ARISE We will be attending tour stops in several locations. For travelling and lodging arrangements at what time of day will the events start?
BIRMINGHAM STOP I was just wanting to know a specific venue and time for the Birmingham stop.
BORDERS If the military is really in charge why do they allow the criminal cartels to control the Southern border?
BRIBED POLITICIANS Once a well-meaning politician or other public figure has been bought, bribed or blackmailed, what, if anything, can they do to redeem themselves?
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY Supreme Court of Canada Will Hear Crimes against Humanity – Indictments Served to Trudeau and More. Do you have knowledge?
CV VACCINE I live on the Flathead reservation, Montana. I think they have ALL gotten the jab. What’s your response and your viewer response? Everywhere, signs get the vaccine!
CV VACCINE Are we living in a “Kill OFF” of humanity through this VACCINE push? The Noose (in Canada) is tightening more and more
CV VACCINE It's apparent that not taking the “shot” is the correct decision but then how does one prove that they have not been “vaccinated”?
EBS When is there going to be information coming out over the Broadcast explaining things to the masses?
EBS Do you know what the blackout EBS mentioned by Juan topics it will cover besides election fraud? COVID, Pedos, 9/11, JFK(jr) ?
GESARA Can labor contributions throughout the world be paid with gold-backed money that's equally valuable throughout the world; and could we make it so or know?
INDIA SPIKE Is the covid spike in India a false flag to bring down the government? Is it real or an exaggeration?
JFK JR How or why is JFK Jr. qualified to be Vice President? I don't understand this adulation, please enlighten me.
LAMA How did your 5-1-2021 meeting go with the master lama?
MERCH Where can we buy the new hats. I have checked Amazon. I guess I am just missing them somewhere.
NAKED SHORT SELLING Will people and or banks be stopped from shorting a stock?
NAVAL PRESCENCE Are there still Aircraft Carriers and their Strike groups positioned on the East and West coast of the USA.
NOTICE OF VAX INQUIRY I received a Notice of Vax Inquiry asking for those who are vaccinated or not yet and don’t want to
PSYCHOPATHS If 5% of males are genetically psychopaths per experts, how should they be dealt with after we purge those that have risen to power positions.
Q I have heard that the Qanons are not a branch of Q but are kind of rogue in what they do. Are they valid?
SOTN’S HOPE PORN can you please comment on SOTN's Hope Porn report? I think they are correct, I'm afraid we are being played by the CIA.
WAR If military is behind Trump them why are they putting ourselves in a war situation with Russia, Ukraine Belarus etc? That’s what the cabal wants
Questions Answered in Video Webinars