This book on intelligence analysis written by intelligence expert Dr. Stephen Marrin argues that scholarship can play a valuable role in improving intelligence analysis.
Improving intelligence analysis requires bridging the gap between scholarship and practice. Compared to the more established academic disciplines of political science and international relations, intelligence studies scholarship is generally quite relevant to practice. Yet a substantial gap exists nonetheless. Even though there are many intelligence analysts, very few of them are aware of the various writings on intelligence analysis which could help them improve their own processes and products. If the gap between scholarship and practice were to be bridged, practitioners would be able to access and exploit the literature in order to acquire new ways to think about, frame, conceptualize, and improve the analytic process and the resulting product. This volume contributes to the broader discussion regarding mechanisms and methods for improving intelligence analysis processes and products. It synthesizes these articles into a coherent whole, linking them together through common themes, and emphasizes the broader vision of intelligence analysis in the introduction and conclusion chapters.
The book will be of great interest to students of intelligence studies, strategic studies, US national security, US foreign policy, security studies and political science in general,as well as professional intelligence analysts and managers.
Comment and Nine Other Linked Books Below the Line
Phi Beta Iota: Any analytic endeavor that lacks a whole systems model, an appreciation for true cost economics, and direct persistent access to humans across all eight tribes of intelligence (academic, civil society, government, law enforcement, media, military, non-government/non-profit) is retarded. The current generation of analysts is burdened with terrible management, terrible sources, and terrible tools, small pockets in isolation not-with-standing. Until an analyst can credibly say to a manager “pay attention to me or your lose everything,” analysts will continue to be off in a corner and of little import.
See Also:
2012 (Kindle 52 Pages) Center for the Study of Intelligence CIA A Tradecraft Primer: Structured Analytic Techniques for Improving Intelligence Analysis Progressive Management
2011 David T. Moore Critical Thinking and Intelligence Analysis
2011 (Kindle 81 Pages) Nicole Pillar and Domenic Vallone (eds.) The Analytst's Cookbook Volume 2 Mercyhurst Intelligence Press
2010 Timothy Walton Challenges in Intelligence Analysis: Lessons from 1300 BCE to the Present Cambridge
2010 Richard J. Heuer Jr. and Randolph H. Pherson Structured Analytic Technique for Intelligence Analysis CQ Press
2009 Way Michael Hall and Gary Citrenbaum Intelligence Analysis: How to Think in Complex Environments Praeger
2009 (46 Pages NOT 2012) US Government A Tradecraft Primer: Structured Analytic Techniques for Improving Intelligence Analysis CreateSpace
2008 (Kindle 99 cents) Jerrfrey R. Cooper The CIA's Program for Improving Intelligence Analysis — “Curing Analytic Pathologies” MacMay
2008 Roger Z. George and James B Bruce (eds.) Analyzing Intelligence: Origins, Obstacles, and Innovations Georgetown University Press