We are finally seeing the de-centralized internet coming together. Lots of people are working on this, both on software and hardware (like this computer/personal server) to make it a reality.
Out in the Open: The Tiny Box That Lets You Take Your Data Back From Google | Enterprise | WIRED
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For open source developer Johannes Ernst, what the world really needs is a simple device that anyone can use to take their data back from the wilds of the internet.

So he designed the Indie Box, a personal web server preloaded with open source software that lets you run your own web services from your home network–and run them with relative ease.
You can’t buy an Indie Box yet, but you can pre-order one through the crowdfunding site Indie GoGo.
The first Indie Box will run off an Intel Atom processor, 2GB of RAM, and two 1TB hard drives that mirror each other to help protect your data.
Software will include ownCloud, which offers a calendar, address book, and Dropbox-style file sharing; the photo album apps mediagoblin and Trovebox; and the e-mail client Mailpile.
Phi Beta Iota: This will also enable Application Oriented Networking (AON) CISCO-like rule-making updatable in the instant, something we tried to communicate to John Chambers several times, without result.