Journal: Obama-Clinton Implode Middle East

02 Diplomacy, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Security, 11 Society, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence
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Obama Fails in Middle East

Robert Dreyfuss on 11/06/2009

Chuck Spinney Sends…..

The announcement by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that he will not run for reelection is the exclamation point on the utter collapse of the Obama adminstration's Middle East policy. Launched to great expectations — the appointment of George Mitchell, Obama's Cairo declaration that the plight of the Palestinians is intolerable — it is now in complete disarray. It is, without doubt, the first major defeat for Obama's hope-and-change foreign policy.

Here's how it unraveled.

Phi Beta Iota: This is a brilliant and truthful objective MUST READ story.  To use Madeline Albright's phase, “gerbils on a wheel,” we observe that Madame Clinton is no better than Madame Albright, and perhaps worse: she is standing still and letting Brzezinski and other partisan hacks beholden to Israel destroy what little is left of US credibility in the Middle East.  Below is the above author's summary of what it will take, with further comment:

“Everyone knows what a solution looks like: withdrawal by Israel from the West Bank, dismantling of the settlements, an end to the Gaza embargo, the division of Jerusalem, some swapping of land to account for slight changes in borders (especially around the capital), and a formula to account for the Palestinians' right-of-return, involving financial compensation — plus security arrangements.”

Phi Beta Iota: to this we would add Remember the USS Liberty and cut Israel off from the 20% of its total budget funded by the US taxpayer and at the same time redirect all military assistance funding to Egypt and others–nothing more than a corruption cesspool at this point–toward Plaestinian resurrection; make Jerusalem an international city and demilitarized zone; and fund a peace surge that rebuilds Palestine instead of continuing to build long-term military crusader castles in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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