Very Thoughtful Personal Opinion, Very High Value,
Most recently, in The Washington Post of 24 February 2002, George Soros is quoted as saying, “We can't be successful in fighting terrorism unless we fight that other axis of evil–poverty, disease and ignorance.” Right on. Both The Future of Life and The Future of Ideas (see my reviews of those titles), and many other books now coming together in a critical mass, support basic propositions about the failure of politics, the erosion of moral contexts, and the dangers of capitalism upon public health, the environment, and the social fabric.
I would normally have rated this book with 4 stars for its lack of reference to others, but in light of the importance of the argument that George Soros makes, and the value of his own unique experiences bridging the worlds of poverty and wealth, American and Eastern European challenges and biases, I have to give this a 5–and wait to see our academic economists do better.