Who’s Who in Earth Intelligence: Georgi Alexandrov Stankov

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 1951. He finished the local English gram­mar school in 1970. After two years of compulsory military service, he began with the study of infor­ma­tics and electro­nics at the Technical University in Sofia. He had special interests in physics and ma­the­matics. At the same time he was actively involved in dissident activities against the repre­ssi­ve com­mu­nist regime in his country. He organised the first „flying universities“ in Bulgaria and wro­te literary and political essays for the underground press. In 1972 he experienced a deep spiritual catharsis (metamorphosis) and opened for the  higher transcendental dimensions.

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James Fetzer: Anne Hendershott on Amazon’s Double-Standard

Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence
Jim Fetzer

Amazon’s Double Standard on Book Bans

When Amazon quietly removed Ryan Anderson’s best-selling book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, from its site last week, the bookseller gave no reason for the removal. But given the ascendancy of the transgender movement on the left and in the Biden administration, it is likely that Amazon has decided that a conservative book by a scholar asking for debate on the issue of transgender identity could no longer be allowed.

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Ed Jewett: Oppression by Orgasm (Mostly Fake) . . .

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

From Unz Review.

Oppression by Orgasm?

The Porn Industry as Jewish Anti-Fascist Activism & Cultural Terrorism

According to Kerl, the ludicrous “fantasy” of a Jewish conspiracy behind pornography, which is irrationally promoted by far-right hate groups, is as follows: Jews use porn to “erode the allegedly ‘natural’ order of white supremacy,” to “subvert. . . Christian sexuality,” to engineer a “porn-caused change in sexual orientation. . . [and cause a] crisis of reproduction for the ‘white race,’” to promote miscegenation and “increase the sexual lusts of men of color or Jewish males for white women,” and finally, as “a technique of psychological warfare” to tranquilize and pacify white men.[1]

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Matt Ehret: Canadian Hypocrisy Shines Embarrassingly With New Accusations of China’s Muslim Genocide

02 China, 08 Wild Cards, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Canadian Hypocrisy Shines Embarrassingly With New Accusations of China’s Muslim Genocide 

This week, the Canadian parliament, became the second nation of the Five Eyes (after the USA) to pass a motion condemning China as a promulgator of genocide against its Muslim population living in Xinjiang with all 266 parliamentarians representing all four federal parties joining in the dangerous game.

BUT: China has managed to both find a sustainable cure for terrorism without destroying a single nation, while providing a foundation for extending the Belt and Road into the Middle East and beyond, Matthew Ehret writes.

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DefDog: Great Upset Near to Long Term Timelines

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Alert Reader summarizes:

  • Charlie Ward reporting that he had eyes on the ground in Switzerland.  Trump arrived in AF-1 and signed NESARA documents.
  • Why Switzerland.
  • Also reporting that it may take 5-10 years to roll out due to need to unravel brainwashing and complexity.

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