Dolphin: Sandy Dislocates 40,000 (Katrina was 700,000)

03 Environmental Degradation

To put Sandy in perspective, the number of mid- to long-term dislocated is 40,000, as compared to 700,000 for Katrina.

NYC Needs Housing for 40,000 as New Storms Bear Down

Damage from Hurricane Sandy means New York may need to find shelter or new homes for as many as 40,000 people, at least half of whom live in public housing, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said.

That total, a worst-case scenario, may get reduced by half as power is restored, he said at a news conference.

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  Meanwhile, Haiti appears for help after Sandy, and there has been no accounting from the Red Cross for all the money it collected, ostensibly for Haiti, the last time around….roughly $248 million is the amount not accounted for, our of $354 million donated.

See Also:

Is Occupy Wall Street Outperforming the Red Cross in Hurricane Relief?

Schwartz Report: Building Small — Economies of Number

Economics/True Cost

Public release date: 2-Nov-2012   .   Contact: Evan Nowell   .   .   Columbia Business School


Building small: In many industries, economies of size is shifting to economies of numbers

NEW YORK — November 2, 2012 — For decades, “bigger is better” has been the conventional path to efficiency in industries ranging from transportation to power generation. Food once grown on small family plots now comes overwhelmingly from factory farms. Vessels that carried 2,000 tons of cargo have been replaced by modern container ships that routinely move 150,000 tons. But now, new research shows, we are on the cusp of a radical shift from building big to building small—a change that has profound implications for both established and emerging industries.

Continue reading “Schwartz Report: Building Small — Economies of Number”

Graphic: Benghazi Fiasco Master Post with Links to All Posts, Map of DoD Assets Ordered to “Stand Down,” + RECAP Updated 11 May 13

Ethics, Government, Ineptitude, Military
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Mini-Me: Germans Suspect Federal Reserve Bank of NY Has Stolen 1536 MetricTonnes of Gold — On Tim Geithner’s Watch

Commerce, Corruption, Government
Who? Mini-Me?


Germans demand bullion back after Federal Reserve refuses to let them view their own gold

Marc Howe, 1 November 2012

A secret report by Germany's Federal Audit Office leaked to the public last week states that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York refuses to allow Bundebank staff to even view the gold, triggerin suspicions that the vaults are empty as well as calls for the gold to be shipped back to Berlin.

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Click on Image to Enlarge

The leaked report has now led to calls from some of Germany's leading politicians for the nation's stateside gold hoard to be shipped back to Berlin. Heinz-Peter Haustein of the pro-business Free Democratic Party (FDP) was quoted by German newspapers as saying that “all the gold has to be shipped back.”

Bundesbank board member Carl-Ludwig Thiele has urged calm, however, referring to some of the debate surrounding the gold to be “rather grotesque” and stating that the hoard is in the care of “highly respected central bankers” as opposed to “dubious business partners.”  Read full article.

Related Article:  Name The New Reserve Currency: China Imports More Gold In 2012 Than All ECB Holdings

Tip of the Hat to Mark Thompson and Albert Martin at Google+.

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DefDog: State Email to White House – Seven Hours Elapsed Time From Advisory to Death of Two in Benghazi

Ethics, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Military

So far what we have is a CIA base not a consulate; State blase about security because it was a CIA base; Libyan local security evaporated; attack motivation still up in the air — pre-arranged kidnapping for political milking far-fetched; Stanley Inc. video clearly incidental; Russian intervention to stop CIA's less than covert arms deliveries to Syria makes more sense. Seven hours — and instead of leveraging the multitude of assets within 1-2 hours of the site, the Secretary of Defense focused on relieving two flag officers. My gut says Romney wins big and Obama goes home. If Obama wins, he will need a new Secretary of Defense, not just a new Secretary of State.

CIA Timeline Confirms: Woods and Doherty Killed in Benghazi 7Hrs After WH Told of Attack; Commercial Airliner Can Fly From London to Libya and Back in That Time

By Terence P. Jeffrey

November 4, 2012

Read full article with links.

Click on Image to Enlarge

See Also:

Phi Beta Iota / Benghazi

Phi Beta Iota / Khost Kathy

Penguin: Close Overhead Photograph of US “Consulate” in Benghazi — Looks More Like a CIA Villa

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude
Who, Me?

In no way does this look like a consulate. Rather, it looks like a high end CIA villa.  Bearing in mind image comes from Fox, needs validation, but it seems authentic.

Exclusive: Security officials on the ground in Libya challenge CIA account

Adam Housley

Fox News, 3 November 2012

Despite a carefully narrated version of events rolled out late this week by the CIA claiming agents jumped into action as soon as they were notified of calls for help in Benghazi, security officials on the ground say calls for help went out considerably earlier — and signs of an attack were mounting even before that.

Click on Image to Enlarge

The accounts, from foreign and American security officials in and around Benghazi at the time of the attack, indicate there was in fact a significant lag between when the threat started to show itself and help started to arrive.

Read full article with video.

Phi Beta Iota:  If validated, this photograph shows that the consulate is not, as most would assume, in a high-density urban area.  From a military point of view, this is a piece of cake for a helo evacuation and/or a curtain of fire.  This looks more and more like a mix of incompetent CIA operations and inattentive political appointees detached from reality.

See Also:

Phi Beta Iota / Benghazi

Phi Beta Iota / Khost Kathy

Mini-Me: Benghazi Update – Russians and French Playing Hard-Ball?

Ethics, Government, Ineptitude, Military
Who? Mini-Me?


Obama’s Silence on Benghazi Indicts Him

EXTRACT:  Another report today from Canada Free Presstell us it is likely Russians ordered Iranians to attack our consulate in Benghazi in order to stop the arming of Syrian rebels.   …  Speculation, buttressed by certain developments, indicates Stevens was being used by Obama to coordinate weapons shipments to the Syrian rebels via the Turks with the use of Libyan shipping.  Read full article.

Harsh Indictment: Benghazi Reveals Obama-Islamist Alliance

The nature of the Benghazi disaster is now clear. Ambassador Stevens was engaged in smuggling sizable quantities of Libyan arms from the destroyed Gaddafi regime to the Syrian rebels, to help overthrow the Assad regime in Syria. Smuggling arms to the so-called “Free Syrian Army” is itself a huge gamble, but Obama has been a gambler with human lives over the last four years, as shown by the tens of thousands of Arabs who have died in the so-called Arab Spring — which has brought nothing but disaster to the Arab world.  Read full article. 

The Benghazi Drip-Drip-Drip

As of now, the White House has disclosed that President Obama was informed about the attack on the diplomatic outpost in Benghazi at roughly 5pm by his National Security Adviser Tom Donilon as he was in a pre-scheduled meeting with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey. At that meeting, senior administration officials say, the President ordered that the U.S. begin moving military assets into the region to prepare for a range of contingencies.  Read full article.

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