 10, 2007

Paul S. Boyer

I spend $5000 a year at Amazon. I also publish books and know that it costs a penny a page to publish a book with a hard copy jacket.

This is an important book, disgracefully priced beyond the reach of virtually everyone who actually needs to read it.

If and when the price drops to $35 or so, I will consider buying. If you agree, please join me in protest.

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Review: Peacekeeping Intelligence New Players, Extended Boundaries

3 Star, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Intelligence (Public), United Nations & NGOs

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Adequate Content, Disgusting Pricing,

December 31, 2006

David Carment

I am a publisher, author, and intelligence professional. I was a speaker at the conference from which most of this material is derived.

I wish to respectfully inform all prospective buyers that a book like this, in lots of 2,500, costs a US penny a page to produce. I could produce this book for $34.95, with Amazon paying me $15.75, which after cost of printing and graphics would leave me with a $10 profit.

I am–to put it mildly–outraged at the disgraceful overpricing that the publishers are attaching to this book. This kind of over-pricing urges the violation of copyright and the posting of a pirated copy of this book to the web.

I earnestly hope that Amazon will get into the business of direct publishing to Kinko's and localized delivery by Federal Express, and put such dishonorable publishers completely out of business.


Free peace intelligence at Earth Intelligence Network.

All OSS books, including Peacekeeping Intelligence: Emerging Concepts for the Future are free online at OSS.Net, or reasonably prices on Amazon. We are opening a new edited book on Peace Intelligence (Col Jan-Inge Svensson, SE Ret) as editor and inviting contributions from authors who are not happy having their work buried by publisher greed.

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Review: Twenty-first Century Intelligence

3 Star, Intelligence (Commercial), Intelligence (Government/Secret), Intelligence (Public)

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Brilliant Author, Despicable Pricing,

November 17, 2006

Wesley K. Wark

I normally buy and read every serious book on the profession of intelligence qua spies, secrecy, espionage, and so on, but I am quite shocked that the publisher would dare to offer this book, at 256 pages, for $125.

This is despicable. It is reprehensible. It is unprofessional.

It is also unjustified. As a publisher myself, I can assure readers that in lots of 2,500 and up, books like this with a hard jacket and color jacket and flaps cost one penny a page. That's $2.56. Recognizing that Amazon only pays the publisher 40% of the list price, what I see here is one of the most outrageous acts of publishing depravity and poor judgement it has ever been my misfortune to experience.

I note as well that the publisher has been quite unprofessional in failing to use the Amazon system to upload the table of contents, the flaps, the author's biography, or the sample first chapter. If Routledge thinks so very little of our professional community, they do not merit our custom.

I urge the author, whom I know personally, to post his draft of the book online for free. I will gladly publish his book myself, and offer it for no more than $29.95.

Routledge is a good company, producing good books, but somebody should be fired for this totally despicable decision to block the majority of professionals from even considering this purchase.


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