Penguin: Bridget — Web Overlay


Text below the fold.

Bridgit enables Insight, Debate & Discovery on Every Webpage by making the Entire Web into a Collaborative Research Platform. Our beachhead is a Browser Overlay that enables Researchers to Control, Validate, Organize & Monetize their Data. Advanced tagging enables the #OverWeb, a Trust Layer over the Webpage. The #OverWeb is a Secure Social Ecosystem that generates valuable Data. We use AI to assist in Creating/Validating Content and Neutralizing Bad Actors. We earn money from Subscriptions, Content-Driven Ads, and Data Licensing.

Traction points:

  • Only Non-European to win Next Generation Internet award
  • Participated as speaker in three NGI workshops
  • Talented Team & Top Level Advisors
  • Key Patent granted with No Prior Art issues, 5 Pending
  • Lightning Talk at Google’s SFHTML5 Meetup
  • Article in Top German Tech magazine & Facebook news page
  • Alpha – 200 Registrants & over 1,100 Bridges Created
  • Partnering with Payments startup and Annotation nonprofit
  • Invited to write chapter of Future of Text book
  • Won BBS Pitch Competition
  • Selected for William Shatner’s “New Frontiers of Scalable Technologies” show

Teaser Video

Here is the latest deck:

See Also:

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
