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SUMMARY TO DATE: The President laid a trap and the Deep State is toast. From forensics of captured and legal access servers to lower court evidentiary hearings to legislatures with the Constitutional right to overturn electoral fraud by their executives to the Supreme Court's original jurisdiction and the certainty that the House will confirm President Trump, this is a turning point in US history. The Deep State has been defeated in detail — traitors, elite pedophiles, and white collar criminals starting with Wall Street are DOWN.
Headlines with Most Recent First Below.

Phi Beta Iota: Both Senate seats in Georgia are at risk per Cynthia McKinney, because GOP is betraying the President on the ground and at the Governor level. After Trump is re-inaugrated, investigations should turn both chambers into Republican majorities, and then we pass #UNRIG Election Reform Act.
CORE: Robert Steele: Martial Law Primer — Needed Now Along with Insurrection Act
Connect with me by donating to or subscribing to free table of contents here, every report also includes grades for Trump Administration core areas and links to my videos.
31 December 2020
Zero Hedge: ‘At Least 140' House Republicans Plan To Object To Biden Electoral Votes
This young lady worked for President Trump at Mar a Lago. At the end of this interview she is asked what she would say to the President today and her answer is authentic and inspiring for all of us. She is a patriot & talent.
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Lin Wood: Is Chief Justice Robert Totally Fucked & About to Resign?
Patrick Byrne: Could Mike Pence Save the Republic?
If it is true what @LLinWood said about CJ Roberts getting his kids from the UK through Epstein, should we presume Prince Andrew and the Crown were also involved which means MI6 was involved which means the @CodeMonkeyZ tweet about MI6 in the Nashville Bombing ties together.
(@3days3nights) December 31, 2020
Mongoose: Jeffrey Prather Unleashed — on Dominion Fraud, China Role
Wayne Jett: Trump Second Term About To Be Confirmed
30 December 2020
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Ben Garrison: Trump’s Grand Success – Everyone Gets It Now!
ZeroHedge: Trump Campaign Asks Supreme Court To Set Aside Wisconsin's Election
29 December 2020
From Candace Owens:
“ At the moment, POTUS is sitting on a stack of Trump cards that he's just waiting to unleash…a royal flush!—
(@BlessUSA45) December 29, 2020
Eagle: MUST READ J. B. White @RattlerGator 72 Item Thread
28 December 2020
ZeroHedge / American Thinker: Could Nancy Pelosi Lose The Speakership To Kevin McCarthy?
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“Republican Electoral College voters cast alternate votes for President Trump in Pennsylvania (20), Georgia (16), Michigan (16), Wisconsin (10), Arizona, (11), Nevada (6) and New Mexico (5). All combined, these contested states have 84 Electoral College votes. That is more than enough to swing the presidential election for one candidate or the other.”
27 December 2020
Thank you to @EpochTimes & @JanJekielek for having me. #WeThePeople decide on the future of America not institutions. Faith in God, strength of family & support from true friends are what matters most. @lofly727
Isaiah 41:10
— General Flynn (@GenFlynn) December 27, 2020
“Massive late night mail-in ballot drops in swing states, stuffing the ballot boxes (on video), double voters, dead voters, fake signatures, illegal immigrant voters, banned Republican vote watchers, MORE VOTES THAN ACTUAL VOTERS (check out Detroit & Philadelphia), and much more. The numbers are far greater than what is necessary to win the individual swing states, and cannot even be contested …
“Courts are bad, the FBI and ‘Justice' didn't do their job, and the United States Election System looks like that of a third world country. Freedom of the press has been gone for a long time, it is Fake News, and now we have Big Tech (with Section 230) to deal with …
26 December 2020
Why the Voter Fraud Sting?
Congressman do NOT have to forfeit their seat if indicted or convicted of a FELONY.
1 exception. TREASON.
If 70% were arrested for corruption, problem isn’t solved.
But if 70% were arrested for Voter Fraud Treason after 1/6 vote, problem is solved.
