Matt Ehret: Putin’s Vision for an Anti-Fascist/Open System Future and You

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Putin’s Vision for an Anti-Fascist/Open System Future and You

At the heart of these vital principles is found the moral concept of “win-win cooperation” or as China’s former president Sun Yat-sen called it in his Three Principles of the People, the Principle of “Right makes Might”. Sun Yat-sen understood in 1924, as Presidents Xi and Putin do today, that if a nation adheres to win-win/right-makes-might thinking, then that nation will never lose the Mandate of Heaven (Tianxia).

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Naomi Wolf: God Did NOT Give Israel to the Jews Nor Are They Chosen – Exploding the Myths . . .

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence


Okay, so I was challenged [by someone]: “Read the Bible! God gave the land of Israel to the Jewish people.”

I may get crucified for this but I have started to say it — most recently (terrified, trembling) to warm welcome in a synagogue in LA: Actually if you read Genesis, Exodus and Deuteronomy in Hebrew — as I do — you see that God did not “give” Israel to the Jews/Israelites.

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Mongoose: Tragedy Stalks Those Receiving COVID-19 Shots

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime

Dozens of Spontaneous Miscarriages, Stillbirths After COVID-19 Jabs

Meiling Lee, Pricipia Scientific International

Thirty-four cases of pregnant women experiencing spontaneous miscarriages or stillbirths after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine have been submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

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Video (32:34): Dr. Tenpenny Expains In Simple Terms Some Of The Dangers of The Covid-19 “Vaccine” UPDATED with MD Transcript & Additional Links

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society

Partial Informal Transcript Below the Fold

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