Penguin: Productivity Apps – The Intermediate Solution(s)

Advanced Cyber/IO

The new word processor wars: A fresh crop of productivity apps are trying to reinvent our workday

For notes and docs, there’s Quip, Notejoy, Slite, Zenkit, Notion and Agenda. For spreadsheets, there’s Bellevue, Wash.-based Smartsheet, as well as Airtable, Coda and, although it’s a very different take on the spreadsheet, Trello. The list goes on seemingly ad infinitum, largely thanks to the relative ease with which developers can launch software in the cloud.

Notejoy and other newer productivity tools like Quip aim to shave five or six of those steps off the process by grouping docs by project and team and allowing everyone involved to review and comment on the work in real-time, chatting within the doc — instead of by e-mail — and getting text-like alerts anytime someone has something to say.

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CounterPunch: Israel’s New War of Attrition on Jerusalem’s Palestinians

07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards

Israel’s New War of Attrition on Jerusalem’s Palestinians

Until now, Israel had mostly moved with stealth, making changes gradually so they rarely risked inflaming the Arab world or provoking western reaction. But after Mr Trump’s embassy move, a new Israeli confidence is tangible.

On four fronts, Israel has demonstrated its assertive new mood. First, with the help of ever-more compliant Israeli courts, it has intensified efforts to evict Palestinians from their homes in the Old City and just outside its historic walls.


Review: Enclosure – Palestinian Landscapes in a Historical Mirror

Worth a Look: Disappearing Palestinians

Worth A Look
Amazon Page

This book claims that Palestine is fast disappearing and fulfilling the objectives of Israel's founding fathers. Over many decades, Israel has developed and refined policies to disperse, imprison and impoverish the Palestinian people, in a relentless effort to destroy them as a nation. It has industrialized Palestinian despair through ever more sophisticated systems of curfews, checkpoints, walls, permits and land grabs. Cook analyzes how Israel has transformed the West Bank and Gaza into laboratories for testing the infrastructure of confinement, creating a lucrative “defense” industry by pioneering the technologies needed for urban warfare, crowd control and collective punishment.


Review: Enclosure – Palestinian Landscapes in a Historical Mirror

Mongoose: Adrenochome (Blood from Terrified Children) Sales…

07 Other Atrocities

Alert Reader reports:

I stumbled across this website:

and found the hidden URL to this website:

which offers adrenochrome for sale.

Instead of adjusting the greyscale colors I simply zoomed in on the black area of the first website and the hidden URL to the second website became evident.

Continue reading “Mongoose: Adrenochome (Blood from Terrified Children) Sales…”

Wayne Jett: QAnon — Both Important & Irrelevant

Cultural Intelligence, IO Deeds of Peace, IO Impotency


Leave The Connection Alone!

The information gained through this activity is crucially important. It enables hundreds of thousands of people, especially in America, and around the world, to have much improved understanding of government operations and the forces and interests which seek to influence, oppose or control the governments and the people.

Continue reading “Wayne Jett: QAnon — Both Important & Irrelevant”

Martin Armstrong: The 2020 Presidential Election Will Be The Most Violent In American History


Martin Armstrong: The 2020 Presidential Election Will Be The Most Violent In American History

We have crossed the line. Violence and hate speech is now the normal. There is no tolerance for people to accept an opposing view.

. . .

Therefore, if look at that timing, it would appear that 4.3 years from Trump swearing in on January 20th, 2017 brings us to 2021.354. If we throw in all the economic problems we see coming with pensions and a monetary crisis on top of all of that, I would not count of 2020 being a normal presidential election. It may be the most violent event in American political history.