Worldwide Information Network System
A web-based, open platform for actors in all sectors to share, visualize, and analyze data related to the underlying conditions of conflict that exist in areas prone to violence and mass atrocities globally to inform policy and enable action.

Atrocity prevention is about more than collecting and presenting data about conflict risk and opportunities for peacebuilding in an eye-catching and clever way. We also need to present data in a way that simultaneously entices and helps facilitate exchanges among networks of actors who don't usually talk to one another. All sectors must be creatively engaged and working together to effectively confront the challenges that make up the underlying conditions of conflict. These social, economic, political, and security issues are all interrelated. Absent the big picture, solving one problem in isolation may just exacerbate another.
Phi Beta Iota: International Crisis Mapping has already developed most of the open source technologies and human networks. This initiative is important as a sign that the new generation is paying attention and seeking solutions where governments and corporations have failed, not for lack of capability, but for lack of integrity. Eventually citizens armed with intelligence and integrity will put governments and corporations down where they belong — in the public service and totally transparent and accountable.
See Also:
DuckDuckGo / Crisis Mapping Patrick Meier