(@3days3nights) December 26, 2020
JamesFetzer: Eric Georgatos, Why Sidney Powell gets the Galileo treatment
The third explanation is a variant of Galileo’s experience: the conclusion that follows from the evidence Sidney Powell has put together is so devastating to Americans’ view of how their country is supposed to be governed that it simply can’t be given voice or visibility. The truth would shock Americans into a complete loss of faith and trust in their government. The truth would so rock our world — that we’re all being lied to and manipulated so constantly and in so many ways — that we’ll cease to function in any manner resembling law and order. Under such circumstances, the ruling class would have determined that Americans ‘can’t handle the truth’…so they can’t be allowed to know the truth.
QAnon Press: Nashville Decoded — POTUS Stopped Attempt to Shut Down Emergency Broadcast System?
Robert Steele: Email to a Colleague . . .
Armstrong Economics: US Constitution Violates Facebook Guidelines which were Inspired by Lenin
25 December 2020
DefDog: Alert Reader’s Sense of the Situation Today
Tip of the Hat to Loraine Frazer AL-Geekhome
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24 December 2020
ZeroHedge: Eight ‘Screaming Red Flags' From The 2020 Election That Deserved Criminal Inquiry
- Ballots Allegedly Trucked Across State Lines
- Subtracted Votes
- Vote Count Pauses
- Fulton County, Georgia's Mysterious Water Pipe Break
- Blocked Observation
- Voting Machines
- Mail-In Ballots
- Backdoor Ballots
TWJ Exclusive: Bombshell New Legal Memo Giving Trump Supporters Hope on Christmas Eve
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23 December 2020
National File: Audio Democratic Whistleblower Exposes Biden Campaign Voter Fraud Operation
X22 Video (29:37): Pence Card In Play, Prepare To Surface, Rig For Red, Hold The Line
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Marshall Masters: Why Patriots Deserve a New MAGA Party
News – Sidney Powell Appointed Special Counsel & Deep State Panics (Features Patrick Byrne on Video)
22 December 2020
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BREAKING: On the @intheMatrixxx podcast with @PatrickByrne – Byrne states that President Trump WANTED TO MOVE FORWARD with @SidneyPowell1 as WH Special Counsel last Friday [Dec. 18th] and that he was authorizing her to be given a security clearance. Noted that Pat Cipollene was
— Murray
(@Rothbard1776) December 22, 2020
Robert Steele: Single Best Thread on What Is Coming — Tip of the Hat to George Pittman
Martin Geddes: Open Your Mind to Change – A Guidebook to the Great Awakening [Foreword by Robert Steele] – Absolutely Essential Reading for Every Person of Conscience on Earth
Foreword by Robert Steele mentions Mike Flynn.
Book is also offered free online as DOC or PDF but Robert will be buying a hard copy — this is an EPIC work equal to Tom Paine's Common Sense.
Sign up today for free email updates from Martin.
21 December 2020
Newt Gingrich: Why I Will Not Accept Joe Biden As President
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VIDEO: Dark to Light A Meeting With The President – Patrick Byrne Unleashed
Shining Light Ministries: The time to Fight is Now
A massive, coordinated effort has taken place to unseat a sitting president, a coup d’état perpetrated by vote fraud in lieu of physical confrontation, at least for now. In response, courts refuse to review a plethora of evidence detailing what and how it happened while politicians and media outlets provide non-stop assurances that it was a fair and free election. Many of the current “nothing to see” crowd are the same people who cried about non-existent, faked Russian collusion the past four years. To top it all, the Electoral College has voted to certify as president a criminally-corrupt, dementia-addled, career politician whose been compromised by the Chinese Communist Party; a traitor by any definition of the word. Kind of a grim situation if the election’s been decided. Has it?
Martin Armstrong: Coup d'Etat (Courts Totally Owned by Deep State)
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20 December 2020
I hear White House General Counsel Pat Cipollone was fired tonight. From my hours with the guy Friday night, that would be the smartest thing Trump could have done. Scheming worm worrying about his next job and what socialite parties he might get invited to.
— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) December 21, 2020
To those doubting me…
— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) December 21, 2020
Pre Covid, Treasury gave money to the Fed. Fed gave it to banks. Banks gave it to us. Fed held the asset. We held the debt. Bad.
Now Treasury makes the Fed hold the debt & Treasury holds the asset. Good.
Trump has nationalized the Fed & merged it into our Treasury.
