Wayne Jett: Picking Fed Governors – First Hang the Keynesians

03 Economy, 06 Family, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Ethics, Government

PICKING FED GOVERNORS One Criterion: No Keynesians!

The historical fact that Keynesian blather has been permitted to destroy the quality of economic analysis and policy in America is a permanent stain on reputations of academic institutions and political institutions alike. President Trump deserves support and accolades from Americans, including especially those professing economics as their field of work, for nominating any person to the Fed board of governors who expresses healthy skepticism towards premises, analysis and policies identified as Keynesian in their origin.

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Kevin Barrett: Sabtain Ahmed Dar on Sri Lanka as Zionist Terrorism

Peace Intelligence
Kevin Barrett

Prolonging War on Islam: Terrorism in Sri Lanka and the Global Zionist Project

Phi Beta Iota: We agree with this. Zionism is the common enemy of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and all other faiths.  Zionism is not a faith, it is Satanic fascism.

See Also:

RED FLAG, FALSE FLAG: Why did Zionist Israel spend so much time and effort helping Sri Lanka prepare for the terror attacks before they occurred? All Blood Leads To Israel

Massive False Flag Terrorist Operation Targets Sri Lanka—Who did it and why?

Stephen E. Arnold: Critical Analysis of Facebook #GoogleGestapo

10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency
Stephen E. Arnold

Defriending Facebook? Harsh

Whether it was earnest advice or a public-relations ploy, we’re told Mark Zuckerberg’s recent call for regulation would not actually fix the problems with Facebook. Canada’s CBC News describes “The Case Against Facebook: a ‘Dataopoly’ with Too Much Market Power.” I was interested in reporter Ramona Pringle’s explanation of a “dataopoly;” she cites Carleton University professor Dwayne Winseck, who teaches about Internet governance:

“[Winseck] says with its behemoth scale and singular control over the data of its users, Facebook is a ‘dataopoly.’

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ZeroHedge: CIA in Syria Supporting Terrorism — Blown Blown Blown

Peace Intelligence

How CIA & Allies Helped Jihadists In Syria: French Covert Ops Expert Exposes New Details

What is clear — and what I demonstrate in my book with irrefutable evidence —is that tens of thousands of tons of weapons and millions of rounds of ammunition were brought into the Syrian theater of war by this operation. It is also proven that these armaments mostly went to equip jihadist groups, including the terrorist militia which proclaimed itself “Islamic State” in June 2014.

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