There are differences between “learning” and “education,” but hopefully more people can be inspired to blur the two further than we currently see happening.
Open Courseware, Audio and Video:
Open Courseware Consortium
M.I.T. Open Courseware
M.I.T. open courseware YouTube channel
List of courses by subject (May 2007)
The University of Chicago on iTunes U,
University of South Carolina at iTunes U,
Stanford at iTunes U, Depaul at iTunes U,
Univ of South Florida at iTunes U,
Harvard “Extension” at iTunes U
Khan Academy (videos)
“World In Time”
+ Gutenberg Project (for text)
+ Scrape Torrent (books, videos, etc)
+ Clips and Documentaries at YouTube (and the YouTube Time Machine), Google video, Journeyman Films, TED, live online courses.
Video talks
Sir Ken Robinson: school kills creativity
Sir Ken Robinson makes the case for a radical shift from standardized schools to personalized learning — creating conditions where kids’ natural talents can flourish.
Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution
Entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.
Jesse Schell: Visions of the Gamepocalypse (entertaining and fascinating)
Jesse Schell explores the social, cognitive, and technological trends in computer game design and use.
+ Affordable mobile devices, tablets
+ Example of a digital textbook
Gaming, Simulation, and Geographical Information Systems:
Playpower, Siftables/Sifteo, Serious Games,, Real Lives, “Third Millennium Problem-Solving,” SimCity-like developments.
Learning by Playing: Video Games in the Classroom – NYTimes, Sept 15, 2010 (Article is as long as a small book)
Journal: Brains Beat Algorithms….Again
Iowa State Univ virtual reality lab (World’s Highest Resolution Virtual Reality Room)
Forest simulator related to climate (video)
World Resources Simulation Center (video)
Federation of American Scientists games:
“Immune Atttack!” is a 3-D game in which high school students discover the inner workings of the body's circulatory and immune systems, as they pilot a tiny drone through the bloodstream to fight microscopic invaders.
“Discover Bablyon” players journey back thousands of years to the fabled ancient city of Babylon. The game incorporates artifacts found in the Walters Art Gallery in Baltimore and ancient texts in the on-line data-sets of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Players interact with fictional characters and real objects from three different eras in history and the present day in order to solve a series of challenges. In the process they absorb historical information and became more familiar with museum and library resources.
“Digital Human” uses 21st century information technology tools to build a clear and accurate simulation of the human body from the level of the molecules that form DNA and proteins, cells, tissues, organs like the heart and lung, and the entire body.
(See their other simulations)
Explore and Learn-it-Yourself Education Sources:
Forums and list-serv's of experts and enthusiasts for feedback groups serious about info-sharing, brainstorming, and action
“Hackerspaces” and FabLabs
Why We're Teaching ‘The Wire' at Harvard (HBO series about Baltimore urban life, poverty, education, drug dealing, corruption..)
Student vision-mapping
Small schools for NYC (20 becoming 200)
Idea that “history is written by the victors” examined and re-interpreted (Wayback Machine, Muddle Machine)
“Education” in relation to asking questions
+ people without answers ask questions to those with answers (answers based on ‘knowledge').
+ people with answers (answers based on ‘knowledge') form questions to ask those without the answers but who may have feedback that helps shape future questions.
Asking “WHY” is endless & open-ended
“Learning” (live and earn)
Cost of college, text book business, jobs that require bachelor degrees that only pay $15/hr
ERGONOMICS: classroom design, electronic device design, desk/seating design, lighting, multi-media capability…static/lack of motion in classrooms (keep things active but not over-stimulating/overload).
“Internet of things” and interacting with robots/humanoids (and the war aspects of robotics).
Ideas and resources: please email earthintelnet[at]gmailcom or post at the Global Brainstorm Forum