This is the latest on the collapse of the bees. The loss of these little beings is beginning to impact humanity, as this report shows. Part of the problem may be a particular mite. But as I read the literature the overwhelming cause is pesticides and herbicides.
Yet still the Obama Administration, its Department of Agriculture, the EPA, even the State Department, are supporting and protecting Monsanto, Dow, and the four other companies who produce and promote these poisons, in their quest for profit. If this continues, in my view, within the next decade we are going to have a world food crisis.
Where's the Buzz? N.J. Crops Affected by Decline in Honey bee Population
REBECCA FORAND – South Jersey Times
Here is yet a different facet of the great geopolitical trend that is changing our world; in this case the rise of what amounts to a new global hereditary elite. What continues to amaze me is how passive populations around the world have been about this.
Let me also note the references to Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow, who I think are the best socially progressive intellects on cable television. They actually understand what data is, and how to interpret it. In the media today this is almost as rare as a white crow.
How Inbred Elites Are Tearing America Apart
DAVID DALEY – AlterNet (U.S.)