Updated 22 July 2019
SHORTCUT: http://tinyurl.com/Steele-Spy-Reviews
A fraction–the most relevant, from Intelligence (Government/Secret) (408). Does not include Information Operations (154), Information Society (247), Information Technology (118), or Misinformation & Propaganda (242). Does not include Intelligence (Collective & Quantum) (114), Intelligence (Commercial) (90), Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial) (24), Intelligence (Public) (326), Intelligence (Spiritual) (6), Intelligence (Wealth of Networks) (83).
Reviewed Since 2015 (Most recent first)
All reviews by Robert David Steele unless denoted as (Guest).
Six Stars
Review: TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin — Deep State Playbook
Review: Red Sparrow (Espionage Fiction)
Review: Palace of Treason (Espionage Fiction)
Review: Trance: Formation of America
Review: Trance: Formation of America
Five Stars
Review: To Catch a Spy – The Art of Counterintelligence
Review: The Kremlin’s Candidate (Espionage Fiction)
Review (Guest): Eyes on Havana: Memoir of an American Spy Betrayed by the CIA
Review: The Way of the Shadow Wolves
Review: Orlando False Flag – The Clash of Histories
Review: And Nobody Died in Boston, either: State-sponsored terrorism with Hollywood special effects
Review: Nobody Died at Sandy Hook
Review: ANOTHER French False Flag?
Review: Die Duetsche Karte (The German Card)
Review (Guest): Lords of Secrecy – The National Security Elite and America’s Stealth Warfare
Review (Guest): The American Deep State – Wall Street, Big Oil, and the Attack on US Democracy
Review (Fiction): The Navigator
4 Stars
Review: In the Shadows of a Presidency by Daniel Estulin
Review: A Legacy of Spies by John LeCarre
Review (Guest): American Coup – How a Terrified Government Is Destroying the Constitution
Review: National Insecurity – American Leadership in an Age of Fear
3 Stars
Review: Facts and Fears – Hard Truths from a Life in Intelligence by James Clapper
Review: The End of Intelligence – Espionage and State Power in the Information Age
2 Stars
1 Star
Review: Rebuttal – CIA “Leaders” Double-Down on Lies
Recommended but Not Reviewed
Worth a Look: Handbook of European Intelligence Cultures
Worth a Look: Fixing the EU Intel Crisis
Worth a Look: Jesse Ventura on US Government
Worth a Look: National Security & Double Government
Worth a Look: No Place to Hide – Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the US Surveillance State
Worth a Look: Understanding Shadows – The Corrupt Use of Intelligence
Abandonment of Prisoners of War in Viet-Nam
Review: An Enormous Crime–The Definitive Account of American POWs Abandoned in Southeast Asia
Review (Guest): Kiss the Boys Goodbye–How the United States Betrayed its Own POWs in Vietnam
Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
Review (Guest): Deep Politics and the Death of JFK
Review (Guest): Final Judgment – The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy
Review (Guest): The Yankee and Cowboy War
Review: JFK and the Unspeakable–Why He Died & Why It Matters
Review: JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy
Review: Legacy of Secrecy–The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination
Review: Tears of Autumn–A Paul Christopher Novel
Fabrication of the Cold War Threat
Review (Guest): Creating the National Security State: A History of the Law That Transformed America
Review (Guest): Pay Any Price – Greed, Power, and Endless War
Review (Guest): The American Deep State – Wall Street, Big Oil, and the Attack on US Democracy
Review: Manufactured Crisis – The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare
Review: National Insecurity – American Leadership in an Age of Fear
Review: Prophets of War–Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex
Review: Why Leaders Lie–The Truth About Lying in International Politics
Review (UK): Inteligencia teórica [Theory of Intelligence]
Review: Castro’s Secrets – The CIA and Cuba’s Intelligence Machine
Review: Chinese Industrial Espionage: Technology Acquisition and Military Modernisation
Review: Intelligence Elsewhere – Spies and Espionage Outside the Anglosphere
Review: International Intelligence Cooperation and Accountability
Review: Keeping Watch – Monitoring Technology and Innovation in UN Peace Operations
Review: Pakistan on the Brink–The Future of America, Pakistan, and Afghanistan
Review: Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies
