Review DVD: The Peace! DVD (2004)

Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class, Reviews (DVD Only)

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Extraordinary, Serious, Worth Every Penny and Every Minute,

August 23, 2006
Harry Belafonte
As the #1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, I have started to discover what I call “serious DVDs” (and have a list by that name). This is the latest serious DVD to make the grade with me.

Based on interviews with leading authorities on peace, democracy, and the subversion of democracy, this is an extraordinary documentary. Here are some of the highlights:

1) Standard prior to 9/11 for intercepting a hijacked airplane was four minutes. Under Dick Cheney that morning, managing a nation-wide exercise, it extended to one hour and twenty minutes, and the only plane successfully knocked down was knocked down by citizens armed with cell phone, not military aircraft subverted by Dick Cheney.

2) Human rights for the US are a fraud. The US supports Saudi Arabia, Egypt, over 40 dictators, and only uses human rights as subterfuge for deceiving its own citizens.

3) US is hypocritical on democracies, and one speaker makes the telling point, if Bush was willing to steal the Florida election and subvert democracy in Florida and the USA, why should anyone believe him on wanting to put democracy into Iraq?

4) The Bush-Cheney Administration is the problem, but they became the problem because the US media, owned by corporations in league with the Bush Administration, decided not to do its duty of truth finding and truth telling.

5) America's proudest tradition is that of freedom of speech, or freedom to speak out. That is gone now among most of the population. Dissent has been repressed if not criminalized, and a false sense of emergency and patriotism used to stifle legitimate dissent.

6) Lost in the middle of the documentary is the thought that people can make a difference, and by simply standing up if not speaking out, they can empower and protect those who are true patriots willing to question authority.

7) The movie points out that 90% of the causalities in all US-driven wars are civilians, and this alone is cause to dissent from elective wars.

8) The movie featured disabled US veterans from Iraq testifying that those who protest the elective war justified on a fabric of lies, are the true patriots, the true representatives of the ideals of the Founding Fathers.

9) Over-all the documentary is a TREMENDOUS catalog of anti-war and pro-peace demonstrations that took place across America, but were never reported by the captive mainstream media.

10) Al Sharpton shines in one part of the film.

11) On screen are listed hundreds of US incursions and military actions against as many countries, most without any declaration of war or sanction from Congress.

12) Among the passing points toward the end of the film: United Nations may be dead for failing to prevent US invasion of Iraq; US elite is definitely flexing its muscles and may be in great fear of an international “controlling authority” on war crimes and predatory capitalism' 9-11 was a “god-send” that allowed the Bush-Cheney Administration to use 9-11 as a “license to kill;” Iraq is not the issue, the issue is the split between the unilateral militarism of the USA and its “new Europe” dictator friends, and the more worldly balanced “old Europe” trying to avoid conflict.

13) Overall the documentary concludes that the Bush II programs are quite harmful to the public interest, and that the US has been unique in fearing Saddam Hussein when no other country in the world did so (see my review of “The One Percent Doctrine.”

14) The books ends on two very thoughtful notes: that the common people do not want war because their best hope is to get back alive, while the elites promote war as a way of profiteering from war; and second, that we are teaching the world that they NEED weapons of mass destruction as a threat against a USA run amok.

15) The documentary made excellent use of the music and lyrics of AVE MARIA, to the point that I have ordered the best DVD available, and now consider AVE MARIA to be the anti-war and pro-peace musical rendition of the century.

This is a serious documentary, well worth buying and well worth watching. A solid effort.

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Review DVD: The Believer (2001)

Reviews (DVD Only), Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution

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Worth Watching, and That Is High Praise,

August 18, 2006
Henry Bean
Although not what I expected, this movie was worth watching. It contrasts the search for beliefs and faiths between Jewish students and Skin-head thugs. As we face the conflict between radical Islamic belief systems and Western belief systems, this movie serves as a useful provocation to reflection.
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Review DVD: Fahrenhype 9/11

3 Star, Misinformation & Propaganda, Reviews (DVD Only)

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Deceiving and Insubstantial,

August 18, 2006
Dick Morris
After seening and reviewing Fahrenhyte 9/11, I chanced upon this film and watched it. It is deceiving and insubstantial. As the #1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, including most of the important books about national security, 9/11, oil, and terrorism, I have to state there are exactly TWO points of truth in this shallow stupid little film:

1) the photo of Bush reading a book upside down was a fabrication, Bush was actually listening.

2) Clinton blew it. Correct. Madeline Albright will go down in history for refusing to let her staff report terrorism honestly, and Tony Lake will go down in history for failing to get it right. It bears mention that then Commandant of the Marine Corps Al Gray did get it right, in his article “Global Intelligence Challenges of the 1990's” published in the fall of 1988, but no one wanted to listen.