(@3days3nights) December 21, 2020
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— CAMELOT CASTLE – TOTAL FREEDOM IS THE GRAIL (@JohnMappin) December 20, 2020
19 December 2020
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Tip of the Hat to Alexandra Bruce at
Michael Rae Khoury on John Durham Jr as Stealth Special Counsel
Robert Steele: Dominion vs Sidney Powell — Dr. Cynthia McKinney and My Thoughts
14th Amendment: No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
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18 December 2020
WND: House Republicans call for election-fraud hearings
Zero Hedge: Georgia Poll Workers Who Raised Election Concerns Terminated
Christmas Day, Friday the 25th, look to see President Trump delivering a Christmas speech beginning with the words, “My fellow Americans…The storm is upon us.”
17 December 2020
BitChute Linkk for Description, Embed Code, Full-Screen Viewing, & Sharing California Clearly Violated Election Law—Votes are Invalid
- PDF (36 Pages): Navarro Report Six Dimensions Election Irregularities
VIDEO (1:13:32) Jerome Corsi – End Game – Biden Gets Caught
By the Constitution, time does not run out until January 20, 2021, and much will be revealed by then, starting this Friday with the report by DNI John Ratcliffe on foreign interference in our election. That report will be a game changer. President Trump won re-election by a landslide on November 3, and what is to come will connect the dots between the Democrat machine, Communist China, the FAKE NEWS, and the globalist puppet masters. Fear not, stay strong, remain united. Donald Trump always looks like he's going to lose just before he wins.
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Robert Steele: Martial Law Primer — Needed Now Along with Insurrection Act
In discussing @realDonaldTrump in phone conversation in 8/19, Justice John Roberts stated that he would make sure “the mother f#*ker would never be re-elected.”
Roberts engaged in phone conversations with Justice Stephen Breyer discussing how to work to get Trump voted out.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 17, 2020
This may be most important tweet of my life.
Chief Justice John Roberts is corrupt & should resign immediately. Justice Stephen Breyer should also resign immediately.
They are “anti-Trumpers” dedicated to preventing public from knowing TRUTH of @realDonaldTrump re-election.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 17, 2020
"This is our digital adjudication system"…
Here is Eric Coomer telling us in shocking detail the process of digital adjudication that fits *hand and glove* with the election manager demonstration in Coffee County, GA (will be posted below). Horrific stuff.
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) December 17, 2020
16 December 2020
PBI: Martial Law has been instituted over 60 times, the Insurrection Act over 20 times. Neither is a “nuclear” option, just another club in POTUS golf bag.
TruNews: Enemies Foreign and Domestic: Will U.S. Special Forces Take Out CCP Moles Inside America?
NewsMax: Mo Brooks to Newsmax TV: Will Be Challenges to Certification of Biden Win
ROBERT STEELE: The above matters because it means that President Trump has at least one Senator that will support House objections to the various known fraudulent state electoral vote packages. The betrayal by Senator Mitch McConnell will not derail the plan.
JamesFetzer: Ivan Pentchoukov, Electors in 7 States Cast Dueling Votes for Trump
15 December 2020
Zero Hedge: Pennsylvania Republicans Ask Supreme Court To Again Review Election Lawsuit
President Trump @realDonaldTrump is a genuinely good man. He does not really like to fire people. I bet he dislikes putting people in jail, especially “Republicans.”
He gave @BrianKempGA & @GaSecofState every chance to get it right. They refused. They will soon be going to jail.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 15, 2020
WND: Dominion audit: Ballot error rate was at least 85,000 times higher than FEC allows
American Intelligence Media: Update on the Greatest Show on Earth
SkyWatchTV: Five in Ten 12/15/20: Contingent Election?
ForbiddenKnowledgeTV: Byrne, FBI Perfidy, HRC Bribe Bombshell
Mitch McConnell @senatemajldr is NOT a Patriot. Ask his wife. She knows.
McConnell just wants power, influence, & money. He is willing to sell America to get what he wants. McConnell is a traitor to American Patriots.
His day of judgment is coming.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 15, 2020
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Soon-to-be AG Rosen recently wrote an essay on foreign influence in US elections.