Review: The Oxford Handbook of National Security Intelligence
Counterintelligence, Outright Abuse, & Apparent Treason
Review (Guest): Fixing the Facts – National Security and the Politics of Intelligence
Review (Guest): Intel Wars – The Secret History of the Fight Against Terror
Review (Guest): Surveillance or Security?: The Risks Posed by New Wiretapping Technologies
Review (Guest): The Great Heroin Coup – Drugs, Intelligence & International Fascism
Review (Guest): The Psychopath Test — A Journey Through the Madness Industry
Review (Guest): The Shell Game (Fiction/Non-Fiction)
Review: Gladio, NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe – The Pentagon-Nazi-Mafia Terror Axis
Review: Gods of Money – Wall Street and the Death of the American Century
Review: Instruments of the State – A Novel
Review: Intelligence and U.S. Foreign Policy – Iraq, 9/11, and Misguided Reform
Review: Presidential Puppetry – Obama, Romney, and Their Masters
Review: Top Secret America – The Rise of the New American Security State
Review: Tremble the Devil (in Hard Copy Finally)
Review: VICE–Dick Cheney and the Hijacking of the American Presidency
Strategic Intelligence
Review: Global Trends 2030 – Alternative Worlds [Paperback, Well Priced]
Review: Lines of Fire – A Renegade Writes on Strategy, Intelligence, and Security
Review: Strategic Intelligence for American World Policy
Review: Strategic Intelligence for the 21st Century: The Mosaic Method
Review: We Meant Well – How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People
Sources & Methods
Berto Jongman: Gray Work – Confessions of an American Paramilitary Spy
Review (Fiction): The Navigator
Review (Guest): No More Secrets – Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence
Review (Guest): Solving the People Puzzle — Cultural Intelligence and Special Operations Forces
Review (Guest): The End of Intelligence
Review (Guest): The Open Source Everything Manifesto – Transparency, Truth & Trust
Review: Analyzing Intelligence: National Security Practitioners’ Perspectives Second Edition
Review: Challenges in Intelligence Analysis
Review: Counterterrorism and Open Source Intelligence
Review: Improving Intelligence Analysis: Bridging the Gap between Scholarship and Practice
Review: Intelligence Analysis – Behavioral and Social Scientific Foundations
Review: Intelligence Analysis – How to Think in Complex Environments
Review: Intelligence – From Secrets to Policy 5th Edition
Review: Intelligence in an Insecure World
Review: National Insecurity – The Cost of American Militarism
Review: No More Secrets – Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence
Review: Open Source Intelligence in a Networked World
Review: Reducing Uncertainty: Intelligence Analysis and National Security
Review: The End of Intelligence – Espionage and State Power in the Information Age
Review: The Future of Intelligence – Challenges in the 21st Century
Review: Trading Secrets: Spies and Intelligence in an Age of Terror
Review: Wrong Turn – America’s Deadly Embrace of Counterinsurgency
Worth a Look: Real-Life Fiction, Spying Outside the Wire and Beyond CIA’s Capabilities
US Secret Intelligence (General)
Review (Guest): Government of the Shadows–Parapolitics and Criminal Sovereignty (Paperback)
Review: Anthropologists in the Public Sphere–Speaking Out on War, Peace, and American Power
Review: A Pretext for War–9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies
Review: A World of Secrets–The Uses and Limits of Intelligence
Review: Blood Money–Wasted Billions, Lost Lives, and Corporate Greed in Iraq
Review: Bombs, Bugs, Drugs, and Thugs–Intelligence and America’s Quest for Security
Review: Breakdown–How America’s Intelligence Failures Led to September 11
Review: Burundi on the Brink 1993-95–A UN Special Envoy Reflects on Preventive Diplomacy
Review: Counterterrorism and Open Source Intelligence
Review: Daydream Believers–How a Few Grand Ideas Wrecked American Power
Review: Endless War–Middle-Eastern Islam vs. Western Civilization
Review: Enemies of Intelligence–Knowledge and Power in American National Security
Review: Fixing Intelligence–For a More Secure America
Review: Flawed by Design–The Evolution of the CIA, JCS, and NSC
Review: How We Missed the Story–Osama Bin Laden, the Taliban and the Hijacking of Afghanistan
Review: Imperial Secrets–Remapping the Mind of Empire
Review: Informing Statecraft–Intelligence for a New Century
Review: Intelligence–From Secrets to Policy