I am impressed by the teacher of color who was in charge of the classroom that day, recounting how she felt Bush was truly presidential, and wise not to add to the panic by rushing out of the room. Absolutely. Good point.

The rest of this extreme rightist propaganda tract is totally disconnected from reality and the truth. The movie claims that Gore lost because of Nader, and completely ignores the hard documented proof that the Florida leeadership acted to disenfranchise over 35,000 people of color, one reason that the Bush family was so confident, in advance, of victory in Florida. This trashy film fails to address the many angry Representatives and the inert Senate, including Gore, who failed to use the power of Congress to redress the impeachable wrong done to America in 2000 (and again, this time in Ohio, in 2004).

Anything that features snap-shots of Ann Coulter is very likely to be loosely related to the truth, reality, or the public interest.

I am glad I watched this film, because it reconfirms my gravest fears–the extreme right in America now has a propaganda machine more powerful that Hitler's, and a brainwashed following more lethal than the Hilter Youth. This is seriously troubing stuff.

I gave Moore four stars, one star down for being too glib by half. That's an honest assessment. This shallow little movie gets two stars, and both of those are for reflecting what is in the small minds of the nutty right.

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Review DVD: Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)

4 Star, Congress (Failure, Reform), Culture, DVD - Light, Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback, Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform), Reviews (DVD Only)

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Too Glib By Half, But Many Important Points,

August 18, 2006
John Ashcroft (II)
My teen-age son specializes in techno-art and his comment to me costs this film one star–he says that the out of context mixing of video clips is very low rent and almost unethical. Seems like a very good point.

The film does, however, offer many important points that I summarize here for those who have been–as I was–reluctant to invest the time or money in this controversial film. It *is* worth buying or renting and watching.

The most important point early on is many Members of the House of Representative demanded Congressional action in the aftermath of the known illegal disenfranchisement of people of color across Florida, and not a single Senator, including Al Gore as President of the Senate, was willing to sign on and force the issue. For this alone Al Gore will never get a vote from me, and I am fairly disgusted with the entire body. I am *very* surprised that Senator Byrd did not sign on, and wonder what kind of deal was made in the back rooms of the Senate. From that one decision have stemmed 6 years going on eight of a half trillion dollar war with thousands of dead and tens of thousands of amputees and disabled veterans whom Bush has been trying to sideline, cutting their benefits and medical care.

He reminds us of the eggs thrown on the motorcade on inaugural day, and the documented fact that Bush was on vacation 42% of the time in his first 8 months.

Not one meeting on terrorism in all that time. The film is in error in claiming Bush did not read the 6 August report. As James Risen notes in “State of War” Bush got a frantic personal briefing from CIA, and then blew them off with the obscene comments “OK, you've covered your ass on this.”

The film traces the connection between Saudi money, Bush, and his National Guard flying buddy Bath, and the later the Carlyle Group, where partner George Bush Senior was the ONLY President to continue to demand CIA briefings after retirement. The film correctly points out that $1.4 billion dollars from the Saudis invested in the Bush family carries a lot more weight than the $400K a year salary from the taxpayer, one reason, no doubt, why 142 Saudis got to fly out of America on 6 private planes after 9/11 while all Americans were grounded.

We are reminded of George Bush Juniors obstruction of justice in the 9/11 Commission investigation, and pointedly reminded that Iraq was put in play on 13 September despite strong assertions from Dick Clark and others that Iraq had nothing to do with the attack.

We are reminding that Attorney General John Ashcroft lost his Senate race against a dead man still on the ballot, and that Ashcroft pointedly told the FBI he did not want to hear about terrorism.

The movie overall highlights Donald Rumsfeld as a fraud, with clips of his speaking about the “humanity of precision targeting” followed by clips of mass destruction.

There is a fascinating discussion of how poverty across America is producing recruits for the military who would not normally volunteer, and then pointedly shown Congressmen ducking interviews because only 1 of the 535 has a son in Iraq.

There are moving interviews with people who lost children in Iraq, and two points jump out: the first is that the general public does not distinguish between the need to honor their loved one's sacrifice and our Armed Forces, and the need to condemn and hold accountable the political leadership that lied to all Americans, to Congress, and to the United Nations.

The second point is that those who lost children do not blame Al Qaeda; they blame the political leadership of America, but not in a strong enough manner to demand impeachment (yet).

The movie concludes that the object of war is continuous war to keep the current hierarchical system of wealth, power, and privilege in place.

It's a very strong creative effort, marred only slightly by what my teen-age son considers to be video editing slights of hand.

