Berto Jongman: Is the Guardian Recycling MI-6 Lies (Deep State Fake News) Via Bellingcat? Comment by Robert Steele

Corruption, Government, IO Impotency, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Citizen journalists – the fighters on the frontline against Russia’s attacks (Guardian)

Meet The Internet Researchers Unmasking Russian Assassins (NPR)

Text Description at YouTube worth reading.

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Mongoose: Kiss Idaho GoodBye — Another Deep State Land Grab Led by Federal Government

Civil Society, Earth Intelligence, Government

Kiss Idaho Goodbye: Another Major Land Takeover

What is truly remarkable about this is while our Idaho roads and bridges crumble there is plenty of money to spend on figuring out where cars collide with wildlife and put money into building a road for them. And here is the Highway 20 priority map for those animals. Now it makes sense why Idaho registration fees went up and why the current legislature has a huge task in front of them to fund transportation. Those bunnies need a safe passageway.

Graphics and Links Below the Fold.

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William Benson: Assertion That 16th & 17th Amendments to the Constitution Were Not Ratified by Enough States UPDATE 1 Adds 16th Amendment Information

Corruption, Government

An Alert Reader has pointed to investigative work by William Benson to the effect that neither the 16th (income tax) or 17th (Senators no longer appointed by sovereign states) Amendments were ever properly ratified and could therefore be overturned if this assertion is verified. We have no direct knowledge but given the prevalence of lies by the federal government (all three branches) over the past hundred years, this seems worthy of a serious investigation.

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Yoda: Yascha Mounk – Majority of Americans Hate Political Correctness

Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence

Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture

Youth isn’t a good proxy for support of political correctness, and race isn’t either.

As scholars Stephen Hawkins, Daniel Yudkin, Miriam Juan-Torres, and Tim Dixon argue in a report published Wednesday, “Hidden Tribes: A Study of America’s Polarized Landscape,” most Americans don’t fit into either of these camps. They also share more common ground than the daily fights on social media might suggest—including a general aversion to PC culture.

If you look at what Americans have to say on issues such as immigration, the extent of white privilege, and the prevalence of sexual harassment, the authors argue, seven distinct clusters emerge: progressive activists, traditional liberals, passive liberals, the politically disengaged, moderates, traditional conservatives, and devoted conservatives.

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Rick Aiello: The Case AGAINST a Constitutional Convention

Civil Society, Ethics, Government

To Robert David Steele:

I applaud your open source initiatives and have enjoyed your interviews, but I have seen two recent emails from your Public Intelligence Blog expressing your support for a Convention of States. While your DOUBLE-DOWN, MODIFY & EXPAND, and REVERSE ideas for changing existing Amendments certainly make sense, a Convention of States, a Constitutional Convention, and similar proposals are NOT the proper way to change the Constitution. The amendment process is the way to do that.

A convention is very dangerous, which is why it is being promoted by people such as George Soros (a billionaire who spends millions promoting communism); Lawrence Lessig (a leftist you can read about in the attached Working Together to Rewrite the Constitution); Mark Levin, and others who lean far left because they are either globalists or trying to curry favor with them.

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Robert Steele: Washington Examiner on Trump’s Successes (Vastly Superior to What the White House Communications Team Can Produce)

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Robert David STEELE Vivas

ROBERT STEELE: My focus is on election reform so as to terminate the Deep State. To that end I believe that President Donald Trump is my best shot at getting this idea considered. Sadly the White House Communications Team sucks.  They are simply incapable of presenting the President and his accomplishments to the public in a useful manner to include a daily fireside chat, thousands of seven minute videos, a  two-way Presidential Public Forum, and more. Below is the very best effort I have seen, from the Washington Examiner by Paul Bedford.  Bravo.

NOTE: Missing from list are black people and election reform. The three things President Trump could do to earn a “bump” in three weeks are:

  1. Pardon twelve Black Panthers (black males)
  2. Appoint Carol Mosely Braun to the UN, and several women of color to WH
  3. Announce #UNRIG Election Reform Act as a promise for 2019

Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping

Here is the crummy White House list

Examiner list copied below the fold for redundancy and direct access.

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