Review: Intelligence and Statecraft–The Use and Limits of Intelligence in International Society
Review: Intelligence in War–Knowledge of the Enemy from Napoleon to Al-Qaeda
Review: Intelligence Power in Peace and War
Review: Intelligence Services in the Information Age
Review: Keeping U.S. Intelligence Effective — The Need for a Revolution in Intelligence Affairs
Review: Killing Hope–U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II-Updated Through 2003
Review: Looking For Trouble–Adventures in a Broken World
Review: Long Strange Journey–An Intelligence Memoir
Review: National Insecurity–U.S. Intelligence After the Cold War
Review: New Spies–Exploring the Frontiers of Espionage
Review: No More Secrets – Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence
Review (Retired Reader): Obama’s Wars
Review: Piercing the Veil of Secrecy–Litigation Against U.S. Intelligence
Review: Roosevelt’s Secret War–FDR and World War II Espionage
Review: Secrecy and Democracy–The CIA in Transition
Review: Seeing the Invisible–National Security Intelligence in an Uncertain Age
Review: Sleeping With the Devil: How Washington Sold Our Soul for Saudi Crude
Review: Spies for Hire–The Secret World of Intelligence Outsourcing
Review: Spy Wars–Moles, Mysteries, and Deadly Games
Review: Spying Blind–The CIA, the FBI, and the Origins of 9/11
Review: State of Denial–Bush at War Part III
Review: Strategic Intelligence [Five Volumes] (Intelligence and the Quest for Security) (v. 1-5)
Review: Strategic Intelligence for American National Security: (Paperback with new afterword)
Review: Strategic Intelligence–Windows into a Secret World
Review: The Arab Revolt and the Imperialist Counterattack
Review: The Future of American Intelligence
Review: The Family Jewels – The CIA, Secrecy, and Presidential Power
Review: The Oxford Handbook of National Security Intelligence
Review: The Way of the World–A Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of Extremism
Review: Treachery–How America’s Friends and Foes Are Secretly Arming Our Enemies (Hardcover)
Review: Twenty-first Century Intelligence
Review: Turmoil and Triumph My Years As Secretary of State (Hardcover)
Review: U.S. Intelligence at the Crossroads–Agendas for Reform
Review: Waging Modern War–Bosnia, Kosovo, and the Future of Combat
Review: War in a Time of Peace–Bush, Clinton, and the Generals
Review: Wars of Blood and Faith–The Conflicts That Will Shape the 21st Century
Review: Why Secret Intelligence Fails
Review: Winning Modern Wars–Iraq, Terrorism, and the American Empire
Secrecy & Reform
2000 ON INTELLIGENCE: Spies and Secrecy in an Open World
2002 THE NEW CRAFT OF INTELLIGENCE: Personal, Public, & Political
2003 PEACEKEEPING INTELLIGENCE: Emerging Concepts for the Future
2006 IJIC 19/1 Intelligence Affairs: Evolution, Revolution, or Reactionary Collapse?”
2006 THE SMART NATION ACT: Public Intelligence in the Public Interest
2006 INFORMATION OPERATIONS: All Information, All Languages, All the Time
2008 COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace
2010 INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability
2012 Manifesto for Truth: Expanding the Open Source Revolution (Evolver Editions, July 2012)
Review (Guest): Creating the National Security State: A History of the Law That Transformed America
Review (Guest): Lords of Secrecy – The National Security Elite and America’s Stealth Warfare
Review (Guest): No More Secrets – Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence
Review: A Season of Inquiry–The Senate Intelligence Investigation
Review: Best Truth–Intelligence in the Information Age
Review: Fixing Intelligence–For a More Secure America
Review: Fixing the Spy Machine–Preparing American Intelligence for the Twenty-First Century
Review: Nation of Secrets–The Threat to Democracy and the American Way of Life
Review: Power/Knowledge–Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977
Review: Real-World Intelligence
Review: Reforming Intelligence – Obstacles to Democratic Control and Effectiveness
Review: Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy
Review: Secrecy–The American Experience
Review: Secret Agencies–U.S. Intelligence in a Hostile World
Review: Secrets–A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers
Review: Sharing the Secrets–Open Source Intelligence and the War on Drugs
Review: The Threat on the Horizon
Review: Transforming U.S. Intelligence (Paperback)
