Epstein Lawyer Alan Dershowitz Called for The Lowering of The Age of Consent
The infamous attorney (and alleged pedophile intimate with Jeffrey Epstein) defended an op-ed from the 90's where he also argued for the abolition of the rape statute.
Phi Beta Iota: This is easier to understand if you appreciate the Zionist and often also the Jewish view that all others are “shiksas” or the equivalent of whores (or chickens) to whom any indignity or atrocity can be imposed with impunity. The sacrifice of children and the abuse of children has a long history across most religions including pagan or indigenous religions (Aztecs, Mayas), but the extremists on the Zionist/Jewish side appear to have a special taste that can only be described as Luciferian. Below is a caricature but it comes close to the deep-seated views of many Zionist and some Jewish males.
See Also:
- Website 1: Wall-Street-Crime.org
- Website 2: SatanicEmpire.org