Tom Atlee: Intercentricity – the web of reciprocal aliveness (Part 1) A Web 3.0 conceptual narrative

Collective Intelligence
Tom Atlee

Intercentricity – the web of reciprocal aliveness (Part 1)

Back in August 1991 – at the dawn of my co-intelligence work – I wrote an essay exploring the implications of seeing the world made up of source points of engagement and the webs of relationships that from – and fed into – those engagements. I called this worldview “intercentricity”. I shared it with some friends but never published it (although I did mention “intercentricity” in my 2014 post “Exploring Wholeness in more detail – to support our highest aspirations”). As I witness today’ fracturing of civilization in so many ways at so many levels, it seems timely to bring intercentricity out into the world for broader distribution, discussion and exploration I’ve updated and revised the 30-year old essay for easier reading and fit for our current era. I’m now posting it in two parts. This post, Part 1, is an introduction to the basic principles of intercentricity. Part 2 will explore some of the implications and applications of this intriguing perspective. – Tom

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Ann Delap: USA Corporation versus Republic — Primer?

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Some of you may be confused about why the United States is being referred to as a “corporation” versus a republic. Below is a link to an eye-opening article with some interesting history. It started with the Act of 1871 which, ostensibly, created a separate form of government for the 10 square miles known as the District of Columbia. Read carefully. If Washington, D.C. is a foreign entity, separate from the States, this may be why the U.S. military is maintaining a presence in order to isolate it. It hardly matters who is elected president to an entity that is bankrupt and illegitimate!

The United States Isn't a Country — It's a Corporation! by Lisa Guliani

Click above to read in original (best). Safety copy below the fold.

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Video (1:13:31) Buffalo Horn guy from Capitol Riot reveals as Military Special Ops Updated Alert Reader Comment with Links

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

BitChute Link for Description, Embed Code, Full-Screen Viewing, & Sharing

Phi Beta Iota: Provocative in a most positive manner. Alert reader notes below.

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Tom Atlee: Can Problem-Solving Itself Be Problematic?

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Tom Atlee

Can problem-solving itself be problematic? (Sense-making, Part 6)

This essay is largely a critique of how we tend to focus on problem-solving to address any undesirable situation. However, as I’ve been writing it, the whole issue has become increasingly nuanced and complex, such that I feel impelled both to keep adding more aspects to the essay (threatening to make it overwhelming and unreadable) AND to set it aside as incomplete and probably misleading (thus denying you the opportunity to consider any of its significant ideas). I’ve finally decided to send it out in its incomplete, inadequate and “problematic” form with caveats about its many limitations and an invitation to benefit from its many gifts. See what you think. Feel free to comment. – Tom

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Worth a Look: Ecologenia – Philosophy & Practice of True Politics In Harmony with LOCAL Communities and the Earth

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

Ecologenia is neither a Utopia nor an “ideology.” It’s possible to change this world and its politics even if it seems utopian. It’s only necessary to understand what Ecologenia is. It is the Natural Policy, and each one has something to contribute. Your participation is of immense importance. You can learn True Politics in a few weeks and become a TRANSFORMER of your social, cultural, and economic environment. The whole world urgently requires the positive action of each person who awakens to global reality.

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