Review: U.S. Intelligence at the Crossroads–Agendas for Reform
Review: Why Secret Intelligence Fails
2007 IJIC 20/1 Foreign Liaison and Intelligence Reform: Still in Denial
2008 IJIC 21/3 The Open Source Program: Missing in Action
Review (Guest): Failure of Intelligence–The Decline and Fall of the CIA
Reference: Global Outlook Special on False Flag Operations
Review: Analyzing Intelligence: Origins, Obstacles, and Innovations
Review: Assessing the Tradecraft of Intelligence Analysis
Review: Allen Dulles–Master of Spies
Review: A Look over My Shoulder–A Life in the Central Intelligence Agency
Review: At the Center of the Storm–My Years at the CIA
Review: Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA
Review: Burn Before Reading–Presidents, CIA Directors, and Secret Intelligence (Hardcover)
Review: Casey–The Lives and Secrets of William J. Casey: From the OSS to the CIA
Review: Cash on Delivery–CIA Special Operations During the Secret War in Laos
Review: Charlie Wilson’s War–The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in History
Review: Class 11–Inside the CIA’s First Post-9/11 Spy Class
Review: Comrade Kryuchkov’s Instructions–Top Secret Files on KGB Foreign Operations, 1975-1985
Review: Constructing Cassandra – Reframing Intelligence Failure at the CIA, 1947-2001
Review: Creating the Secret State–The Origins of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1943-1947
Review: Dark Alliance–The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion
Review: Denial and Deception–An Insider’s View of the CIA from Iran-Contra to 9/11
Review: Dirty Tricks or Trump Cards–U.S. Covert Action and Counterintelligence
Review: Edward Lansdale’s Cold War (Culture, Politics, and the Cold War) (Paperback)
Review: First In–An Insider’s Account of How the CIA Spearheaded the War on Terror in Afghanistan
Review: Good Hunting – An American Spymaster’s Story (by Jack Devine)
Review: Hard Measures – How Aggressive CIA Actions After 9/11 Saved American Lives
Review: Improving CIA Analytic Performance–Four Papers by Jack Davis
Review: In Search of Enemies–A CIA Story
Review: Informing Statecraft–Intelligence for a New Century
Review: Intelligence Analysis – Behavioral and Social Scientific Foundations
Review: Legacy of Ashes–The History of the CIA
Review: Long Strange Journey–An Intelligence Memoir
Review: None So Blind–A Personal Account of the Intelligence Failure in Vietnam
Review: Searching for Everardo–A Story of Love, War, and the CIA in Guatemala
Review: Secret History–The CIA’s Classified Account of Its Operations in Guatemala, 1952-1954
Review: See No Evil–The True Story of a Ground Soldier in the CIA’s War on Terrorism
Review: Slow Burn–The Rise and Bitter Fall of American Intelligence in Vietnam
Review: Spymaster–My Life in the CIA
Review: State of War–The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration (Hardcover)
Review: Strategic intelligence for American world policy (Unknown Binding)
Review: The Agency And The Hill–The CIA’s Relationship With Congress, 1946-2004
Review: The Art of Intelligence – Lessons from a Life in the CIA’s Clandestine Service
Review: The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence
Review: The CIA in Iran–The 1953 Coup and the Origins of the US-Iran Divide
Review: The Coup: 1953, The CIA, and The Roots of Modern U.S.-Iranian Relations
Review: The Craft of Intelligence
Review: The First Directorate–My 32 Years in Intelligence and Espionage Against the West
Review: The Human Factor–Inside the CIA’s Dysfunctional Intelligence Culture
Review: The Main Enemy–The Inside Story of the CIA’s Final Showdown with the KGB
Review: The Secrets War–The Office of Strategic Services in World War II
Review: The Very Best Men–Four Who Dared–The Early Years of the CIA
Review: The World Was Going Our Way–The KGB and the Battle for the Third World (v. 2) (Hardcover)
Review: Tower of Secrets–A Real Life Spy Thriller
Review: Secrecy and Democracy–The CIA in Transition
Review: Without Cloak or Dagger –The truth about the new espionage
Review: Who the Hell Are We Fighting?–The Story of Sam Adams and the Vietnam Intelligence Wars
2009 Homeland Security Today: Vet with a Vision
Review: Blue Frontier–Dispatches from America’s Ocean Wilderness
Review: The End of America–Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot
Review: Willful Neglect–The Dangerous Illusion of Homeland Security
Review (DVD): Green Zone (2010)
