Cardinal Joe: Vatican Plans for Palestine & Jerusalem

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Little noted by the media, of enormous import going forward. The role of Russia and the Orthodox Church in the Middle  East, and a new push to protect Christians in the region, cannot be under-estimated.

2000 Basic Agreement between the Holy See and the Palestine Liberation Organisation

2009 The Vatican's Plot to Rob Am Yisrael of Jerusalem

Note: sets stage for events to be unveiled beginning in 2019. None of this is commonly known by Israeli citizens or Americans. This agenda is now going to be activated as the US military pulls out of the Mideast and the CIA, Israeli, Saudi mercenary terror army Isis, Isil, Daesh, is defeated by Russian federation precision air power. The Vatican intends to give land back to Palestinians according to the UN agreements and convert Jerusalem to a universal Globalist city for all religions to mix and morph into a NWO universal religion. The US pullout from Syria is probably due to the Vatican influence and their desire to accomplish their secret agenda for Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

2012 Vatican agrees first treaty with State of Palestine, solidifying relationship

2015 Vatican signs treaty recognizing State of Palestine

2015 Proof Vatican To Build Israel’s Third Temple!

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Robert Steele with Rob Kall: What Would an Open Source Secretary of Defense Look Like?

Interviews OF Robert
Robert David STEELE Vivas

What Would an Open Source Secretary of Defense Look Like?

by Rob Kall


25 December 2018

Interview with Robert David Steele

Shortly after James Mattis resigned as Secretary of Defense, I noticed a post from Robert David Steele, whom I have interviewed in the past (Transcript 1, Transcript 2), who is himself a former Marine. Mattis Resignation Most Helpful Reaction of Congress Reveals Degree to Which ALL Members are Bribed and Blackmailed by Zionist Israel and US Military-Industrial Complex opens by stating:

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Robert Steele: President Trump Can & Should Fire Chairman of the Federal Reserve

03 Economy, Commercial Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Trump Reportedly Considering Firing Fed Chair Powell; Mnuchin Denies

How Trump Could Fire Powell And Rebuild The Fed

Yes, the President can fire the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, for “cause.” Like Bill Clinton's indiscretion with Monica Lewinsky (and lying about it), what is or is not impeachable or cause is in the eye of the wielder of power, in this instance, the President. He has the power to fire the Chairman.

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Mongoose: Zion Strike 27 – US Police Pressured to End Zionist Training — Investigation May Emerge into Zionist Mind-Control of Police Trained in Israel


Alert Reader. a retired police officer, writes in…

U.S. Police Under Pressure to End Their Relationship With Israel

This is long overdue. They teach American police to empty their clips into the target as soon as they start shooting, to view every perp or possible offender as a Palestinian “little snake” terrorist as they call them. What goes around comes around. The Vatican has made the decision that Israel will be broken up, the Palestinians and all Islamics will be welcomed to Jerusalem where the Vatican will build the new temple. The cost for the Zionists (Khazarians) allowing themselves to be institutionally mind-controlled by the Cabal will be very great as their whole nation collapses around them.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Zion Strike 27 – US Police Pressured to End Zionist Training — Investigation May Emerge into Zionist Mind-Control of Police Trained in Israel”

SPECIAL: Veterans Today: Grand Mufti Blesses Meeting with Donald Trump, Ready to Help Save Christians Across the Middle East

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

VT Project: Saving Christians in the Middle East

By Gordon Duff with Nahed al Husaini and Dr. Bassam Barakat, VT Damascus

Veterans Today met with Syrian Grand Mufti Hassoun.  The Grand Mufti is Syria’s religious leader and the primary advisor to President Assad. He is also a close friend of VT’s Senior Editor, Gordon Duff, and regularly meets with bureau chief Nahed al Husaini.

VT and the Grand Mufti are coordinating efforts to host a series of conferences on Christianity in the Middle East.  Conferences are already planned in up to five Russian cities  for 2019 at the personal invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

We are awaiting a similar invitation from US President Donald Trump.  If there is to be a new Syrian policy then it would be necessary for the US to finally begin interacting with Syrian leaders and become more aware of the damage done, much of it at the hands of America’s unenlightened policies.

Continue reading “SPECIAL: Veterans Today: Grand Mufti Blesses Meeting with Donald Trump, Ready to Help Save Christians Across the Middle East”