Yoda: Death of the Butterfly – A Metaphor for Human Greed and Ignorance

Earth Intelligence

yoda with light saberButterfly. God is…

Monarch Butterflies Take Flight in Migration to Mexico as Population Plummets

Unfortunately, though, the monarch butterfly is suffering from climate change, monoculture, and insecticides. More specifically, the lack of milkweed, which is what the butterfly feeds on, has greatly impacted number. In fact, it's estimated that since 1997, numbers have decreased from one billion to 56.6 million.

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Nafeez Ahmed: UN Sustainability Plan Doomed

Earth Intelligence
Nafeez Ahmed
Nafeez Ahmed

The UN's Sustainability Plan Is ‘Doomed,' According to Linguistic Analysis

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which seek to end poverty and hunger while creating sustainable societies, look like great news at first glance. But a report circulated to UN officials argues that the entire SDG process has been “fundamentally compromised” by powerful corporations with an interest in sustaining business as usual.

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Berto Jongman: New Ice Age Starts This Winter, According to NASA Scientist John Casey

Earth Intelligence

berto smallNASA: “Mega Earthquakes, Food Riots, Ice Age” – This Winter

According to NASA scientist John Casey, the sun is about to enter a 30-year-cycle of extreme cold which will result in a mini ice age. He says that large numbers of people will freeze to death, and that there will be a 50% reduction of the worlds food supply, accompanied by mega-earthquakes and volcanos. All of this, he says, is due to start this coming winter.

JZ Liszkiewicz: True Cost Accounting for Food — Survey with Links

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 11 Society, 12 Water, Earth Intelligence
JZ Liszkiewicz
JZ Liszkiewicz

There is No Such Thing as Cheap Food

Taking these costs into account is essential; the economic cost of global environmental degradation from industry is estimated at US$2 to US$5 trillion per year. TCA has the potential to make industrial food production seem unreasonably harmful and expensive and make sustainable food production seem not only necessary, but affordable.