YouTube (26:14). Being watched in Europe. This is produced by Iran, but the entire documentary is a single American making sense.
Untold Truths about War on Iran — Press TV's Documentary
Published on Feb 4, 2013
Press TV's documentary program “Untold Truths” is a revealing documentary film about the life and experiences of former White House Middle East policy adviser, Gwenyth Todd, who has escaped to Australia to keep safe from FBI prosecution.
Phi Beta Iota: RIVETING. From Larry Franklin to Admiral Cosgrove. Traitors working for Israel and handled by AIPAC. Includes murder on the street of the Turkish billionaire paying her bills in exile, ruled a “suicide.” This entire video-tape consists of one US citizen talking. We pray she is heard. The arrogance and impunity of those who are behind this exceeds that of all other dictators combined (40 of them!). We pray that one day the USA gets an honest counterintelligence service that can flush traitors out of the Pentagon and keep it focused on legitimate US interests and US needs.
See Also:
YouTube (1:56) Israel Lobbyist suggests False Flag attack to start war with Iran
‘Two Navy officials accused of plot to make US attack Iran’