For years I have done similar approaches when teaching….and have been told to stop because “it is not the way it is done!” My classes were consistently better equipped to deal with the problems they faced as intelligence officers than the school house folks……they weren't afraid of an intelligence failure of the information kind, only the grey matter kind…..
How can schools teach students to be more innovative? Offer hands-on classes and don't penalize failure
Wall Street Journal, 13 April 2012
Most of our high schools and colleges are not preparing students to become innovators. To succeed in the 21st-century economy, students must learn to analyze and solve problems, collaborate, persevere, take calculated risks and learn from failure. To find out how to encourage these skills, I interviewed scores of innovators and their parents, teachers and employers. What I learned is that young Americans learn how to innovate most often despite their schooling—not because of it.
Phi Beta Iota: The article restates what has been known for decades. That the WSJ should think this is in any way new is itself a statement on the WSJ state of mindlessness. Schools today — the exceptions aside — are industrial era rote prisons that beat the creativity out of children by the fifth grade. There is a need to learn history and memorize formulas — no question on that point — but learning to learn in the modern era — and learning to program the electronic tools with which we can learn and share and make sense despite the moral and intellectual constipation of Google, Microsoft, and Oracle, to name just three dead-end companies — this matters.
See Also:
2012 Integrity, Reflexivity, & Open Everything
2008: World Brain as EarthGame (Full Text Online for Google Translate)
Denmark: One Hundred Mobile App Teach Kids Math
Graphic: Digital Learners versus Analog Teachers
Howard Rheingold: Infotention Skills + Citizen Intel RECAP
John Robb: Free Online Open Source Education + RECAP
John Seely Brown’s New Culture of Learning and US Unified Community Action Network (US UCAN)
Journal: It’s Official–Social Media EDUCATESNetwork Learning to Team/Autonomous Learning
Paul Fernhout: Open Letter to the Intelligence Advanced Programs Research Agency (IARPA)
Reference: The Revolution IS Being Tweeted
Reform Coalition: “True Cost” Economics & Genuine Progress + True Cost RECAP
Review: Digital Natives & Digital Immigrants
Review: Don’t Bother Me Mom–I’m Learning!
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Review: Philosophy and the Social Problem–The Annotated Edition
Review: Reality Is Broken–Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World
Review: The Design of Business–Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage
Review: The World Is Open–How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education
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Robert Steele: Itemization of Information Pathologies
Robert Steele: True Cost Economics Combined with Monitoring Outputs and Outcomes
TED: Salman Khan–Use video to reinvent education
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Yoda: Child-Driven Education, Convergence of Knowledge
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