“foreign actors are covertly trying to undermine confidence in our elections”
“malign foreign influence efforts in our elections has been a perennial problem“
— Ron (@CodeMonkeyZ) December 15, 2020
MILITARY JUDGE: Richard Donoghue served in the Judge Advocate General's Corps, U.S. Army, where he was a Military Magistrate Judge, Prosecutor, Defense Counsel, and Contract Litigator. He also served in the 82nd Airborne Division. Coincidence that Donoghue is a Military Judge
— BlueSkyReport (@BlueSky_Report) December 14, 2020
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The Missing Link: SolarWinds ORION Software interfaces with SENTINEL, the FBI system developed and created by Ghislaine Maxwell’s sister and her company Chilead
— Shirtless Pundit
(@ShirtlessPundit) December 15, 2020
14 December 2020
Investigators believe the error rate in Antrim County is an intentional flaw built into the software in order to compel “bulk adjudication” of ballots by election officials — a process that allows alteration of ballots with minimal or no meaningful oversight. Antrim County maintains records of the adjudication process for previous elections, but records for the 2020 election were either deleted or never entered, making it impossible to determine whether adjudicated ballots accurately reflected the intent of the voters.
Solar Winds is Partnered with Dominion and the CEO just turned over his passport to Federal Law Enforcement Officials…
Pass the popcorn America, it’s showtime!
— Matt Couch (@RealMattCouch) December 15, 2020
Sean Hannity: CEO of Solar Winds has turned over his passport to federal law enforcement officials
Dallas Morning News: Electoral College certifies Biden’s victory, as Trump still refuses to concede
ROBERT STEELE: Anytime President Trump wants full documentation for confiscating $100 TRILLION from Wall Street, and the five books with free online chapters and tag cloud to make into a movie educating the public on Satanic pedophilia, have gun will travel. and
HISTORIC AND UNPARALLELED – PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ, NV, and NM all had GOP electors cast votes for @realDonaldTrump. That preserves @POTUS’ right to remedy fraud with his own electors.
— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) December 14, 2020
Wow. All of the focus on clear election fraud sure has distracted country from Jeffrey Epstein case.
Man oh man. Epstein case could bring down Biden, Gates, Roberts, Clinton & others. Maybe even Obama.
Sure wish Epstein was alive.
Wishful thinking, I guess.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 14, 2020
Do you think there is sufficient irrefutable evidence on Anthony Weiner’s laptop to support the indictment of many “prominent” politicians, officials,,& celebrities or is it just me?#FightBack for Every Lie to Be Revealed
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 14, 2020
We no longer post YouTubes. Here is a very high value video at BitChute:
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WND: Sidney Powell is building a RICO case against Dominion and Smartmatic
NewsMax: Stephen Miller: ‘Alternative Electors' Will Send Trump Votes to Congress
DeepCapture: BOMBSHELL: Antrim County Computer Forensic Report
Anna von Reitz: The UK or British, Not Chinese, Are Head of the Snake
The Steele Report: Today’s Grades and Topics Including Illuminati Overview
Steven Aftergood: CRS on 2020 Electoral College
Stephen E. Arnold: Checking Out Registered Foreign Agents
Richardson Post: Supreme Caught – Chief Justice Roberts & SCOTUS Are Compromised
Invoking the Insurrection Act, NSAM 57, and Martial Law is the only way now that the courts have proven themselves feckless & lawless
PBI: We expect the Electoral College to DENY 270 votes to national traitor, criminal, and alleged pedophile Joe Biden. If they DO give him 270 votes, next steps are the DNI report on foreign interference that will overturn most of the fraudulent states, and House vote at 30-20 for President Trump.
We no longer post YouTube videos. We always look for BitChute option.
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13 December 2020
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#SavetheTruth – Abandon YouTube! Search for BitChute Title of YouTube to Get Uncensorable Embed or Link
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Martin Armstrong: The Supreme Court’s Claim of Discretion is Unconstitutional
How many of our Supreme Court Justices have a [higher] allegiance to the Vatican or Israel or China?
The same question should be asked of every institution.
Just have the military look at their voting records and time stamp them to their bank records.
(@3days3nights) December 13, 2020
Reference: Predicting Revolution – Operationalization of Preconditions (1976, 1992, 2020)
Review: The New American Revolution – The Making of a Populist Movement by Kayleigh McEnany
12 December 2020
WND Watch: Gen. Michael Flynn at the Supreme Court
JamesFetzer: Trump Approves Filing Retooled Texas-Style Election Challenges: Giuliani
ROBERT STEELE: Supreme Court decision can best be understood as setting the stage for the five swing state legislatures disregarding their rigged public vote and sending Trump electors next week. Under the same reasoning, other states will not have standing to object. Now I pray that this be so.
