Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Fukushima Sets Record Radiation Fatal in 20 Minutes

Jihad Selfies: British Extremists in Syria Love Social Media

John Galtung on Pathways to Peace

Playing with Fire: Why Private Gulf Financing for Syria’s Extremist Rebels Risks Igniting Sectarian Conflict at Home

Time to be Afraid in America: The Frightening Pattern of Throwing Police Power at Social Problems

Twitter, Facebook and more demand sweeping changes to US surveillance


John Maguire: YouTube (5:19) What Is The Integral Movement?

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

Phi Beta Iota: Another phenomenal personal effort by John Maguire. Inspiration in our darkest hour of betrayal. People with integral consciousness can nueralize traitors and criminals destroying the Commonwealth, BUT that universal consciousness must emerge first. Start now — watch this video (5 minutes, 19 seconds).

SchwartzReport: Truths That Matter

Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

This, more than any story I have read in years, shows the absolute corruption and immorality of American healthcare. The ACA does very little to change this. It is simply not possible to have a genuine healthcare system when profit is more important tha! n health. Until we acknowledge that America will always be second class when it comes to the wellness of its people.

An Effective Eye Drug Is Available for $50. But Many Doctors Choose a $2,000 Alternative

Continue reading “SchwartzReport: Truths That Matter”

SchwartzReport: Truths That Matter

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

The more we learn about bees the more we discover how important these little creatures are to our well-being.

Benefit of Bees Even Bigger Than Thought: Food Study
Global Post/Agence France-Presse

One of my readers in Greece, an economist, now working in a drug store since his university department was closed wrote to tell me that the rise of the Rightist Golden Dawn movement in Greece can be directly attributed to the government's austerity policies imposed upon Greece by their German lenders. That made me think about the rise of Rightist militia movements as well as! the tea baggers here in the U.S.

Listen Up, Budget Cutters. Austerity Can Lead to Blood on the Streets, Even in America

Here is a report on the current status of the declining middle class. You may be one of those mentioned in this report.

Most American Families Now Make Less Than $60,000 Per Year
MELISSA S. KEARNEY AND BENJAMIN H. HARRIS , Director and Policy Director, The Hamilton Project – Brookings Institute

This is what is coming as long as ignorant fearful voters put into office the kind of corrupt ignorant officials such as now fill our Congress.

Pension Theft: Class War Goes to the Next Stage
DEAN BAKER – Truthout

These are the people who are destroying the American democracy, aided by the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision and the decision that gutted the Voting Rights Act. Basically it is now possible for a small group of rich sociopaths to commandeer the U.S. government at the Federal and state level. Click through to see photocopies of actual documents.

State Conservative Groups Plan US-wide Assault on Education, Health and Tax

Here is a fascinating report on new research being done at Stonehenge.
Click through to see the pictures, video, and to actually hear the sounds the stones make

Stonehenge ‘was a prehistoric centre for rock music': Stones sound like bells, drums, and gongs when played

I have a number of Millennials who are regular SR readers, and one of them sent me this, explaining that both he and his girl friend had $50,000 worth of debt between them, and still had graduate work to go. I find it hard to even conceive of what that must be like to get your degree face a dead job market and have $6-700 a month payments stretching out as far as the eye can see. This is just another way we are failing our children, and cutting the legs off the country's future.

Student Loan Debt More Crippling Than Ever

I have been writing about these controversies for some time, and recognize this essay as a good compilation of the issues.

What Statins, Trans Fats, and GMOs Tell Us About Scientific Controversies
ALISON ROSE LEVY – The Huffington Post

Sepp Hasslberger: Water Vortex Generator [Video]

03 Economy, 05 Energy, 12 Water, Earth Intelligence
Sepp Hasslberger
Sepp Hasslberger

This is intriguing – an obviously historical construction meant to create a strong vortex in flowing water drawn from a river – which reminds very much of a small vortex hydro power plant constructed some years ago by an Austrian engineer, which I reported on at the time…

Kurt Van Wijck at the Green School in Bali presents to Ken Morgan of Venger Wind the Water Vortex Generator that will soon provide clean and fish safe hydro power to the school. For more information please contact Kurt at

Berto Jongman: Climate Summit Model Broken, Capitalism Criminal, Government Toxic, Public Must Learn to Think and Act for the Public

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Climate Summit Trap: Capitalism's March toward Global Collapse

An Essay by Harald Welzer

The Warsaw conference demonstrated that the “climate summit” model is broken and, more importantly, that capitalism itself is driving us to the brink. Protests are not the solution — it's time to fight the system using its own weapons.

Corporate Copyright Ubber Alles
Corporate Copyright Ubber Alles

The municipal utility company in the city of Potsdam is currently wooing new customers with a special “BabyBonus” offer. The slogan reads, “We value little energy robbers! Welcome to the world!” Every newborn receives a credit of 500 kilowatt hours of electricity, allowing him or her to revel from the start in a world where everything, especially energy, will always be available in abundance. These babies may later find they're in for a surprise.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Climate Summit Model Broken, Capitalism Criminal, Government Toxic, Public Must Learn to Think and Act for the Public”

Tom Atlee: Our Responses to Existential Threats

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Tom Atlee
Tom Atlee

I explore here the diversity of responses – my own and others’ – to existential threats like extreme climate change … and I offer one way to map and make sense of those responses.

This essay makes an interesting companion to my earlier essay
Crisis Fatigue and the Co-Creation of Positive Possibilities

Dear friends,

In my last post I said that in this post I would “discuss some of my own strategies for affirming life in the strange circumstances in which we find ourselves… in the face of the possible end of civilization or of the human race itself.”

Working on this has turned out to be more complex, interesting, challenging, and productive than I expected – especially since my own responses to our “strange circumstances” have been changing so often, even day to day and hour to hour.

Continue reading “Tom Atlee: Our Responses to Existential Threats”