SchwartzReport: Quantum Reality

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Yet another breakthrough is taking form in physics; this is an amazing time. Here is one of the best general audience essays on the quantum world I have read. And I also find it notable that a respected major university academic, would feel comfortable writing, “I suggest that we regard the paradoxes of quantum physics as a metaphor for the unknown infinite possibilities of our own existence.

NYT Sunday Review: The Reality of Quantum Weirdness

Paper (PDF 7 Pages): Measurements on the reality of the wavefunction

Michel Bauwens: Future of Collaborative Economy & Networked Society – Vsilis Kostakis Co-Author

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Michel Bauwens
Michel Bauwens

Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy

This entry is about “Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy” co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis and Michel Bauwens. The scholarly book is published by Palgrave Macmillan and here you may find a draft of it. Sharing the conviction that the globalized economy is at a critical turning point, we describe the four future scenarios; namely, netarchical capitalism, distributed capitalism, resilient communities and global Commons. Book free online

Sepp Hasslberger: Free Online Movie (Until 1 March) –

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

Good new documentary on vaccines and other health related things – free viewing until 6 March.

New BOUGHT Documentary reveals insidious truth behind Vaccines, GMO's & Big Pharma. The food, vaccine, drug, insurance and health industry are a multi-BILLION dollar enterprise… focused more on profits than human lives. The BOUGHT documentary takes viewers deep “inside the guts” of this despicable conspiracy… Featuring exclusive interviews with the world's most acclaimed experts in research, medicine, holistic care and natural health… Bought exposes the hidden (and deadly) story behind it all.

Note: At the website here, just let the into play, it goes into the free movie.

Sepp Hasslberger: CDC Lies on Measles — Jon Rappoport 13 Indictments in Re Conflicts of Interest, Lack of Ethics, Betrayal of Public Trust

06 Family, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

The US Centers for Disease Control or CDC is hopelessly conflicted in both promoting and approving vaccines. Jon Rappoport explains in some detail.

Measles outbreak: 13 reasons to reject the hype

Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

Hype a war, sell an invasion.

Hype a disease, sell a vaccine.

That’s the business model. Make no mistake about it.

And at the criminal liar’s club called the US Centers for Disease Control, men and women are working that business model every day…  Read 13 indictments.

Sepp Hasslberger: More Advanced Human Civilizations 29,000 Years Ago — Recorded History Wrong

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

There definitely were developed human civilizations before this current one. Evidence of construction is emerging all over the place, that does not fit with our account of human history.

Houston Anthropologist Reveals Irrefutable Proof that Recorded History Is Wrong

Houston anthropologist, Dr. Semir Osmanagich, founder of the Bosnian Archaeology Park, the most active archaeology site in the world, declares that irrefutable scientific evidence exists of ancient civilizations with advanced technology that leaves us no choice but to change our recorded history.  An examination of the age of structures across the earth reveals conclusively that they were built by advanced civilizations from over 29,000 years ago. Read full article.

Sepp Hasslberger: Essential Natural Oils Better than Anti-Biotics?

01 Agriculture, 07 Health, Earth Intelligence, Ethics
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

Are essential oils just as good and less damaging than antibiotics used widely in animals? Maybe here is a solution…

Essential Oils Might Be the New Antibiotics

Researchers have directly compared the effects of commonly used antibiotics with those of various essential oils. One such study, from the March 2012 issue of the Journal of Animal Science, found that rosemary and oregano oils resulted in the same amount of growth in chickens as the antibiotic avilamycin, and that the oils killed bacteria, too. Additional findings have shown that essential oils help reduce salmonella in chickens, and another study found that a blend of several oils can limit the spread of salmonella among animals.

Seeking Eagle Scout Candidates in Fairfax

03 Environmental Degradation, Civil Society, Earth Intelligence, Ethics
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Trailkeepers  is a new program being piloted by a new non-profit ( in Fairfax County. It brings together Scouts, hikers, cyclists, and horseback riders to elevate the stream trails, now a neglected asset, to co-equal status with the more formal trails where taxpayer dollars fund manpower, equipment, and improvement. The core concept is simple: those using the stream trails nominate needed bridges, obstacles, heavy litter (rubber tires, for example); Scouts (and others) do the volunteer work; and the Park Authority, which is in the middle of a Needs Assessment, changes its policies to respect citizen needs while providing the necessary oversight for insurance, legal, and safety in the public interest (under  the old policies, footbridges built by citizens are an encroachment subject to destruction at taxpayer expense).

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