11 December 2020
HOT: 135,000 is the number of elite and elite servants going DOWN.
At minute 10, Juan said Trump got 80% of votes.
When I test I get 68% of 135Million votes, or 91.8 Million votes. Leave out 3 Million for other candidates and Biden got 40.2 Million votes. I show that by 12/10, 4% more of the people in the USA woke up. This means that 28% are Never Trumpers now. By 1/20/21, Trump could wake up another 15% of the USA population. That leaves 13% of the USA as demented souls. Go Trump!
I also get .125% of the 135 Million think they are protected, or 168,750 people think they are the elite and do not have to worry. This number is more like .01%, or 13,500 people. Both groups are in for a wakeup call.
I show 157.7 Million votes, legal and illegal cast with 158 Million registered voters. That was quite a turnout- Ho! Ho! This equates to nearly 20 Million votes were made up by China and others and 17 Million votes were switched from Trump to Biden.
At minute 24, Charlie said to give the vaccine to Politicians only, Juan said to give it a year and then we’ll see how the politicians are faring. My test shows that 65% of the politicians are bribed or blackmailed. 45% of the lawyers are that way. 50% of the judges are that way.
At minute 25, Ann said the Australia PM got a vaccine today , but the cap was on the needle. Isn’t that interesting?
PBI: JFK Jr. will be 64 in 2024. Coming soon to a street corner near you.
RELATED: Robert Steele: JFK Jr. Alive (80%) ?
See also new top post at 9 Dercember 2020.
10 December 2020
NewsMax: Trump Keeps Hope of Victory Alive in Remarks at WH Hanukkah Party
We no longer post YouTubes. Always seek BitChute back-ups!
Summary by Ann Delap: Simon allays concerns about the current military build-up and assures us that war with another country is not imminent. There is a lot of movement of U.S. air, land and sea assets, but this is a purely defensive stance. Certain bad actors know that the Texas lawsuit may bring them down and are trying to persuade foreign actors to interfere in U.S. domestic affairs. The military is deploying assets to locations that may be important in January and also sending a warning message to foreign enemies to not get involved. The remainder of December will be cool – January will be HOT. A State of National Emergency is likely to occur in early to mid-January. This will be a time to secure the U.S. Constitution, uphold the rule of law and identify guilty parties. Certain Democratic states are considering seceding from the union; the remaining states may opt to exclude them, rewrite and strengthen the Constitution and declare Trump their President. The FBI is formally investigating Hunter Biden. Biden campaign has decided to get ahead of story and release info directly to media. Signs point to opposition getting desperate.
DailyBeast: Biden’s Pick for the Pentagon Instantly Becomes a ‘Hot Mess’
Phi Beta Iota: Apart from the electoral fraud, the DNC could not have offered up a more disqualified presidential ticket, or in the aftermath of the criminally-rooted claim to be president-elect, a more disqualified Cabinet. We are increasingly of the view that Matt Taibbi has it right: this is a Wrestlemania drama, all the DNC priciples are wearing ankle bracelets and have video confessions on file, they have copped a plea and are playing the role of the heel — designated loser — as President Trump moves ahead with the three part strategy illustrated below by our founder and chief editor Robert Steele.
ROBERT STEELE: Don't miss the post on the 9th about one third of all US states joining the Supreme Court lawsuit. I would not be surprised if that became two thirds. While we wait, here is the thumbnail from my short video on the three steps toward eradicating traitors, elite pedophiles, and white collar criminals, elite pedophiles will be a second term purge.
VIDEO (6:04) Sidney Powell Patrick Byrne Donald Trump Dominion Election Fraud Wall Street PedoEmpire Down [first posted 24 November 2020]
9 December 2020
OMINOUS: U.S. Positioning Naval Vessels Off East and West Coasts; Massive Troop Movements in CONUS
PBI: POTUS is carrying out a DEFENSIVE INTERNAL deployment of the US military. Two carriers off each coast and the movement of a sufficiency of troops to be able to contain Deep State seditionists (and do NOT under-estimate the undercover civilian forces that have been put into place).
Phi Beta Iota no longer posts YouTubes. At our suggestion BitChute CEO is creating a fast track process for #SavetheTruth marginalization of YouTube.
