Chinese firm paid insider ‘to kill my company,' American CEO says
A Chinese energy firm offered big money and access to women to entice an engineer at a U.S. company to launch a cyber raid on his employer, stealing sensitive computer codes and “thereby cheating (the firm) … out of more than $800 million,” according to newly unsealed court documents and internal messages and emails obtained by NBC News.
Federal prosecutors call the alleged cyber theft from American Superconductor (AMSC) in Devens, Mass., one of the most brazen cases yet of Chinese economic espionage in the United States. The techniques the Chinese used to rob the company of three quarters of its revenue, half its workforce, and more than $1 billion in market value were straight out of a “spy novel,” the firm's CEO said in an interview with NBC News.
Phi Beta Iota: Before the Chinese we had the Japanese, and we have always had to deal with French, German, and Israeli espionage. The raw fact is that NSA, CIA, and FBI are grossly derelict in their duty, and each White House since the alarm was sounded on cyber war in 1994, has been irresponsible in detail. On the one hand, the US has done nothing to secure cyber-space — it is the laughingstock of the world for both external penetrations by the Chinese and many others, and for internal penetrations by Zionist software the Americans do not understand and cannot control. All of this is a national disgrace brought on by natonal irresponsibility at the highest levels for decades. Congress is ignorant, the White House is ignorant, the US intelligence and counterintelligence communities are ignorant — and nobody seems to care that this is “business as usual” on BOTH SIDES of the competition. When President Obama talks about a “make over” for US intelligence, the real professionals weep silently and cringe. There is no bench, and until the President figures out that INTEGRITY MATTERS, there will be no change.
See Also:
2009 Intelligence for the President–and Everyone Else
1994 Sounding the Alarm on Cyber-Security
Open Source Agency (OSA)
Public Intelligence 3.8
USA Reform Ideas
Way of the Truth