Review (DVD): The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009)
Review/Reference: Black World Books by Trevor Paglen
Review: Blank Check–The Pentagon’s Black Budget
Review: Blind Into Baghdad–America’s War in Iraq
Review: Chinese Intelligence Operations
Review: Defense Policy Choices for the Bush Administration 2001 – 2005
Review (Preliminary): Drugs and Contemporary Warfare
Review: Fiasco–The American Military Adventure in Iraq (Hardcover)
Review: Firepower In Limited War
Reference: Fixing Intel–A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan
Review: Grand Theft Pentagon–Tales of Corruption and Profiteering in the War on Terror
Review: Intelligence and the War in Bosnia–1992-1995 (Perspectives on Intelligence History)
Review: Killing Pablo–The Hunt for the World’s Greatest Outlaw
Review: Long Strange Journey–An Intelligence Memoir
Review: On the Psychology of Military Incompetence
Review: Peacekeeping Intelligence–Emerging Concepts for the Future (Hardcover)
Review: Peacekeeping Intelligence New Players, Extended Boundaries
Review: Silent Steel–The Mysterious Death of the Nuclear Attack Sub USS Scorpion
Review: Soldier Spies–Israeli Military Intelligence
Review: The Occupation of Iraq: Winning the War, Losing the Peace
Review: The Jasons–The Secret History of Science’s Postwar Elite
Review: The Tet Offensive–Intelligence Failure in War
Review: The Warning Solution–Intelligent Analysis in the Age of Information Overload
Review: Triumph Forsaken–The Vietnam War, 1954-1965 (v. 1)
Review: Very Special Intelligence
Review: War and Anti-War–Making Sense of Today’s Global Chaos
Review: War and Decision–Inside the Pentagon at the Dawn of the War on Terrorism
Review: Winning the Long War: Retaking the Offensive against Radical Islam
An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King
Review (Amazon): The C.I. Desk – FBI nd CIA Counterintelligence As Seen From My Cubicle
Review (DVD): Breach (Widescreen Edition)
Review (Guest): Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir
Review (Guest): The Burglary – The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover’s Secret FBI
Review (Guest): The Terror Factory – Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism
Review: By Way of Deception –The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer
Review: Friendly Spies–How America’s Allies Are Using Economic Espionage to Steal Our Secrets
Review: Inside–A Top G-Man Exposes Spies, Lies, and Bureaucratic Bungling in the FBI
Review: Merchants of Treason–America’s Secrets for Sale
Review: Robert Maxwell, Israel’s Superspy–The Life and Murder of a Media Mogul
Review: Traitors Among Us–Inside the Spy Catcher’s World
Review: The Unlikely Spy (Fiction)
Review: War by Other Means–Economic Espionage in America
Review: GIS for Decision Support and Public Policy Making
Review: Deep Black–Space Espionage and National Security
Review: Lifting the Fog of War
Review (Guest): The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World’s Most Wanted Man
Review: Body of Secrets–Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency
Review: The Shadow Factory–The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America
Review: The Secret Sentry–The Untold History of the National Security Agency
Review (Guest): THE WATCHERS–The Rise of America’s Surveillance State
Worth a Look: No Place to Hide – Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the US Surveillance State
Open Source Intelligence
Review (Guest): No More Secrets – Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence
Review (Guest): Ralph Peters on The Open Source Everything Manifesto – Transparency, Truth & Trust
Review (Guest): The Open Source Everything Manifesto at Spirituality Today
Review (Guest): The Open Source Everything Manifesto – Transparency, Truth & Trust
Review: Counterterrorism and Open Source Intelligence
Review: FORCE MULTIPLIER FOR INTELLIGENCE–Collaborative Open Source Networks Report
Review: Innovation Happens Elsewhere–Open Source as Business Strategy
Review: No More Secrets – Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence
Review: Open Source Information–The Missing Dimension of Intelligence
Review: Open Source Intelligence Analysis: A Methodological Approach (Paperback)
Review: Open Source Intelligence in a Networked World
Review: Sharing the Secrets–Open Source Intelligence and the War on Drugs
Review: The Open Source Everything Manifesto – Transparency, Truth & Trust