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NewsWars: Lt. Gen. Flynn: Americans Tired of Waiting on Durham Probe, Trump Will Win
Zero Hedge: One Third Of US States Have Now Joined Texas SCOTUS Bid To Overturn Election
Zero Hedge: One Third Of US States Have Now Joined Texas SCOTUS Bid To Overturn Election
VIDEO (BitChute): Recommended by Q: We're Not Gonna Take It
Now joining the TEXAS Lawsuit against GA, MI, PA and WI are:
— CAMELOT CASTLE – TOTAL FREEDOM IS THE GRAIL (@JohnMappin) December 9, 2020
Philip Schuyler: How to Steal an Election in Four Steps
Here is how they did it in four steps:
Step 1: Fake Pandemic to Kill Business & Trump Rallies
Step 2: Media Manipulation in Favor of Biden to Point of Treason
Step 3. The Election – Planned Fraud & Emergency Fraud
Step 4. Selling the Biden Victory Narrative with Criminal Conspiracy
This is a coup masquerading as voter fraud.
We're in real danger of permanently losing our incredible nation of 330 million to 200,000 shameless govt & media employees disguised as the Dem party.
Read "How to Steal an Election in Four Steps"— Philip Schuyler (@FiveRights) December 8, 2020
Remember the Alito.
Rudy & Jenna fought the first wave of legal battles.
Now that legal ammo has been expended by the media and states, it’s time for the second wave.
Patriots Ted Cruz & Jay Sekulow now will enter the Constitutional Battlefield in the Battle of Alito.
(@3days3nights) December 9, 2020
8 December 2020
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Hey, Brad @GaSecofState, if you “believe the General Assembly should reform absentee ballot laws” (which by the way is the only state entity with authority to do so), why did you reform them in a backroom deal with Hillary Clinton’s law firm in March 2020?
You are toast in GA.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 9, 2020
Jim Willie: Supreme Court Election 2020 Bottom Line
EpochTimes: Texas Asks Supreme Court to Rule Election in 4 Battleground States Unconstitutional
The Hill: Texas sues states Biden won in Supreme Court, seeking to delay Electoral College vote
Zero Hedge: Sen. Cruz Agrees To Argue Pennsylvania Election Case If Taken Up By Supreme Court
Zero Hedge UPDATE on Texas Supreme Court Case — Pennsylvania Replies
The State of Texas is *SUING* the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin & Georgia for their *unlawful elections* that violate the U.S. Constitution.
The lawsuit is being filed directly with the U.S. SUPREME COURT. God bless Texas.
— CAMELOT CASTLE – TOTAL FREEDOM IS THE GRAIL (@JohnMappin) December 8, 2020
ROBERT STEELE: The Electoral College Safe Harbor date is irrelevant to President Trump's inevitable triumph. Not only has NSA been weaponized against the Deep State servants in both the Democratic and Republican parties (as well as within the judiciary up to and including the Supreme Court) but there are three paths for the President that remain open:
01 Republican controlled state legislatures have the Constitutional right to set aside public election results that are fraudulent beyond a reasonable doubt, and send Trumpian Electors to the College;
02 A case based on statistics rather than lower court cases can go to the Supreme Court (as was the case with school segregation); and
03 Regardless of the two above, the House, now 26-20 with 4 tied, can and will dismiss the Electoral College by challenged five states, and it can and will name President Trump as the legitimately re-elected President of the USA.
