SchwartzReport: Truths That Matter

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

schwartzreport newJ. Edgar Hoover, a semi-closeted gay man, with a penchant for dressing in drag, used recordings he surreptitiously made of Martin Luther King arranging for and engaging in extra-marital sex with the explicit goal of discrediting him. It's what authoritarian surveillance regimes always do. That's why all the cackle about Constitutional safeguards is nothin! g but blather. The power of compromising an enemy through his weaknesses is just too overpowering to resist, when bureaucrats have no oversight and unlimited power. That's why the NSA needs to be cut back severely and subjected to strict public oversight. Only the cleansing unguent of embarrassment keeps peeping toms in line.

The NSA's Porn-Surveillance Program: Not Safe for Democracy
CONOR FRIEDERSDORF – Reader Supported News/The Atlantic

Here is a very ingenious project that represents the possibility of very good news.

Wastewater Cleaning From Pilus Energy ‘Bactobots,” Followed By Electricity Production!
HEATHER CARR – Clean Technica

4th Media: We Do Not Make This Stuff Up!

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

4th media cropped9/11 – Investigating The Role of the Saudi Government

Paul Jay asks Senator Graham if a culture of “not wanting to know” was created to prevent the conspiracy from being uncovered and to protect the role of the Saudi government.

China Announces That It’s Going to Stop Stockpiling US Dollars (Part I)

We quote: «China just dropped an absolute bombshell, but it was almost entirely ignored by the mainstream media. The central bank of China has decided that it is ‘no longer in China’s favor to accumulate foreign-exchange reserves’». Michael Snyder’s article predicts that China’s decision will have serious consequences for the United States. According to Snyder, even if this bombshell does not destroy America, it will still cause the country enormous damage.

Monsanto, TPP, Global Food Dominance

According to an Acres USA interview of plant pathologist Don Huber, Professor Emeritus at Purdue University, two modified traits account for practically all of the genetically modified crops grown in the world today. One involves insect resistance. The other, more disturbing modification involves insensitivity to glyphosate-based herbicides (plant-killing chemicals).

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Lynce Pinkard on Revolutionary Suicide – Risking Everything to Transform Society and Live Fully

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Rabbi Michael Lerner

Revolutionary Suicide: Risking Everything to Transform Society and Live Fully

by Lynice Pinkard

Tikkun, October 22, 2013

Global capitalism is a system, or rather, an interlocking network of systems. Permeating every area of our lives, it operates much like the Catholic Church operated in Europe before the Reformation. It transcends nationhood but is immersed in politics. Its faults and hypocrisies can easily be pointed to, but that does little to sway the hearts and minds of the vast majority of people who have faith in its ideals or power. Its influence permeates every aspect of our daily lives. It forms a universe that controls our entire life cycle and rituals that guide the cycles of our days. It shapes what we have come to expect and to view as “normal.” Indeed, it is more powerful than the church ever was; Marx nailed his theses on the door and capitalism has only grown in power, crushing its reformation in a way the Catholic Church never could.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

It is, of course, ludicrous to believe that identity politics as it is conventionally understood could do much at all to halt the voracious appetite of a force this powerful. But it is similarly ludicrous to believe that all we need to do is to “give up identity politics” and do “real” and “important” work on capitalism, or to believe that if we address the economic system, racism will be resolved because it is secondary to economic oppression. White supremacy constantly works against our efforts to build principled coalitions to confront global capitalism.

The problem with narrow forms of identity politics is that they assume that groups of people organized around identity can achieve liberation from oppression in silos—in other words, as separate, individual identity groups. But the truth is that we are not individually salvageable.

I’d like to present an alternative to conventional identity politics, one that requires that we understand the way that capitalism itself has grown out of a very particular kind of identity politics—white supremacy—aimed at securing “special benefits” for one group of people. It is not sufficient to speak only of identities of race, class, and gender. I believe we must also speak of identities in relation to domination. To what extent does any one of us identify with the forces of domination and participate in relations that reinforce that domination and the exploitation that goes with it? In what ways and to what extent are we wedded to our own upward mobility, financial security, good reputation, and ability to “win friends and influence people” in positions of power? Or conversely, do we identify (not wish to identify or pretend to identify but actually identify by putting our lives on the line) with efforts to reverse patterns of domination, empower people on the margins (even when we are not on the margins ourselves), and seek healthy, sustainable relations?

Continue reading “Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Lynce Pinkard on Revolutionary Suicide – Risking Everything to Transform Society and Live Fully”

SchwartzReport: Truths That Matter

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence

schwartzreport newHere is an alarming and little considered, until now, effect of global warming. The study referenced in this report is published in the journal of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)

Arctic Seafloor Releasing 17 Teragrams of Methane Every Year, Study Finds
Nature World News

I would not have picked Obamacare as the way to go because it is still a profit based system. It is essentially a program written by Republicans for Republicans. I support a single payer system, essentially Medicare for all. But the ACA is still an improvement on the madness of the current Illness Profit System. Paul Krugman makes this case clearly.

