Robert Steele: Helping Iran Make the Call (to the White House)

Peace Intelligence

Helping Iran Make the Call

Russian International Affairs Council

It has been an honor for me to be welcomed to the RIAC blog, and an education for me to be exposed to the thinking of so many who are not heard in the USA but represent the civilization, history, and intellect of Mother Russia. When I read today “Helping Iran to Make the Right Choice” by Andrey Kortunov and Michel Duclos, my immediate gut reaction was “Never Mind the Choice, Make the Call!”

This is a reference to the recent provision by President Donald Trump to the Swiss representatives of Iran’s interests in the USA, of a special White House telephone number where the Iranians are invited to call in order to establish a presidential-level dialog. Although not publicized by the media – the absolute last thing these mediocrities want is anything that might avert the war their Zionist masters so desperately desire – it is known that Iran got the message and it is known that Iran is conflicted.

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Mongoose: The Military-Industrial Virus by Andrew Cockburn

Corruption, Military

The Military-Industrial Virus

How bloated defense budgets gut our armed forces


The reality would seem to be somewhat simpler: the MIC has a compulsion to demand and receive more of our money every year. Contrary to common belief, this imperative does not mean that the budget is propelled by foreign wars. Rather, the wars are a consequence of the quest for bigger budgets.

Read full article.


Wayne Jett: Ron Paul, Roberts, Laffer, Shelton for the Fed!

03 Economy, Commerce, Ethics, Government


Consider Roberts, Laffer, Shelton, Paul!

With two vacancies to fill on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, President Trump can advance the cause of fundamental economic reform by selecting nominees who apply the tools and principles of classical economic theory rather than the mercantilist dogma called Keynesianism. Classical theory, sometimes referred to as “the theory of the firm,” seeks to remove obstacles to success of business enterprises of all sizes. Those obstacles are often the result of deliberate influences on national governments by powerful families and organizations known as the global cabal. Ending the Fed and mercantilist domination of American economic policy would be aided by selection of nominees such as Paul Craig Roberts, Arthur B. Laffer, Judy Shelton and Ron Paul.

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Defines “Relevance” as “Pay to Play” #GoogleGestapo

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Google: What Does Relevance Mean?

Here’s the question for you: “What’s relevance?” The answer — if I understand the allegedly true information in “Google Creates ‘Dedicated Placement’ in Search results for AMP Stories, Starting with Travel Category” — is what Google decides you may see.

Phi Beta Iota: Google is  corrupt to the bone.  It lacks integrity and therefore it lacks utility. It must be displaced as it is too far gone to be regulated.