7 December 2020
VIDEO: Alex Jones Should Trump Declare Martial Law? Special Report
VIDEO Simon Parkes: Proof Positive from Machines in Georgia
In Georgia Alone, sworn testimony alleges:
2,056 felons illegally voted
66,248 under 18 voted
2,423 weren’t registered
1,043 used a PO Box to register
10,315 died before the election
395 voted in 2 states
15,700 moved out of GA
40,279 changed county & didn’t re-register to vote— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) December 6, 2020
6 December 2020
GEORGIA COUNTIES that received the Zuckerberg CTCL Election Grants: Fulton: $6 Million Gwinnett: $4.2 Million Dougherty: $300,000 Cobb: $5.6 Million Macon-Bibb: $557,000
MICHIGAN COUNTIES/CITIES that received the Zuckerberg CTCL Election Grants: Wayne: $3.5 Million CITIES Flint: $467,625 Ann Arbor: $417,000 Lansing: $443,000 Muskegon: $443,580 Pontiac: $405,564 Saginaw: $402,000
PA COUNTIES that received the Zuckerberg CTCL Election Grants: Allegheny: $2.05 Million Berks: $471,000 Centre: $863,000 Delaware: $2.2 Million Lancaster: $474,202 Erie: $148,000 City of Philadelphia: $10 Million
>WISCONSIN CITIES that received the Zuckerberg CTCL Election Grants: City of Milwaukee: $2,154,500 City of Madison: $1,271,788 City of Green Bay: $1,093,400 City of Kenosha: $862,779 City of Racine: $942,100
VIDEO: At least 30,000 ballots scanned numerous times in Dominion machines: contractor witness
VIDEO: Under four minute summary of what is going on to save the Republic
A perfect summary of our lawsuit by @marklevinshow.
It’s filed with the US Supreme Court now.
We are fighting like hell to make sure that elections in #Pennsylvania are conducted in accordance with the Constitution.
Watch this.— Sean Parnell (@SeanParnellUSA) December 7, 2020
Zero Hedge: Lin Wood Plans SCOTUS Petition After Court Rejects Georgia Appeal
Mike Flynn featured below from 29:50. This is BitChute. No more YouTube.
WND: Rush Limbaugh: Trump needs ‘nonstop bombshells' to win
Warns president's team that public as well as courts need to be persuaded of fraud
Only when you start putting a bullet in the back of the head of those responsable will they stop. Nothing else will ever work. That aollies to drug laundering banks, politicians, corrupt business leaders etc.
— Daniel Estulin (@EstulinDaniel) December 6, 2020
These states have NO voter ID:
NC (on hold because of court injunction)
(And DC)
And vote-by-mail requires no serious id requirement in most every every state.— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) December 6, 2020
5 December 2020
BREAKING: @SidneyPowell1 "There is no telling how many Congressional & Senate seats, and even Governorships, we've lost because of this [election fraud]. They've been telling us that the country has been trending blue. It has not. That is an abject lie. We've collected the data
— Murray
(@Rothbard1776) December 6, 2020
ROBERT STEELE: I am quite certain that Gade, an amputee veteran, beat Warner in Virginia by 57%. Southwest VA and southeast VA are total red, they swamped northern VA that is blue. I am certain Warner STOLE the Senate election from Gade.
HalTurner: Pentagon Blocks Biden Transition Team
Simon Parkes Video Update (26:42) Election Update
Simon insists that the emergency is OVER. He confirms that Gina Haspel is NOT dead, and that the White Hats are honoring the “deal” that was made (he does not elaborate on whether she was injured in the raid on the servers in Germany, but he does not retract any of his previous statements). Pennsylvania votes blocked, other states may follow suit and this will assure the matter goes to Congress. The White Hats are using this time to seal off all escape routes for the perpetrators of the election fraud. They have a great deal of evidence, including recorded telephone conversations to China regarding ballots. Iran was involved to a lesser extent and Russia to a minor degree (hedging their bets). Our enemies have been working to make the U.S. the United States of China – a vassal of the CCP. He states that the run-off elections can still be affected by mail-in ballots and the unauthorized use of thumb drives, but not by the Dominion software. If necessary, these may be decided by the Supreme Court. He declares that what is coming for the U.S is HUGE!!! Those who refuse to abide by the Constitution will see a purge unlike anything ever seen in U.S. history. Whatever happens, the military will NOT accept a Biden/Harris presidency. After this is over, he believes the U.S. will need a program similar to the de-Nazification of Germany to counter decades of Deep State propaganda.
Tom Luongo: Argentina: First to Fall to Opposition to Great Reset, Who’s Next?
This isn’t a breakdown of the civil order, this is the beginning of a restoration of civil order that is already gone. The idea that we the people control our elected officials governing us is rapidly being revealed as a lie.
NOTICE: This perspective above needs to be heard.
Robert Steele: Insurrection Act on Strip Alert?
NEW from 4 December 2020
NEW from 3 December 2020
Robert Steele: Concept for a Movie on Election & Media Fraud + What Next
The original post got too clunky with over 400 entries including many embedded videos. That history is easily viewable, sorted by date of publication, at