California, Here We Come?
PAUL KRUGMAN, Nobel Laureate – Op-Ed Columnist – The New York Times

Here in the U.S. 17 million children have food access issues, and the Republicans in the Congress just cut the SNAP program, to their everlasting shame. As we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving I hope all my readers will buy some extra food and donate it to the poor. This is how desperate it is getting.

Food Pantries Struggle to Meet Rising Demand in Wake of Federal Food Aid Cuts

One of the lies the corporate media and the Theocratic Right chant with the passion of medieval penitents is that it is the government's safety net for the poor that is the problem with our economy. It is a perfidious lie and here are some facts explaining why I say this.

Meet America's Biggest Welfare Queens
Thom Hartmann – Truthout

The more I read about this Pope the more I like him. It is going to be interesting to watch how the Theocratic Rightist Bishops and Cardinals appointed by his recent predecessors, who seem more at home with Anyn Rand's teachings than those of Jesus, are going to react. Pope Francis is quite correct in his assessment of the vampire capitalism! that is shaping many of the societies of the world, particularly the U.S, to the detriment of those who live here.

Pope Francis Rips Capitalism and Trickle-down Economics to Shreds in New Policy Statement

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

9 Challenges Facing Journalism

50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel

ACTIVISM: Anti-Drone Movement

BIG IDEAS: Bitcoin Economy

BIG IDEAS: Digital Privacy Resolution from United Nations

BIG IDEAS: Earth Is A Machine

BIG IDEAS: Learning Through Interesting Imagery

BIG IDEAS: Post-Human Future?

BIG IDEAS: Vaclav Smil on Reality (Bill Gate's Favorite Author)

CYBER: App Generation

CYBER: Digital Forensics

CYBER: Fully Encrypted Internet

CYBER: Guide to DarkNet or Deep Web

CYBER: Identity Access Management

FREEDOM: Scotland White Paper

INTEL: NSA Oversight?

INTEL: Seeing War Crimes from Space

IRAN: Collaborating with North Korea on Rocket Booster

IRAN: Harvard Offers Opinions

TERRORISM: Abu Zubaydah's Normal Man Diary

THREAT: Al Qaeda Forcing Out Moderates?

THREAT: Al Qaeda Future?

THREAT: Arctic Methane Climate Disaster

THREAT: Banking Trojan Horses (Digital Threat)

THREAT: Central African Republic Into Chaos

THREAT: NSA Spying Financial Consequences – US Losing $35 Billion in Technology Sales

THREAT: NSA Raped Google and Yahoo

THREAT: Piracy on the West Coast of Africa

THREAT: Russia Internet Monitoring Order

THREAT: Russia Strangles Ukraine

Jean Lievens: Open Government Partnership and the Environment

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Open Government Partnership: It’s Time for Deeper Engagement with the Environment Sector World Resources Institute This post was co-written with Consuelo Fernandez, an intern with WRI's Access Initiative. The Open Government Partnership (OGP)—which held its most recent summit about three weeks ago—has made tremendous progress in its two years of existence. The OGP, a voluntary partnership between governments and civil society, aims to make governments more open, accountable, and responsive to citizens. Discussions at the summit made it clear that the partnership is already demonstrating impact. Sixty-two governments have now joined OGP, making 1,115 commitments to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance. The Summit provided a real sense that there’s a growing community who really “gets” the importance of open government to meeting development goals. Yet there was still a gap in the discourse in one particular area—the environment. Continue reading “Jean Lievens: Open Government Partnership and the Environment”

John Maguire: Interview on Exotic Vacuum Technologies

03 Economy, 05 Energy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 09 Justice, 11 Society, 12 Water, Earth Intelligence
John Maguire
John Maguire

Interview with Moray B. King. Moray has been working as an Electrical and Systems Engineer for over 30 years. During that time, in parallel, he has done extensive independent research into the standard physics literature concerning both the Zero Point Field and Self-Organizing Systems. He has also conducted extensive research into the patents and experiments of inventors who have reported anomalous energy gains over the decades. He is considered one of the leading authorities on the subject of Zero Point Energy, and has written two books on the topic titled: Tapping the Zero Point Energy, and Quest for Zero Point Energy. Most recently Moray gave a presentation titled “Water, Plasmoids, and Zero Point Energy” at this year’s Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference. A detailed outline can be found @ WordPress.

Continue reading “John Maguire: Interview on Exotic Vacuum Technologies”