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Review DVD: Peace One Day (2003)

4 Star, Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class, Reviews (DVD Only)

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Idealistic, Successful, and Serious,

August 16, 2006
Dalai Lama
This is quite a nice personal effort, and has not only been added to my List of “Serious DVDs” but also led to my buying a companion DVD “The Peace!” that features interviews with peace advocates world-wide.

For me, one of the most valuable aspects of the DVD was the individual snap-shots of various global leaders including United Nations, Organization of African Unity, and so on.

Costa Rica was initially key and then blew it. French is clearly the language of Africa and the language of peace and inter-cultural communication.

This individual demonstrated that good ideas can raise funds from both individuals and corporations.

The film maker concludes that inter-cultural collaboration and communication are critical, and supplements this with several statements that suggest that truth and reconciliation commissions are essential across the board. One person points out that Palestinian and Israeli schools are both in the business of teaching hate for the other side, and until that is fixed, there will be no peace.

Over all, I found this quite worthwhile. In my own mind I tie it to the Collective Intelligence movement (e.g. Tom Atlee of the Co-Intelligence Institute and author of “The Tao of Democracy,” to spiritual films such as “What the Bleep Do We Know,” and to prayer sit-ints that have demonstrably reduced crime in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere for their duration.

Sadly, just as the film maker was about to succeed, the UN day of peace, 11 September, was turned into a day of terror, 9/11. While the film ends on an uplifting note, we clearly have our challenges.

Most definitely worthwhile for anyone willing to sit still for bit over an hour and absorb all that this film has to offer.

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Review DVD: Why We Fight (2006)

5 Star, Military & Pentagon Power, Reviews (DVD Only)

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Foundation Film With Fog of War, Wal-Mart, and The Corporation,

August 11, 2006
Gore Vidal
This is a foundation film, a foundation for citizens restoring power to the people and removing it from the corporations. Other films that complement this one are the Fog of War (documentary with McNamara), the Wal-Mart video, and “The Corporation” on how corporations use their “legal personality” to keep their managers immune from accountabiity.

High points of this video:

1) General and President Eisenhower's son says on camara that his dad told him he wished we had never invented the nuclear bomb, when Truman used it it made him feel “low.”

2) Growing gap between the elite and the public. Still a general assumption by the public that the govenrment knows more than they do about the reasons for going to war.

3) Too many accept the premise that democracy can be imposed at gunpoint, and do not realize (see my review of book “The End of Faith”) that religious fanatism must be repressed before secular democracy can be adopted.

4) Huge segment on how the draft was our best defense against being manipulated, how the volunteer Army makes it possible for the elite to use the military for the wrong reasons while lying to the public.

5) Good references to how the rest of the world sees us as practicing economic colonialism combined with unilateral militarism.

6) Oil, oil, oil and lies, lies, lies.

7) Elite lesson from Viet-Nam was that death cannot be seen in US living rooms. The embedded media, far from being more useful is being distracted at the tactical level, and kept from focusing on the strategic question of “is this war necessary?”

8) Senator Byrd is featured as the lone adult voice against the war. Congress is widely perceived as having failed in every possible way because it is both beholden to the military-industrial complex and its bribes, and has (see my review of book “The Broken Branch”) abdicated its role as the “first” branch of government and accepted a subordinate role as “footsoldiers of the President.”

9) Perhaps most useful, as more and more voices call for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney, is the clips of the lies told to us on television by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice, interspersed with interviews of military and other intelligence analysts who now can speak of the truth as it was known then. This DVD could be “Exhibit A” in any impeachment trial.

10) Hottest quote: “A terrible thing when Americans can't trust their President….the government exploited (my emotions and trust after 9/11)”.

11) Those interviews believe that we had no exit strategy from Iraq precisely because Cheney and Rumsfeld did not plan to leave, and they cite as proof the fact that 14 permanent installations have been built in Iraq, instead of the reconstruction and stabilization of the civil sector that would normally be the priority in an exit strategy.

This is a compelling objective film. Those who demean it by associating it with the Oliver Stone JFK conspiracy documentary are doing Amazon readers and the DVD a great dis-service.

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Review DVD: The World’s Fastest Indian

Culture, DVD - Light, Reviews (DVD Only)

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“A Thoughtful Customer” Says It All,

August 11, 2006
Anthony Hopkins
I can do no more than second the superb review by “A Thoughtful Customer,” with the note that I would not have pulled this movie to watch if it had not had Anthony Hopkins. His participation was for me a guarantee of nuance and value, and the movie proved to be all that “A Thoughtful Customer” discusses.
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