ROBERT STEELE: I met with Bill Binney on the 25th for lunch — it's a monthly event — to discuss the future. The most important outcome of the lunch was a deeper understanding on my part with respect to Thin Thread as being immediately available to do 100% instead of 1% processing of all data including all distributed unclassified data as well as the 99% of the NSA database that is not being properly processed because NSA killed Thin Thread and went with expensive dysfunctional alternatives from beltway bandits.
Bill and I have agreed that 70% of the secret intelligence community can be cut as quickly as the President desires to do so.
My concept is to close down NSA, the NRO, the NGA, and perhaps also DIA, while moving the 30% of each that survives to become a new Directorate (one for each) at the newly named Classified Intelligence Agency (CIA). In combination with the Open Source Agency (OSA) within the Executive Office of the President (EOP), we can offer the President, the Cabinet, Congress, and the public, 100% Prescribed and Limited (P&L) access to all online data at all levels of classification, at the meta level, while I manage an explosive local to global human network of overt sources that will comprise the foundation of the world brain covering all threats, all policies, all costs, in all languages all the time….what CIA has refused to do for 40 years.
IMPORTANT: I briefed Bill on the joint Defense-Labor Job Re-Training Program designed by my friend Del Spurlock, Deputy Secretary of Labor under President Ronald Reagan (Del was also General Counsel of the US Army and an Assistant Secretary of Defense). All those cut — including contractors — would receive one year's salary and if they elect, one year's training in any new craft they wish with an emphasis on open source everything engineering, infrastructure, and sustainable development. The IRS, DHS, and others cut as part of the President's massive reduction of the federal government would also receive the same consideration.
We explicitly discussed the Trump Channel that I have proposed, and how Thin Thread could power a Presidential Dashboard and enable the harvesting of emails and Trumpets (Twitter is a Dead Man Walking, as is Facebook and probably YouTube as well) from 200 million US voters who “opt in” — nothing will ever be imposed. Creating the post-GoogleGestapo network will be a bonus.
We explicitly discussed how Thin Thread not only allows the fulfilment of secret signals intelligence missions within the rule of law, but also, when applied to open sources of information, honors the four “rights” of individual sovereignty as explained to me by Kaliya “Identity Woman” Hamlin Young: anonymity, identity, privacy, and security.
We also discussed the eventual failure of blockchain, cheaper faster alternatives, and the reality that routing information cannot be encrypted, meaning that the Thin Thread premise is viable for at least 20 years into the future.
Finally, we discussed the future of mesh networks, Tim Berner-Lee's correct conclusion that the Internet designed for machine to machine communications is pathologically dysfunctional, and our excitement over the future of mesh networks that combine with Open Base Transceiver Station (OpenBTS) and the repurposing of the residual capability (10-20% of satellites — most in the north but they can be moved to the south — to provide free satellite communications to the five billion poor
Bill has appeared as a guest on Fox — I have not. We are going to join together in an effort to communicate to the President that #TrumpTriumph — 3 moves in 90 days — is very real and immediately implementable with the now added benefit of including Thin Thread as a Presidential Tool.
UPDATE: In a further discussion via email on the NSA's insatiable appetite for data storage centers, Bill said:
When you collect all the data in the world and don’t de-dupe, it builds up quickly. Plus, Cisco (they sold the routers for the Utah facility to NSA) estimated the total data going into the Utah facility to be 966 exabytes per year by 2015 which is almost one zettabyte. I estimated the Utah facility to hold only 5 zettabytes – it’s a bout time that facility is full. Bill
AT&T is the new big dog at NSA. NSA — and AT&T — will fail on their present course. The below article is probably wrong, the number is probably 11.2 billion not 112 billion.
NSA Doles Out Massive $112 Billion In High-Tech Contracts Over Last Two Years
NSA's continued idiocy (Robert Steele's view) in thinking it can continue with a vacuum cleaner approach, duplicate storage of everything, and 99% unprocessing rate is a spectacular indictment of all US IC “leaders.” They are nothing more than overpaid clerks going through the motions. NSA is not worth what we pay for it. It lacks imagination, intelligence, and integrity.
See Especially:
2017 Robert Steele: OSINT Done Right
See Also:
Creating a Post-Western Independent Internet
Healing the Self & Healing the World: The Open Source Way
For UN SecGen – Achieving SDG with OSEE
Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) – A Nordic Manifesto