Journal: States of Conflict (AF, PK & IQ) An Update

08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, Military, Peace Intelligence
Marcus Aurelius
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In 2009, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan dominated American military and foreign policy. Which themes emerged over the last year?

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In Iraq, 2009 was the year of relatively smooth transitions.

In Pakistan, 2009 was the year of the offensives.

In Afghanistan, 2009 was the year of decisions — by President Obama, of course, by Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal and by the Afghan people as they re-elected Hamid Karzai as president.

Phi Beta Iota: Although a puff piece in some ways, since it is well-known that Karzai is massively corrupt and the election was so fraudulent as to remind one of Idi Amin's elections, the statistics are indeed looking good, especially in Iraq.  Our concern is that the US will finally de-occupy Iraq only to create new occupations in Yemen, Sudan, and Somalia.  Neither CIA nor JSOC is actually up to the challenge of global operations without blow-back, the US has no strategy and no Whole of Goverment capability for waging peace so as to calm the context in which we do one man – one bullet operations, so on balance, we are very concerned.

Review: Secession, State, and Liberty

5 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Civil Society, Congress (Failure, Reform), Country/Regional, Culture, Research, Electoral Reform USA, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class, Philosophy, Politics, Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Secession & Nullification
Amazon Page
Amazon Page
5.0 out of 5 stars Phenomenal Overview, Timely, the One Book to Buy If…
September 12, 2009
David Gordon
I read in threes and fours on any given topic, and in some ways I regret getting to this book last, but on the other hand, having read the other books below first, it makes me appreciate, and be willing to certify, that this one book is the one to buy if you only want to read one book on the topic.

Review: RV Repair and Maintenance Manual–Updated and Expanded

5 Star
RV Repair
Amazon Page

Outstanding! Trouible-Shooting Pages a Superb Value, April 2, 2008

Bob Livingston

My wife inherited a 1988 Winnebago (31 foot, no slide-outs) and we've decided to bring it up to speed for beach trips. This is one of two books I have bought to get started, and it is the better of the two, but I like them both.

This book is absolutely one the best car maintenance books I have ever had the pleasure of using (I also have a 1964 MGB and related maintenance books). This book is brilliantly organized, crystal-clear, and I especially appreciate the full-page trouble-shooting guide with symptoms and fixes in two columns.

I also recommend RV Owner's Handbook, Revised (Rv Owner's Handbook) but I use that for overview reading. If you want only one book, buy the Trailer Life book, it is vastly more detailed and useful with respect to each individual system in any given RV.

I have not bought but want to flag Woodall's RV Owner's Handbook: The Complete, Illustrated Guide to Preventative Maintenance & Repairs for consideration.

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