Barbara Honegger: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 Pre-Planted Pentagon Explosives Went Off Almost Eight Minutes Prior to Any Alleged Impact on the Building

Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence

9/11 Pre-Planted Pentagon Explosives Went Off Almost Eight Minutes Before Any Alleged Impact on The Building

13 July 2018

Dear Mr. President,

I was a White House Policy Analyst to President Ronald Reagan and for over a decade the    Senior Military Affairs Writer for the Naval Postgraduate School, the leading science and technology graduate research university of the Department of Defense.

From years of one-on-one interviews with the highest ranking military officers and civilian Pentagon officials – all of whom I can identity to you by name – I can tell you with 100 percent certainty not only that the “Official Story” of who attacked this country and how they did it is a Hitleresque “Big Lie” but that there are dozens upon dozens of “Burning Facts” each of which standing alone proves that the Official Story is completely false and that 9/11 was an inside job made to happen.

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Ed Jewett: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 – The Zionist-Rothschild Use of Agents – Ashton Carter and Philip Zelikow Particularly

Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence

9/11 – The Zionist-Rothschild Use of Agents – Ashton Carter and Philip Zelikow Particularly

13 July 2018

Dear Mr. President,

I wish to do what no one else has done – including the 9/11 Commission – and focus on two personalities in particular, Ashton Carter and Philip Zelikow, both of whom I believe to have been witting agents of the Rothschilds and perhaps witting agents of the Zionist state of Israel. At the end I link to my nine-page analysis, “Ashton Carter – The Rothschild Agent Running the Pentagon,” as published in 2015 and more recently re-posted in support of this letter to you.

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Mongoose: Dr. Michel Chossudovsky & Princess Basmah Bint Saud Blast Western Governments for Geo-Engineering, Weather Modification as a Weapon of Mass Destruction

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Idiocy

Ottawa Professor Blasts The US Military For “Owning The Weather” For Military Use

“You may end up killing many tens of thousands of people a year as a direct result of that decision.” 

Princess Basmah Bint Saud, humanitarian and daughter of King Saudi, compared geoengineering science and programs to weapons of mass destruction, arguing that their implementation is like setting off a bomb without the nuclear explosion. You can read more about that here.

Berto Jongman: Jim Quinn on A Nation Built on Lies

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman


Jim Quinn

Until individuals in this country choose to tell the truth and insist on being told the truth by the leaders they choose, chaos and ultimate collapse will be our destiny. Our economy, our currency system, our banking system, our political system, our mass media, and our public education system are built upon nothing but deception, lies, misinformation and falsity.

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#GoogleGestapo: $300 Million Being Invested to Make Fake News “More Authoritative” — Google and YouTube Double Down on Lies

Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency
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YouTube Debuts Plan to Promote and Fund ‘Authoritative' News

Following a year in which YouTube has repeatedly promoted conspiracy-theory videos during breaking news events like the shootings in Parkland, Florida, and Las Vegas, the company announced on Monday a slew of new features it hopes will make news on the platform more reliable and less susceptible to manipulation. The company is also investing $25 million in grants to news organizations looking to expand their video operations, as part of a larger, $300 million program sponsored by YouTube's sister company, Google.

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Kevin Barrett: Memorandum for the President: Muslims Were Framed for 9/11 – Fake News MSM Silences Us

Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence

Muslims were framed for 9/11—fake news MSM silences us*

12 July 2018

Dear Mr. President,

During your presidential campaign you made some courageous statements about 9/11. You demolished Jeb Bush’s campaign by implying that George W. Bush deserved blame, not praise, for 9/11, which happened while he was president – he did not “keep us safe.” You derided “those people who knocked down the World Trade Center” and said such people wouldn’t have been there if you were president. And most interestingly of all, you told us to elect you so we “will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.”

Continue reading “Kevin Barrett: Memorandum for the President: Muslims Were Framed for 9/11 – Fake News MSM Silences Us”

John M. Newman: The Myth of the Free (George Washington Law Review, 86/2, March 2018) – Death Roll for #GoogleGestapo

Autonomous Internet, Commerce, Corruption

The Myth of Free

86 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 513

The task is urgent: the Myth of Free is not benign. It has misled courts into granting protected legal status to Free-product suppliers in cases ranging from contract disputes to antitrust and privacy litigation. It has also motivated policy proposals that call for eliminating market interventions—or competitive markets themselves—without adequate justification in either case. Moreover, policies designed for a post-scarcity world necessarily overlook the persistent problems attendant to scarcity, thereby creating substantial allocative inefficiencies. This Article seeks to dispel the Myth of Free before it can wreak further harm to societal welfare and the rule of law.

Continue reading “John M. Newman: The Myth of the Free (George Washington Law Review, 86/2, March 2018) – Death Roll for #GoogleGestapo”