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According to a highly placed New york insider with ties to the NYPD, NYPD detectives, along with select FBI agents who are sick of the stonewalling of Comey and the brass at FBI and CIA have started leaking info on their investigation into Anthony Wieners laptop!
Among other things, we have learned from our insider that the Clintons and other politicians were engaged in
Money laundering
Child exploitation
Sex crimes with minors (children)
Pay to play through Clinton Foundation
Obstruction of justice
Other felony crimes
Furthermore, Wiener, who used the alias TDog convinced a 14 year old to engage in video chats and told the girl he wanted to “rape her hard” detectives say Clinton knew about Wiener's criminal contacts with the girl while she ran for president.
It has been learned that Wiener may have also contacted young boys and also still keeps in close contact with Chuck Schumer.
A file marked “Life Insurance” may be leaked by NYPD detectives because they are “done sitting around while the politicians rape children and lie to the public” “Nobody is above the law”, said one source. The file has “enough names to leave DC a ghosttown or a supermax” ( prison) according to one detective.
“You literally have a third of the politicians dirty or worse” said one detective.
Our source is a reporter in NYC, and from what we know so far, 4 detectives have begun leaking the information, and there will be clear connections made between Schumer, Wiener, Epstein, Dershowitz, Williams and Hillary Clinton, and more.
The NYPD has “had it” with Comey and his brass. Expect a flood of leaks immediately folks. Our source said its already begun!
The leak went out simultaneously to several outlets.. Here's True Pundit's story –…
See Also:
Mongoose: Lee Klayman Wants Comey’s Head on a Spike — Videos, Letter to Hill, & More